
  • 网络Town planning;Urban planning;town and country planning
  1. 我国小城镇规划设计中存在问题剖析&大连经济技术开发区海滨区域设计研究

    The Analysis of the Problems Existing in the Small Town Planning

  2. 小城镇规划中的生态环境容量研究

    A study on the ecological environment capacity in small town planning

  3. 他支持城镇规划部门拒绝该项申请,因为这会给绿化带带来损害。

    He supported the planning authority in refusing the application because of pressures on the Green Belt .

  4. 中小城镇规划指标体系与经济环境平衡K值的建立与应用

    Building and application of planned index system and economic environment value K for small-and medium-sized towns

  5. 本课题使用开放的三维函数库OpenGL以及面向对象程序设计语言C++,融入地理信息系统(GIS)和数字摄影测量(DP)技术,为小城镇规划管理系统搭建了一个虚拟现实平台。

    The basic Virtual Reality platform for town 's layout and management is constructed by OpenGL and C + + , blended in Geography Information System and Digital Photography .

  6. 结构数据挖掘在XML文档挖掘,网页流量挖掘,生物进化的分析,路由选择,生物信息学,生物计算,通讯系统,图像数据库,城镇规划等诸多领域发挥重要作用。

    Structured mining plays an important role in XML documents mining , web page traffic mining , analysis of molecular evolution , packet routing , biological informatics , biological computing , communication system , image database and city management .

  7. 城市与区域规划,特别是小城镇规划,与区域资源与环境规划。

    City and regional 's plan , resouces and enviconmentats planning .

  8. 小城镇规划与公众参与制度的建立

    The establishment of small town planning and public participation system

  9. 小城镇规划管理的重点、难点与对策

    Important Issues , problems and Countermeasures of Planning Management of Small Towns

  10. 论基层国民经济计划与城镇规划的整合

    On the Conformity of Grass Roots National Economy Plan and Town Planning

  11. 山区城镇规划与泥石流灾害

    Debris Flow Disaster in the Town Planning of Mountain in Western China

  12. 城镇规划在构想上变得更为谨慎,在执行中采取了更为循序渐进的方式。

    Town planning became more modest in conception and incremental in execution .

  13. 城镇规划要为经济社会发展拓展战略空间

    The urban planning should serve the social and economic development

  14. 关于新形势下小城镇规划问题的几点看法

    Some views on the little town planning at new situation

  15. 小城镇规划实施问题及对策研究

    Study on the existent problem and solution of the small town planning implement

  16. 谈小城镇规划与建设

    The planning and construction of small city and town

  17. 基于景观生态学理论的城镇规划

    Town Planning Based on the Theories of Landscape Ecology

  18. 浅谈小城镇规划建设的高起点

    Brief introduction to high starting point for the small-town 's plan and construction

  19. 湖州地区城镇规划控制体系运行实效评析

    An evaluation on effectiveness of the urban planning control mechanism in Huzhou region

  20. 小城镇规划、建设与管理的思考

    The thought on towns planning , construction and management

  21. 小城镇规划管理体系的研究

    Research on Planning Management System in Small Towns

  22. 拿破仑定理在城镇规划中的应用

    The Application of Napoleon theorem on urban planning

  23. 节约型小城镇规划建设中的问题及其对策研究

    Conservation-planning and construction of small cities and towns of the problem and Its Countermeasures

  24. 小城镇规划中的四个结合&以重庆市酉阳县北部新区修建性详细规划为例

    Four Combinations in the Layout of Small Town

  25. 小城镇规划的区域观点与动态观点

    The Regional and Dynamic Perspective in Town Planning

  26. 现代生态学理念影响下的城镇规划理论体系的构建

    Construction of a landscape town planning theory system

  27. 浅谈县城镇规划的若干问题

    Some Relationships Concerning of County Towns Planning

  28. 对沿海城镇规划的思考

    Speculation on the planning of coastal areas

  29. 小城镇规划中美的探索

    Aesthetic Exploration of the Small Towns Planning

  30. 西部小城镇规划探讨

    Discussion on planning the west little towns