
fǎ lǜ shǒu duàn
  • legal means
  1. REITs是在特定经济发展状况、房地产市场、金融体系和市场等外部环境条件下产生的一种功能性金融创新,是政府主导通过法律手段间接推动的金融创新。

    REITs is a functional financial innovation indirectly by government through legal means , which generated under certain external environment conditions such as particular economic development status , the real estate market , financial system and the market .

  2. 离婚是解除婚姻关系的法律手段。

    Abstract Divorce is the legal means to renounce a marriage .

  3. 持有版权是制止盗版的唯一法律手段。

    Holding copyright provides the only legal remedy against unauthorized copying .

  4. 无法就此事达成共识引起了人们对可能会诉诸法律手段的担忧。

    Failure to arrive at a consensus over the issue raised the spectre of legal action

  5. 但是,假如PSC检查官玩忽职守、不讲道理,船东也可以通过法律手段维护自己的利益。

    But , if PSC is censorial derelict , unreasonable , ship-owner also can maintain his interest through legal measure .

  6. 中国制造商的代表律师詹姆士•瑟尔斯(JamesSearles)表示:我们正在考虑采取何种法律手段。

    James Searles , a lawyer representing Chinese manufacturers , said : We are looking at legal options .

  7. 从技术、管理和制度法律手段详细说明了SaaS模式在黑龙江省中小企业应用的保障措施,这三种手段相互结合可以完全保障SaaS模式软件系统的安全性,免除了中小企业的后顾之忧。

    The safeguard measures have been offered in SaaS mode of SMEs in Heilongjiang Province by the means of the technology , management and law , the three siblings are connected together to protect the security of software systems , eliminate the concerns of SMEs .

  8. 这是因为我们收到了来自CRIA的一封律师信,他们以法律手段威胁位于加拿大的网络提供商,所以我们封锁了来自加拿大的通信。

    We received a letter from a lawyer represeting the CRIA , they were threatening with legal action and we need to start blocking Canadian traffic because of this .

  9. 充分运用法律手段,加大管理和处罚力度。

    Fully use the law , increase the administration punishing strength .

  10. 那么如何运用法律手段来更好地保护我国零售业呢?

    How to protect our country retailing services through its legislation ?

  11. 借助于法律手段回收工程拖欠款往往是较为有效的途径。

    It is effective to retrieve the construction payment through legal process .

  12. 用法律手段调整我国的旅游经济

    The regulation of the tourist economy by using legal procedure

  13. 如果款项比较大,我们采取法律手段追回货款。

    For large sum we take legal steps to recover the money .

  14. 他们采用了法律手段阻止石油公司的开发。

    They took legal action to stop the oil companies .

  15. 而要规范企业年金保障职工的权利只能依靠法律手段。

    We should regularize occupational pension and ensure the employees ' rights .

  16. 运用法律手段加强环境治理工作的有效性

    Enforcement of Validity of Environmental Control Work by Applying Law

  17. 关于以法律手段硬化道德规范的思考

    Concerning with legal means " hardening " the morals norm

  18. 工程款回收法律手段之比较

    Comparison of Legal Processes for Retrieve Payment of Construction

  19. 坚持用法律手段反对腐败。

    And it insists on using the weapon of law in anti corruption .

  20. 运用法律手段,规范医疗广告

    Medical AD must be Normative by means of Law

  21. 糟糕的是他们会用法律手段的。

    The worst they 'd do is whack my hand with a ruler .

  22. 法律手段总是可以采取的。

    Legal action is something that is always available .

  23. 法德合治是一项系统工程,国家作为行使治理权力的主体,要充分注意这样一些合治的基点:立法与立德相结合,立法要引入道德机制,道德建设要借助法律手段;

    The combination of ruling by law and morality is a systematic project .

  24. 本文认为在运用法律手段调节、规制商事信用的同时,还应该运用伦理的手段规制商事信用。

    We should use law , as well as ethics to regulate commercial credit .

  25. 间接宏观调控的手段有经济手段、法律手段、行政手段。

    There are economic means , legal means and administrative means in the means .

  26. 由于盈余管理是股东保护不足的替代,因而一味的利用法律手段来控制盈余管理也是不可取的。

    Shareholders as a result of surplus management is a substitute for inadequate protection .

  27. 重视运用法律手段推动科技成果转化

    Strengthening the use of law and promoting the transformation of S & T Achievements

  28. 刑法手段、刑法外法律手段及其他手段构成了防范电子商务犯罪的对策。

    Criminal law and other laws constitute the main countermeasures of preventing E-commerce crimes .

  29. 进一步强化金融监管的法律手段。

    Strengthen legal means to further financial supervision .

  30. 同时,我们也不放弃以法律手段维护行业和企业的合法权益。

    Meanwhile , we will never give up laws to assert our own benefits .