
  • 网络societe generale;SocGen;Societe Generale SA;Societe Generate;Socit Gnrale
  1. 但相比德意志银行(DeutscheBank)和法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale),德克夏银行就不值一提了。

    But Dexia is small fries compared to the big European banks like Germany 's Deutsche Bank ( DB ) and France 's Societe Generale .

  2. 继巴林银行破产案后,法国兴业银行巨额金融违规案使得世界金融市场的焦点重新聚集在银行合规风险管理问题上。

    After Barings Bank falling , noncompliance case of Societe Generale attracts significant concern on compliance risk management of financial organizations again .

  3. 法国兴业银行(SociétéGénérale)的艾伯特•爱德华斯(AlbertEdwards)认为时间不会很长。

    Soci é t é G é n é rale 's Albert Edwards thinks not very long .

  4. 法国兴业银行(SociétéGénérale)驻巴黎的高级分析师蒂埃里•布罗斯(ThierryBros)说。

    says Thierry Bros , senior analyst at Soci é t é G é n é rale in Paris .

  5. 法国兴业银行以及巴克莱银行(Barclays)和瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)等机构均预测2014年黄金均价将低于今年。

    The bank , along with Barclays ( BCS ) and Credit Suisse ( CS ) , are among those forecasting lower average prices in 2014 than this year .

  6. 近几个月,瑞信(CreditSuisse)、法国兴业银行(SociétéGénérale)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)都曾表示黄金牛市已终结。

    Credit Suisse , Soci é t é G é n é rale and Goldman Sachs have all called the end of the bull market in recent months .

  7. 特别是,法国兴业银行(socgen)已成为略有些离经叛道人士的避难所。

    French banking house SocGen , in particular , has become a haven for slight eccentrics .

  8. 此前一年,法国兴业银行的这位董事长兼首席执行官曾经试图收购法国竞争对手paribas。

    The year before , the SocGen chairman and chief executive had tried to buy Paribas , a French competitor .

  9. 法国兴业银行(SociétéGénérale)公司和投行业务分析师史蒂芬•赖特曼(StephenReitman)表示,外国车企在保护自己的知识产权方面一直做得不错。

    Stephen Reitman , analyst at Soci é t é G é n é rale Corporate & Investment Banking , said foreign carmakers had been good at protecting their intellectual property .

  10. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGeneraleSA)的银行家说,他们一直在从亚洲长期企业客户,特别是能源和其它资源类公司那里募集存款。

    At Soci é t é G é n é rale SA , bankers said they have been raising deposits from long-time corporate clients in the region , particularly energy and other resources firms .

  11. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)固定收益和外汇业务亚洲区联席负责人将人民币的升值称为一种高风险假设。

    Robert Reilly , co-head of flow fixed income and currencies for Asia at Soci é t é G é n é rale , calls it a high-risk assumption .

  12. 这一战略帮助法国兴业银行赚了大钱,并推高了该公司市值这是以首席执行官和董事长溥敦(danielbouton)为首的该银行前高层最关心的事情。

    When it was working , this strategy helped SocGen make a lot of money boosting its market capitalisation a preoccupation of its former top management led by Daniel bouton , the former chairman and chief executive .

  13. 摇摇晃晃的银行也很惹眼,主要是因为法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)在2008年年会的周三宣布,一名流氓交易员害该行损失了一大笔资金。

    Wobbly banks loomed large too , mainly thanks to an announcement from Societe Generale on the Wednesday of the 2008 meeting that a rogue trader had cost it a lot of money .

  14. 也许想一想这笔钱原本还可能买到什么——比如法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)或意大利裕信银行(UniCredit)的一半市值——就会觉得这笔赌注似乎不算太糟。

    Perhaps by thinking about what else the funds could have bought ( half of Societe Generale or UniCredit by market capitalisation for example ) , the bet does not appear so bad .

  15. 对许多发展中国家来说,如今中国需求是比美国和欧洲大得多的推动因素,而法国兴业银行(socgen)查访的基金经理中,超过半数对今后两周新兴市场的表现感到悲观。

    For many developing countries , Chinese demand is now a far bigger driver than the US and Europe , and more than half of fund managers polled by SocGen are now bearish towards emerging markets over the next two weeks .

