
  • 网络city services;urban service
  1. 城市服务及设施的使用已经到了极限。

    City services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point .

  2. 2004年,香港城市服务的削减令救生员人数减少了约30%。

    in 2004 , cuts to city services reduced the number of lifeguards by about 30 % .

  3. 中国城市服务业区域间溢出效应与反馈效应分析

    Research on Feedback and Spillover Effects between Urban Services of China

  4. 大城市服务业区位理论及其实证研究

    A study of metropolitan service industry location theory and substantiation

  5. 珠三角中心城市服务业发展差异的比较分析

    Pearl River Delta central city service Industry development difference 's comparison analysis

  6. 集聚效应对中国城市服务业发展差异影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Analysis of Agglomeration Effect on Disparity of Urban Services in China

  7. 长春市构建大众滑雪品牌城市服务体系的对策研究

    Research on Countermeasures of Building the Service System of Public Skiing Brand City

  8. 本文提出城市服务业在迅速发展的同时,带来了严重的环境问题。

    It stressed that the rapid development of urban service industry caused the serious environmental problems .

  9. 在这个时期,城市服务公司开始在全国范围引进高新技术服务中转站。

    During this time , Cities Service began introducing new " super " service stations across the nation .

  10. 他们也害怕公众不再去上班,导致城市服务无法维持,这种情况会扰乱精英们的计划。

    They fear the public ignoring their jobs so that city services are not maintained , a discomfit to the elite .

  11. 久长以来,我们把农村落框定在间接为城市服务的位置上,而不是为乡村落居民服务。

    For a long time , we framed the rural areas for urban services in the indirect position rather than rural residents .

  12. 那年6月,市场走势低迷,一路下跌。城市服务公司的优先股股价从38.25美元跌到27美元。

    The market hit a low that June , and Cities Service Preferred plunged from $ 38.25 to $ 27 a share .

  13. 作为城市服务设施之一的公共浴堂在江户时代应运而生,使沐浴文化的普及和繁荣成为可能。

    As one of the city 's service facilities , the public bathroom helped to bring about the popularization and prosperity of the bathing culture across the country .

  14. 要解决这些问题,必须强化城市服务和管理功能,建立完善的社会管理机制和公共服务体系。

    To solve these problems , it is necessary to enhance the city 's service and management functions and to set up perfect the social management and public service systems .

  15. 两年前,救生员举行罢工,要求增加人员配备;2004年,香港城市服务的削减令救生员人数减少了约30%。

    Two years ago , lifeguards went on strike to demand staffing increases ; in 2004 , cuts to city services reduced the number of lifeguards by about 30 % .

  16. 1990年代以来我国沿海中心城市服务业特征与趋势比较研究&以北京、上海与广州为例

    Comparison on the structural characters and its developing tendency of service industries for the central cities in the coastal region in China in 1990s & taking beijing , shanghai and Guangzhou as case study

  17. 正如我们在早些时候与发展研究中心合作的一份报告《2030年的中国》所指出,我们支持逐步推进户口制度改革,给流动人口提供负担得起的城市服务。

    As we said in an earlier report produced with the DRC China 2030 we support phased reform of the household registration system , or hukou , giving migrants affordable access to urban services .

  18. 对策是提高农村基础教育质量,围绕市郊优势农业、制造业发展规划和城市服务业的发展开展职业技术教育,建立公平、统一的城乡人力资源市场,鼓励和扶持农民自主创业。

    The main countermeasures are enhancing the quality of rural elementary education , enforcing rural vocational education emphasis on superiority agriculture , manufacturing program and urban service trades , establishing impartial and unified labor force market , and encouraging and supporting farmers starting business by themselves .

  19. 通过对宁德港口的地理位置、港口资源、港口发展目标的分析,提出了加快宁德港口发展的思路,为建设海峡西岸经济区北翼新兴港口城市服务。

    Based on the analysis of the geological location , port resources and port development objective of Ningde Port , this paper presents the viewpoints on quickening development of Ningde Port , serving for building the northern new port city at the western bank economic zone in the straits .

  20. 新型二级城市卫生服务系统的转型与思考

    Transformation and Thought on the New Two-Level Urban Health Service System

  21. 广州市城市森林服务功能及价值研究

    Study of Ecological Service and Assessment of Urban Forest in Guangzhou

  22. 城市紧急服务系统优化选址模型

    Optimal Queuing - Location Model of Urban Emergency Service System

  23. 城市公交服务质量可靠性评价研究

    Study on Reliability Evaluation of Urban Public Transit Service Quality

  24. 公私合作模式在我国城市医疗服务业中应用的探讨

    Applying the Public Private Partnerships Model to Urban Medical Services in China

  25. 城市社区服务经济发展探析

    A Study of the Development of City Community Service Economy

  26. 大中城市社区服务网络建设的思考

    On construction of community service networks in Chinese middle and large cities

  27. 以乘客需求为导向的城市公交服务设计导则

    Guidelines for Urban Transit Service Design Based on Passenger Requirements

  28. 时间驱动的作业成本法在城市配送服务定价中的应用研究

    Application of Time-Driven Activity-based Costing in the Pricing of Urban Distribution Service

  29. 市民狂欢节市民对城市政府服务满意度研究

    The Study on Citizens ' Satisfaction about Local Government 's Services Civil Society

  30. 试论北京城市社区服务的发展趋势

    Tentative Discussion About the Trend of Development of Urban Community Services in Beijing