
  1. 草原丝绸之路

    The Grassland Silk Road

  2. 塔城素有准噶尔门户之称,自古以来就是草原丝绸之路的要冲。

    Tacheng known as " portals Junggar " of ancient times is the hub of the Silk Road Prairie .

  3. 蒙元帝国打破了过去的封建传统,以空前开放的姿态展开了一系列对外交往活动,拓展了对外陆路和水上交通,开辟了草原丝绸之路和海上丝绸之路。

    It broke the former feudal tradition , carried out a series of diplomatic activities by unprecedentedly open approach , expanded external water and land transportation , and opened up the Grassland and Marine Silk Road .

  4. 元代的瓷器贸易有多条线路,其中最为重要的是位于中国北方草原地带的草原丝绸之路。

    How the Yuan Dynasty porcelain trade route , which is the most important areas in the steppe grasslands of northern China Silk Road .