
  1. 大力推进城市工业化和城市化进程。

    On Applying IT to Propel Industrialization to push on industrialization and urbanization .

  2. 随着沿海城市工业化的发展,海洋生态环境受到严重破坏;

    With the industrialization of littoral cities , marine entironment has been severely destroyed .

  3. 农村劳务输也为城市工业化进程提供了充足的劳动力。

    The export of rural labor also offers enough labor forces for the course of urban industrialization .

  4. 中国新型工业化的实现不能脱离农村工业化和城市工业化同时并存的二元工业化背景。

    China 's new pattern of industrialization cannot be actualized without considering the reality of its dual industrialization .

  5. 城郊农民市民化是伴随着城市工业化和农村城市化的发展而被提上议事日程的。

    Urbanizing suburban farmers has been put on the agenda accompanied by the development of urban industrialization and countryside urbanization .

  6. 盖尔森基兴首次被提起是在1147年的文件里,19世纪中在这里发现了丰富的煤矿资源使得这座城市工业化。

    Gelsenkirchen was mentioned in a document for the first time in1147.The discovery of hard coal in mid-1900 triggered the industrialisation of the Gelsenkirchen area .

  7. 随着我国城市工业化的发展,开发区规划设计已成为城市规划中的一个组成部分。

    With the development of city industrialization in China , planning & design of development areas ( PDDA ) has become an important part of city planning .

  8. 在它形成的初期,对于保障城市工业化的优先发展,确实发挥了积极作用。

    On the initial stage that it takes shape , it has really played a positive role to ensure the preferential development of heavy industry of the city .

  9. 我国农民工在我国社会主义现代化建设中扮演着重要角色,为城市工业化和现代化建设做出了巨大贡献。

    The farmer workers of our country have played an important role in the construction of modernization of socialism of China and made great contribution to the urbanization and the modernization .

  10. 我国农民工的数量庞大,他们是我国现代化建设的重要力量,在现代化建设中占有举足轻重的地位,为我国城市工业化、现代化做出了巨大贡献。

    There are a large number of peasant workers in China , who are the significant forces for the national modernization construction and are making a magnificent contribution to industrialization and modernization .

  11. 和谐的金融生态环境是现代金融业有效发展的基础,也是中小城市工业化建设的内在要求。

    The harmonious ecological environment of finance is the foundation on which the contemporary financial industry effectively develops as well as the inherent demand for the industrial construction of the small-and-medium cities .

  12. 自20世纪50年代以来,中国农村试图探索一条城市工业化带动农村经济发展之路,但由于社会体制、机制的原因,城市工业化发展受到很大影响。

    China has tried to explore a city of industrialization in rural areas promote rural economic development , but because of social system , the mechanism reasons , greatly affected the development of urban industrialization .

  13. 随着城市工业化的深入推进,工业生产迎来前所未有的发展机遇,但也暴露了各种污染问题,其中工业污泥污染问题越来越受到关注。

    As the advancing of the city industrialization , the industrial production have acquired unprecedented opportunities for development , but exposing the problems of pollution , including the problem of industrial sludge pollution paid close attention to .

  14. 在农村劳动力完成非农化和城市工业化发展的同时,城市外来劳动力的市民化尚未得到很好解决。

    The rural labor force changed to be citizen and urban industrialization developed . At the same time , the citizenization of the labor force that comes from outside of the city has not yet been solved .

  15. 近年来由于城市工业化和商业化的迅速发展,城市建设用地日趋紧张,许多原有建筑物已经不能满足新的需求,需要进一步扩大使用面积。

    In recent years , the city building cost is becoming more and more nervous due to the rapid development of the city industrialization and commercialization . Many original buildings need the further extension of utilization area in order to satisfy the new demand .

  16. 文中指出重庆加快二元经济结构转换的对策是加快城市工业化进程、大力发展农村非农产业、增强对农民的职业教育、加强城乡基础设施建设等。

    This paper points out that the countermeasures for Chongqing to speed the transformation of dualistic economic structure are to speed the industrialization progress , develop with efforts non-agricultural production , reinforce the vocational education for the peasants and strengthen the construction of the infrastructure in the towns and villages .

  17. 城市是工业化的中心。

    Cities are a hub for industrialization .

  18. 而现代城市是工业化、城市化的产物,这就决定了它的经济属性是现代市场经济。

    Modern city is the result of urbanization and industrialization , so its economic characteristic is modern market economy .

  19. 是一个繁忙的、人口众多的工业城市。工业化力度、人口流动行为与户籍改革

    It 's a busy , working city with a large population . Industrialization , Population Floating and Reform of Household Registration System

  20. 我国资源型城市作为工业化进程的主要动力源,为国家的经济建设和社会发展做出了重要贡献。

    As the major power source of industrialization process , the resource-based cities have made great contributions for the economic construction and social development .

  21. 先进制造业基地作为推动中原城市群工业化和现代化的主导力量,对其发展具有重要的现实意义。

    As the main driver of industrialization and modernization of the Central Plain Urban Agglomeration , advanced manufacturing industry base has important practical meanings .

  22. 城市的工业化水平与产业发展方向是决定其在未来的城市发展中是否具有竞争力的重大战略问题。

    The issue of industrialization level and industry development for a city acts as the core strategy that determines the city 's competitiveness in the future .

  23. 在此过程中,城市的工业化、现代化建设所带来的污染物对雨水、地下水等城市淡水资源造成了愈来愈大的负面影响。

    During this process , the pollutants from the industrialization and modernization of the city have brought more and more negative effects to rain and groundwater .

  24. 随着城市的工业化及经济的发展,自来水水源严重恶化,水中污染物的种类和数量急剧增加。

    With the industrialization and development of economic , the sources of drinking water plants deteriorated seriously . The kinds and quantity of the contaminants increased rapidly .

  25. 随着人类社会文化的发展和科学技术水平的提高,城市的工业化、商业化大面积发展,使得建筑产业也走向了多元化的道路。

    With the development of human society culture and the raise of science and technology , the industrialization and commercialization of urban area makes the building industry also towards diversified ways .

  26. 从世界范围看,农民失去土地进入城市是工业化和城市化发展的一种必然趋势和普遍规律。

    Globally , it is an inevitable trend and a universal law for farmers to lose the land and move into the city with the development of the industrialization and urbanization .

  27. 在此基础上,第四章对收集的原始数据进行标准化处理后,运用统计软件,对中部地区八十一个地级以上城市新型工业化水平进行测度。

    In the fourth chapter , after having made standardized processing of the original data collected , the author measured the plane of eighty-one prefectural cities by using certain statistic software .

  28. 但是,由于中国现代工业起步晚,许多城市中工业化和都市化过程中面临着生态环境问题。

    However , in China , modern industry has been initially slow to develop ; therefore many cities are now facing ecological and environmental problems in the course of industrialisation and urbanisation .

  29. 这说明,在整个社会从传统型向现代型转变的过程中,乡村远远落后于城市;工业化给乡村带来的负效应远远大于它所给予乡村的正效应。

    It clearly demonstrated that when a traditional society was transformed into a modern one , the development of its countryside lagged behind the city a lot , and industrialization brought more negative influence than the positive one to the countryside .

  30. 本文通过Granger因果关系检验和回归分析,分别确定了城市化和工业化的特征指标,即建筑业产值和机械工业产值。

    Using the Granger Test of Causality and linear regression analysis , we standardize the output of the construction industry as the measure of the urbanization while that of machinery industry for industrialization .