
  • 网络polycentric governance;polycentricity governance
  1. 社会转型与城市社区多中心治理初探

    On Social Transition and Polycentric Governance in Urban Community

  2. 多中心治理是公共事务治理模式发展的必然趋势。

    " Polycentric Governance " is an inevitable development tendency of public affairs governance mode .

  3. 第三章,从多中心治理的视角对Q镇三华李生产的社会化服务体系进行分析,指出政府、市场、社会三方主体的功能与限度。

    The third chapter analyzes the local system socialized service from the view polycentric governing and points out the function and limitation of the subjects of the society , the market and the government .

  4. 上海市区域人才市场多中心治理模式探讨

    A Study of Poly-centric Governance Model in Shanghai District Employment Market

  5. 多中心治理:一种公共服务的协同供给方式

    Multi - center Governance : a Collaborative Supply for Public Services

  6. 第三部分讨论多中心治理模式构建的理论基础与实践依据。

    Part three is discussed the rationale and practice basis of multi-central governance .

  7. 我国高校巨额负债危机的多中心治理初探

    The Study on the Huge Debt Risk of University Multi-center Governance in China

  8. 第三部分构建社会管理体系的多中心治理模式。

    The third part describes the construction of multi-center governance model of social management system .

  9. 多中心治理与现实应用

    Polycentric Governance and Its Application in Reality

  10. 多中心治理视野下我国食品安全监管研究

    Research on the Problem of Chinese Food Safety Regulation in the View of Polycentric Governance Theory

  11. 多中心治理为公共事务提出了不同于官僚行政理论的治理逻辑。

    Dislike the theory of bureaucratic administration , polycentric governance supplies new ideas for public affairs .

  12. 本文的思路,建立在对多中心治理理论的学术认可基础之上。

    The idea of this paper is based on the academic recognition of the polycentric self-governing theory .

  13. 运用多中心治理理论这一新的视角去分析校园安全所存在的一些问题。

    It uses Polycentric Governance theory of this new perspective researching on the issues in campus safety .

  14. 多中心治理模式虽然能有效的遏制权力的膨胀,提高监管效率。

    Although multi-center governance model can effectively curb the powers of the expansion , improve regulatory efficiency .

  15. 第四部门独立于其它三大部门,将成为多中心治理模式中的一个重要中心。

    Fourth department independent from other three departments , will be another important center for " Polycentric Governance " mode .

  16. 治理理论主张削弱国家的绝对主权,倡导多中心治理的格局,这与传统的官僚制行政是大相径庭的。

    Governance theory advocates weakening absolute sovereign rights and proposing multi-center governance structure , which is different from traditional bureaucracy administration .

  17. 详细阐述了多中心治理理论的内容、特征和对农村环境污染治理的借鉴意义。

    The contents of multi-center governance theory , characteristics in details , and environmental pollution control in rural areas for reference .

  18. 第四部分主要从多中心治理的视角出发对农村防灾减灾组织进行理论分析。

    The fourth part has analyzed the rural disaster prevention and mitigation organization in theoretical level from the perspective of multi-center management .

  19. 最后,根据研究区可可托海问卷调查的研究结果,有针对性地提出优化乡村旅游目的地多中心治理结构的建议。

    Finally , according to the research findings of the study area , some advice targeted to optimize the polycentric governance structure of rural tourism destination put forward .

  20. 多中心治理理论是公共管理研究领域出现的全新的理论,为公共事务提出了不同于官僚行政理论的治理逻辑。

    Multi-center governance theory is the new one emerging in the field of public management research . It conducts different governance logic for public affairs from bureaucratic administration .

  21. 第二部分,相关概念和理论阐述。介绍了网吧、网吧违法行为、治理的概念,阐述了多中心治理理论。

    The second part is the related concept and theoretical explanation : introducing internet bars , their illegal behaviors , administration concept and the theory of multicenter administration .

  22. 多中心治理、善治、社会资本、底线伦理、软法治理等理论都为我们提供了可靠的理论支撑。

    Multi-center governance , good governance , social capital , the bottom line ethics , " soft law " governance theory provides us with a reliable theoretical support .

  23. 第二部分是对农村防灾减灾、农村多中心治理和农村组织的相关研究进行综述。

    The second part is the related review of the rural disaster prevention and mitigation , the polycentric governance in rural areas as well as rural organization . 3 .

  24. 多中心治理是不同治理主体按照公共性规范进行的一种制度安排方式,是公共伦理精神的表达与运作实践。

    Polycentric governance is not only a kind of system arrangement that different governance subjects in accordance with the public standard , but also the expression and practice of public ethics spirit .

  25. 文章通过分析对多中心治理中政府、市场和第三部门角色功能的分析,探讨了其在农村环境污染治理中如何才能最大限度的发挥各自的作用。

    By analyzing the governance of multi-center government , the market and the Role of the Third Sector , discusses environmental pollution control in rural areas how to maximize their respective roles .

  26. 本文的学术贡献主要是:一、力求在当前中国传播多中心治理理论中尽可能恢复其“原汁原味”,在学术的范围厘清该理论的本来面貌;

    The academic contributions of this paper are : First , trying to renew the theory in the progress of its development in China , getting clear its original sample in the academic field ;

  27. 多中心治理理论治理失业强调政府、市场、第三部门发挥各自在失业治理中的优势,积极促进失业人员再就业。

    Polycentric governance theory to Curb Unemployment stressed that the Government , the market , the third sector to play their respective advantages in the governance of unemployment and actively promote the re-employment of the unemployed .

  28. 这个多中心治理体系中包括了三大主体,即政府组织,市场组织和社会组织,涵括了社会多个主体,大大地增加了社会管理活动的人力资源。

    The polycentric governance system includes three main bodies , the government organizations , market organizations and social organizations , which covers more social bodies , greatly increases the positivity of social management of human resources .

  29. 提高公共服务质量的关键性因素在于竞争,而运用多中心治理理论安排公共服务供给则给竞争提供了制度平台。

    This paper argues that the key to better public services lies in the introduction of competition in the process of governance , for which the theory of multicenter governance may be expected to provide a good institutional framework .

  30. 城市环境(管理)治理模式也从政府主导的科层制管理模式、市场化改革下的公私伙伴关系模式向多中心治理模式转变。

    The model of urban environment management ( governance ) is from the bureaucracy management model which is driven by the government , the public-private partnerships model which is in the background of the market-oriented reforms to the multi-center governance model .