  16. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)国际策略师基特•朱克斯(KitJuckes)说,过去30年破灭的三个世界级金融大泡沫背后,都是“美联储(Fed)太久时间将政策利率维持在名义经济增长率之下”。

    All three of the big worldwide financial bubbles that have blow up in the last three decades have ' been fueled by the Fed keeping policy rates below the nominal growth rate of the economy far too long , ' says global strategist Kit Juckes of the French bank Societe Generale .

  17. 基于可获得的CCBA最新数据,并假设它有比CCH更高的估值倍数(鉴于两者在利润率上的差别),法国兴业银行(SocGen)认为,购买SAB所持的57%股份可能需要60亿美元。

    Based on the latest data available for CCBA , and assuming a higher valuation multiple than CCH 's ( given the difference in margins ) , SAB 's 57 per cent stake could cost as much as $ 6bn , thinks SocGen .

  18. 法国兴业银行(SocieteGenerale)周日为其处理全球最大交易丑闻的方式进行了辩护,但承认其风险系统未能察觉到一个交易员独自建立的500亿欧元(合733亿美元)衍生品头寸。

    PARIS ( Reuters ) - French bank Societe Generale defended its handling of the world 's biggest trading scandal on Sunday , but admitted its risk systems had failed to detect a 50-billion-euro ( $ 73.3 billion ) market bet by a lone trader .

  19. 法国兴业银行(SociétéGénérale)分析师提出:如果这些富裕国家不再建造更多的反应堆,并让现有反应堆在其设计寿命到期后关闭的话,在2010至2030年间,平均每年将额外排放8.6亿吨碳。

    Analysts at Soci é t é G é n é rale , a French bank , argue that if these rich countries built no more reactors and allowed existing ones to close at the end of their planned lives , an extra 860m tonnes of carbon a year would be emitted , on average , from 2010 to 2030 .

  20. 法国兴业银行的主权债券的购买情况是有争议的。

    SocGen 's case for buying sovereign bonds is controversial .

  21. 为节省资本金,法国兴业银行首次停发股息。

    SocGen sacrificed its dividend for the first time to conserve capital .

  22. 与科维尔不同,溥敦是极尽风光地来到法国兴业银行的。

    Unlike Mr Kerviel , Mr bouton arrived at SocGen with a swagger .

  23. 事实上,很多人都不知道法国兴业银行的这个丑闻。

    Indeed , many were unaware of the scandal at the French bank .

  24. 法国兴业银行表示:我们可能考虑从2010年初开始回购法国政府的股份。

    We could consider to start to reimburse the French state from early 2010 .

  25. 其次,本文引用法国兴业银行欺诈案作为本文的案例。

    Secondly , this article refers to Societe Generale Bank fraud as its case .

  26. 他做出的辩护是,他在法国兴业银行的上司清楚他所做的事情,而法国兴业银行对此予以否认。

    His defence is that his superiors at the bank knew what he was doing – something the bank denies .

  27. 法国兴业银行表示,正密切关注市场状况,这一声明可能为其融资铺平道路。

    SocGen said it was following market conditions closely , a statement that could pave the way for a cash call .

  28. 法国兴业银行打算进一步削减旗下投资银行业务的成本,这是遭受危机冲击的又一项业务。

    The bank aims to reduce costs further at its investment bank , another business that has been hit by the crisis .

  29. 经过去年的试点方案后,法国兴业银行和法国BPCE银行集团正准备向客户发行该银行卡。

    The French banks Societe Generale and Groupe BPCE are preparing to issue the cards to customers after a pilot scheme last year .

  30. 法国兴业银行的足迹则遍布突尼斯、阿尔及利亚、摩洛哥、毛里塔尼亚、赤道几内亚、南非和西非大部。

    Societe Generale 's locations meanwhile include Tunisia , Algeria , Morocco , Mauritania , Equatorial Guinea , South Africa and most of West Africa .