
  • 网络Bnp Paribas;BnPP;BNP;BNP Paribas SA;Paribas
  1. 第二种是法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)所使用的方法,即削减可交换债券21%的价值,并试图重新归类资产,使其脱离交易账目池。

    The second method , used by BNP Paribas , impairs exchangeable bonds by 21 per cent and attempts to reclassify assets away from the trading book pool .

  2. 最近的市场动荡昨日影响到大西洋两岸的投资基金,法国巴黎银行(bnpparibas)冻结了旗下3只投资于目前动荡不安的美国次级抵押贷款市场的基金,震惊了欧洲市场。

    Investment funds on both sides of the Atlantic were affected by recent market turmoil yesterday . BNP Paribas shocked European markets by freezing three funds exposed to the stumbling US subprime mortgage market .

  3. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)就出售NovoBanco事宜向葡萄牙央行提供咨询。

    BNP Paribas is advising the Bank of Portugal on the sale of Novo Banco .

  4. 在快速增长的亚洲私人银行市场,法国巴黎银行(bnpparibas)可能不是个家喻户晓的名字。

    BNP Paribas may not be a household name in the rapidly growing Asian private banking market .

  5. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)经济学家戴维•廷斯利(DavidTinsley)认为英国出口数据“极其糟糕”。

    David Tinsley , economist at BNP Paribas , described the data as " spectacularly bad . "

  6. 根据法国巴黎银行(ExaneBNPParibas)的调查,2009年同样一款古琦(Gucci)JoyBoston的包在中国的价格要比在法国高54%。

    The same Gucci Joy Boston handbag was 54 % more expensive in China than in France in 2009 .

  7. 不过,它已退出了与法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)建立的合资企业&上海巴黎国际银行(InternationalBankofParisandShanghai),并减少了在与某韩国银行成立的另一家合资企业的持股。

    However , it has withdrawn from a joint venture with BNP Paribas called International Bank of Paris and Shanghai and has reduced its stake in another joint venture with a Korean bank .

  8. 2007年8月9日,当法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)披露其在美国次级抵押贷款证券方面出现未曾预料到的巨额损失时,严重动摇了这种信任。

    That trust was badly shaken on August 9 2007 when BNP Paribas revealed large unanticipated losses on US subprime securities .

  9. 与此同时,法国巴黎银行在收购了富通(fortis)的大部分资产后,却对这家本土竞争对手失去了兴趣。

    In the meantime , BNP Paribas acquired the bulk of Fortis and is no longer interested in its French rival .

  10. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)已售出40亿美元的法国国债信用违约掉期,占全球总额12%。

    French bank BNP Paribas has sold $ 4 billion in protection on French government debt , 12 % of the global total .

  11. 人们不禁会想,就像后危机时代银行业市场的其他宠儿、特别是渣打银行(StandardChartered)和法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)一样,富国银行早就该失宠了。

    It is tempting to think that like the other darlings of the post-crisis banking market , notably Standard Chartered and BNP Paribas it is overdue a fall from grace .

  12. 在法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)、汇丰(HSBC)和巴克莱等一些机构,档案保管员发起了口述历史项目来捕捉高管们对事件的回顾。

    At some institutions , such as BNP Paribas , HSBC and Barclays , archivists run oral history programmes to capture executives ' reflections on events .

  13. 据法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)估计,随着中国股市的日成交量飙升,保证金借款也正以创纪录的速度上升。

    Daily turnover in the market has spiked , while margin debt is rising at a record pace , according to BNP Paribas estimates .

  14. 他建议,至多70亿美元罚款将是合理的&跟法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)必须向美国政府缴纳的罚款额相差不远。

    He suggests a fine of up to $ 7bn would be justified – not far off what BNP Paribas had to pay to the US government .

  15. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)驻北京经济学家彭垦(KenPeng)表示,温州试验意义重大,因为这表明了政策制定者对金融改革必要性的一致认可。

    Ken Peng , economist with BNP Paribas in Beijing , said the Wenzhou experiment was meaningful because it showed consensus among policy makers on the need for reform .

  16. SebastienGaly是法国巴黎银行的自身货币策略家。

    Sebastien Galy is senior currency strategist for the French bank BNP Paribas .

  17. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)原来的一位银行家因向朋友与家人泄露一起即将进行的收购,目前面临高达10年监禁和最高130万美元罚款。

    An ex-BNP Paribas banker now faces up to 10 years in jail and a fine of up to $ 1.3m for tipping off friends and family about an upcoming buy-out .

