
  • 网络free rider;Free-rider;hitchhiker
  1. 单个业主在城市物业服务交易市场上扮演的一个重要角色是搭便车者。

    Free rider is an important role played by the urban property owners in the property trading market .

  2. 我(最多)在家更谨慎些,但只要走进公司大门,我就变成了一个孩子,一个免费搭便车者。

    I am ( marginally ) more careful at home , but as soon as I walk through the office doors I become a child , a free rider .

  3. 仿真实验表明,GST模型能够对正常P2P网络中的搭便车者数量做出较为合理的预测。在信任模型的研究方面,提出了基于云的加权信任模型(Cloud-BasedWeightedTrustModel)&CBWT模型。

    Experimental results show that GST model is capable of making reasonable predictions on the number of free-riders in normal P2P networks . A Cloud-based weighted trust model & CBWT model is proposed .

  4. 就在当时他注意到马路边有个搭便车者。

    It was then that he noticed the hitchhiker by the road .

  5. 人们将会惩罚搭便车者,即便惩罚他们要付出代价。

    People will punish free-riders even when it costs them to do so .

  6. 搭便车者是从其它节点下载文件但不向其它节点共享文件的一类节点;合作节点是向其它节点共享文件的节点。

    Here a free-rider is a node that downloads files from its peers but does not share files to other nodes .

  7. 最后,通过树立榜样排除搭便车者以及功利性的现世回报说,该异端组织提升了其成员的委身程度。

    Finally , by means of seting example to secular " the pick-up " and utilitarian return doctrine , the heretical organization promoted its members probably levels .

  8. 该方案实现业务签约和运营管理,能消除部分搭便车者的副作用,具有更好的安全性和可扩展性。

    Signing of the program to achieve business and operational management , can eliminate some of the side effects of free riders , with better security and scalability .

  9. 第三,某些空间结构具有潜在的监控与赏罚功能,能够在潜在的行动者中形成选择性激励,这从而防止了搭便车者的产生。

    Thirdly , the space structure has the potential monitoring , rewards and punishments function to form the selective inspiration in the latent actors , in case of hitchhike .

  10. 单位体制所生产出来的封闭狭小的空间环境实质上是一个熟人社会或社区网络,这种空间结构具有潜在的监控与赏罚功能,从而防止了搭便车者的产生。

    The isolated and narrow space created by unit system is an acquaintance society or social net that has the functions of potential monitoring , rewards and punishments , in case of hitchhiking .

  11. 而当所有合作节点不贪婪且有长平均在线时间,系统吞吐量的增长空间很大,并且当对等网中贪婪搭便车者的比例高时,合作节点的吞吐量下降很少。

    When all the non-free-riders are non-greedy with long average online time , however , the system throughput has much room to increase and the non-free-riders ' throughput degrades little with a high percent of greedy free-riders in the network .

  12. 在公共品博弈中,搭便车者会使得公共合作瓦解,这就是一阶社会困境;现实中,某些背叛者的存在会带来负外部性,甚至对社会造成非常不好的影响。

    In the public goods game , rider will make public cooperation collapse , this is " the first social dilemma "; in reality , some traitor will bring about negative externalities , and even cause very bad effect on the society .