
  • 网络the Frankfurt School
  1. 马克斯·霍克海默(MaxHorkheimer)是法兰克福学派的创始人和社会批判理论的首倡者。

    Max Horkheimer , who was the founder of Frankfurt School , originated the social critical theory .

  2. 克劳斯·奥菲(ClausOffe),德国著名政治社会学家,法兰克福学派第三代主要代表人物。

    Claus Offe ( 1940 & ), a famous German political sociologist , is the main representative character of the third generation of the Frankfurt School .

  3. 埃里希·弗洛姆(Erich·Fromm,1900&1980)是二十世纪西方著名的心理学家、伦理学家、哲学家,是法兰克福学派的著名代表人物。

    Erich . Fromm was a famous western psychologist , ethicist and philosopher in the 20th century .

  4. 阿多诺(TheodorW.Adorno.1903-1969)是德国法兰克福学派的重要思想家,在哲学、美学、社会学、音乐学、文学批评等方面均有不俗造诣。

    Theodor W. Adorno ( 1903-1969 ) was a significant thinker of the German Frankfurt School of social theory . He was much established in many fields such as philosophy , aesthetics , sociology , musicology and literature studies .

  5. 早期法兰克福学派的大众文化批判思想及其当代价值

    Popular Culture Critical Theory of Frankfurt School and Its Contemporary Value

  6. 费斯克的大众文化理论向法兰克福学派发起了挑战。

    Fiske challenges the Frankfurt School about theory of popular culture .

  7. 菲斯克对法兰克福学派的观点提出了强烈质疑。

    Fisk puts forward his doubt about Frankfurt School intensely .

  8. 早期法兰克福学派大众文化批判理论的现时批判

    The Criticism of Frankfurt School 's Mass Culture Critical Theory

  9. 对法兰克福学派大众文化强迫性理论的再思考

    A critique on the Theory of Mass Cultural Coercion of Frankfurt School

  10. 法兰克福学派科学技术意识形态理论的发展逻辑及其评价

    An Evaluation of the Science Ideology of the Frankfurt School

  11. 法兰克福学派力图把精神分析与马克思主义结合在一起。

    The Frankfort School attempts to combine psycho-analysis with Marxism .

  12. 评法兰克福学派的科学技术意识形态观

    The Discussion on Science and Technology Ideology of Frankfurt School

  13. 对法兰克福学派审美乌托邦思想的再认识

    Reconsiderations on the Thought of Aesthetic Utopia of the School of Frankfurt

  14. 论法兰克福学派经济批判理论的思想特色

    On Essential Feature of the Economic Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School

  15. 国际关系法兰克福学派批判理论的思想来源及研究理路

    The Frankfurt School Critical Theory in IR : Origins and Academic Route

  16. 法兰克福学派文化批判的理论定位和思想渊源

    The Theoretical Position and Ideological Origin of Cultural Criticism of the Frankfurt School

  17. 大众文化语言:费斯克与法兰克福学派等的分野

    Language of Popular Culture : the Difference between John Fiske and Frankfurt School

  18. 批评的错位&论法兰克福学派文化批判理论的有效性问题

    Malposition of Criticism & Discussion of Validity in Frankfurt School 's Critical Theory

  19. 试论法兰克福学派科学伦理思想演进的理论逻辑

    On Theoretical Logic of Evolution of Frankfurt School 's Ethical Thoughts of Science

  20. 有什么不一样的法兰克福学派?

    What is so different about the Frankfurt School ?

  21. 早期法兰克福学派现代性反思终结的地方就是哈贝马斯思想前进的起点。

    Habermas ' thought starts from the modern reflection of the early Frankfurt school .

  22. 第五,它成了阿尔都塞的意识形态国家机器和法兰克福学派的意识形态批判的直接理论来源。

    It is the direct theory origin of ideology state machinery and ideology criticism .

  23. 法兰克福学派便为他们提供了批判的武器。

    Frankfurt School supplies them with criticism weapon .

  24. 理性之蚀的审美救赎&法兰克福学派的美学思想研究

    Aesthetic Salvation for the Erosion of Rationality & Research of Frankfurt 's Aesthetics Thought

  25. 技术文明社会的生态危机意识&评法兰克福学派的科技决定论

    Ecological Crisis Consciousness of Technological Civilized Society

  26. 把哲学变为社会批判理论&法兰克福学派理论特点研究

    Changing Philosophy into Social Critical Theory & Research on the Theory characteristics of Frankfurt School

  27. 法兰克福学派是西方继承了包括马克思主义在内的批判传统的学派。

    The Frankfort School was a Western academic school inheriting the critical tradition including Marxism .

  28. 论法兰克福学派的生态伦理政治思想

    On the Ecological Politics of Frankfurt School

  29. 第二部分论述了抵制理论的理论基础&法兰克福学派的批判理论。

    The second section explores Critical Theory , the theoretical foundation of the Resistance Theory .

  30. 技术的新型处理器。为当代科技辩护&一兼评法兰克福学派的科技观

    Defend for contemporary science and technology