  18. 据法国巴黎银行(bnpparibas)数据,过去8个月以来,印度卢比对美元已贬值约25%,是表现最差的新兴市场货币之一。

    Over the past eight months it has depreciated by about 25 per cent against the dollar making it one of the worst performing emerging market currencies , according to BNP Paribas .

  19. 去年美国政府对法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)罚款近90亿美元,因为该行未能遵守美国对苏丹、伊朗和古巴的制裁&这一处罚在法国引起公愤。

    Last year , the US fined BNP Paribas nearly $ 9bn for failing to comply with US sanctions on Sudan , Iran and Cuba & a penalty that provoked outrage in France .

  20. 法国巴黎银行首席执行官博杜安普罗特(baudouinprot)表示,此次收购从第一年开始就将提升该行利润,同时也会改善其资本比率。

    Baudouin prot , BNP chief executive , said the takeover would boost earnings from the first year and would improve its capital ratios .

  21. 法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)驻北京的分析师孟原(IsaacMeng)表示:现在留下来的这些信托公司,其运营方式有点像西方的对冲基金,但只是在国内层面上。

    The trust companies that are left now operate a bit like hedge funds do in the west but on a domestic level , according to Isaac Meng , an analyst at BNP Paribas in Beijing .

  22. 法国巴黎银行驻上海的分析师DaisyZhang称:大型国有电力公司别无选择,只能继续运营。今年迄今为止,尽管煤价高企,它们的发电量却在强劲增长。

    Large state-owned power companies have no choice but to keep operating and we have seen strong power generation growth from them so far this year despite the high coal prices , said Daisy Zhang , an analyst with BNP Paribas in Shanghai .

  23. 据法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)估计,必要时候将采取的旨在重振对西班牙财务状况信心的大规模注资将需要约2700亿美元。

    A ' shock and awe ' infusion aimed at renewing faith in Spain 's finances , should it be necessary , would take roughly $ 270 billion , according to an estimate by BNP Paribas .

  24. 我预计贸易顺差会继续缩小,在今年的某个时候,比如3月份,甚至可能转为逆差,法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)高级经济学家彭垦(KenPeng)说。

    I expect the trade surplus to continue to shrink and that at some point this year , say March , it could even turn to a deficit , said Ken Peng , senior economist at BNP Paribas .

  25. 法国巴黎银行(bnpparibas)一位高级银行家日前表示,由于成本难题和竞争加剧,最近在亚洲设立私人银行业务的外国中型银行,可能会被迫撤出该地区。

    Mid-sized foreign banks that have recently been building up private banking operations in Asia could be forced to withdraw because of cost difficulties and heightened competition , according to a senior banker at BNP Paribas , the French bank .

  26. 法国巴黎银行证券部(ExaneBNPParibas)奢侈品行业分析师卢卡∠尔卡(LucaSolca)说:“当我们谈论西蒙斯的销售量时,实际是不值一提”。

    As Luca Solca , luxury analyst at Exane BNP Paribas , says , " when we talk of his own business , there is not much of a business to talk about . "

  27. 富通(Fortis)公司股东昨日投票反对将这家金融集团部分业务出售给法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas),并反对将位于荷兰的银行和保险集团国有化,这令人们对该公司的未来引起疑虑。

    The future of Fortis was thrown into doubt yesterday when shareholders voted against selling parts of the financial group to BNP Paribas , the French bank , and against the nationalisation of the banking and insurance group in the Netherlands .

  28. 监管机构非常担心向省级政府发放的贷款可能出现资产减损,因此正敦促银行现在就筹集资金,作为一种应对未来问题的缓冲。法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)分析师陈睆明(DorrisChen)表示。

    The regulator is very worried about potential asset impairment related to lending to provincial governments and so is pushing the banks to raise capital now to build up a buffer against future problems , says Dorris Chen , an analyst with BNP Paribas .

  29. 那是对10年大幅增长的急剧逆转。根据法国巴黎银行证券部(ExaneBNPParibas)的数据,过去10年中国人在国内外的奢侈品支出跃增10倍,从2004年占全球奢侈品支出3%,升至去年的30%。

    That is a sharp reversal of a decade of remarkable growth , when Chinese luxury spending , at home and abroad , leapt tenfold - from 3 per cent of global luxury spending in 2004 to 30 per cent last year , according to Exane BNP Paribas .

  30. 一家联邦法庭支持美国政府起诉法国巴黎银行赔偿8000万美元的诉求。

    A federal court is backing the US government 's 80 million claim against French bank BMP Paribas .