
  • 网络urban and rural economy
  1. 县是我国城乡经济的结合部。

    County is the combination of urban and rural economy department .

  2. 东北地区城乡经济互动发展的思考

    Consideration of Urban and rural Economy Exchange in Northeast China

  3. 即使考虑到城乡经济发展水平的差距,将农村人均GDP的目标确定为社会平均水平的一半即1500美元,每年的增长率也达到8.4%。

    The annual increasing rate should be 8.4 % even if we aim to get a half value , i.e. 1500 dollars per capita when we have to take the rural-urban gap into consideration .

  4. 分析城乡经济均衡发展的内涵,阐释了什么是城乡经济均衡发展,为什么要实现城乡经济均衡发展;分析农业专业化提出的背景,农业专业化的含义、分类和意义;

    The meaning and context of balanced development of rural-urban economy ;

  5. 城乡经济社会发展差距劳动力要素研究

    City and town economy social development distance labor factor research

  6. 城乡经济联系与互动研究

    Research about Mutual Relation and Promotion between Urban Economy and Rural Economy

  7. 烟台市城乡经济一体化发展状况及策略研究

    Development Situation and Strategy Research on Urban-Rural Economic Integration in Yantai City

  8. 论城乡经济二元结构的矛盾与小城镇建设

    The Conflict between Urban and Rural Economy and Construction of Small Size Cities

  9. 论城乡经济协调发展

    On the Coordinated Development of Rural and Urban Economy

  10. 湖北省统筹城乡经济发展研究

    Study on the Coordinated Urban-rural Economic Development in Hubei

  11. 经济发展的社会检讨统筹我省城乡经济社会协调发展

    Overal Planning Harmonious Development of Urban and Rural Economic Society in Our Province

  12. 统筹城乡经济发展的几个着力点

    Some Problems To Plan The Economic Development In City And Countryside As Whole

  13. 统筹城乡经济发展大力推进农业机械化

    Making Overall Plans of City and Rural Economy Development to Boost Farming Mechanization

  14. 地区城乡经济关系研究的内容和特点

    A Study on the Content and Feature of Regional Urban and Rural Economic Relations

  15. 重庆市教育促进城乡经济统筹协调发展研究

    A Research on the Coordinated Development of Education and Urban-rural Economy in Chongqing Municipality

  16. 东北地区城乡经济协调发展问题研究

    A Research on the Coordinative Development of Urban and Rural Economy in Northeastern China

  17. 第二章是对湖北省统筹城乡经济发展的理论进行了分析。

    Chapter two analyses the theory of the coordinated urban-rural economic development in Hubei .

  18. 信息化与城乡经济发展

    Informatization and Urban and Rural Economic Development

  19. 扩大城乡经济往来有利于明显增加农民收入。

    Expanded economic exchanges between towns and rural areas can significantly increase farmers ' incomes .

  20. 农民收入与就业和城乡经济融合协调统筹兼顾城乡就业。

    Peasants Income and Employment , Merge and Coordinate with the Urban and Rural Economies ;

  21. 城乡经济社会发展一体化与我国农村环境问题的解决

    Integration of Urban-rural Economic and Social Development and Resolution to Environmental Problems in Rural China

  22. 关于统筹城乡经济社会发展的几个问题

    A few Problems Concerning to Making Overall Planning for Urban and Rural Economic and Social Develoment

  23. 地市城乡经济协调发展指标体系的构建及应用

    The Application and Construction of Target System of Coordinated Development of the Urban and Rural Economy

  24. 县乡财政问题影响到城乡经济的协调发展和基层组织建设。

    County financial issues affecting the coordination of urban and rural economic development and grassroots organizations .

  25. 如何在三化同步的大政方针下发展乡镇工业是当前我国破解城乡经济社会二元结构面临的新课题。

    It was a new issue to development rural industry under the Three Synchronization in China .

  26. 重庆市城乡经济在工业化过程中形成了突出的二元结构特征。

    Urban-rural economy in Chongqing Municipality has formed an extraordinary dual structure characteristic in its industrialization process .

  27. 全面建设小康社会中城乡经济协调发展研究

    Research on Harmonious Development of Urban and Rural Economy about Building a Well-off Society in All-round Way

  28. 中国城乡经济失衡的成因及调整&基于县域经济分析

    Cause of Urban-rural Economy Imbalance in China and its Adjustment & a study based on country economy

  29. 基于城乡经济二元结构背景下的城乡金融二元结构研究

    Study on the Urban-rural Dual Finance Structure Based on the Background of the Urban-rural Dual Economy Structure

  30. 实现城乡经济社会发展一体化路径分析

    Analysis about the integrated path in the development of achieving the city and country economy and society