
  • 网络legal training
  1. 负责法律培训,了解公司的发展。

    Responsible for development of legal training and understanding in the company .

  2. 从那天起,徐开始学习房屋拆迁的有关知识,并完成了三个月的法律培训。

    From that day on , Xu began arming himself with demolition knowledge and also completed three months of legal training .

  3. 法律培训课程的扩充与完善,反映出法律事务所和企业正在发展更加成熟的方法,来处理跨国商业交易与法律纠纷。

    The expansion and refinement of legal training courses mirrors the ever more sophisticated methods that law firms and companies are developing to run trans-national business deals and legal disputes .

  4. 这也得到彻底清洗和重新油漆,并会由本地法律培训,通常不能做的同时,桥下是执法机构所使用的业务。

    It 's also getting a thorough cleaning and re-painting , and will be used by local law enforcement agencies for training that cannot normally be done while the bridge is operational .

  5. 铁路法院的法官往往是退休的列车长,没有接受过法律培训。基层铁路官员和国有铁路公司的低层主管会对法院的判决横加干预。铁路公检法人员实际上受雇于这些国有铁路公司。

    Judges in these courts are often retired train conductors with no legal training and decisions are subject to rampant interference from low-level railway officials and minor executives of the state - owned railway companies that in effect employ the judges , police and prosecutors .

  6. 加强医护人员相关法律知识培训和规范书写病历培训;

    Methods Medical documents quality control standards were developed and implemented .

  7. 临床教学中注重法律知识培训的实践

    Practice of legal knowledge training in course of clinical teaching

  8. 加强护生实习前法律知识培训的实践与效果

    The practice and effect of pre-internship training of legal knowledge for nursing students

  9. 搞好医务人员输血知识和法律知识培训;

    Signatures of Knowledge ④ to train care providers on blood transfusion and law ;

  10. 公司内部法律知识培训;

    Company internal legal knowledge training ;

  11. 近年来,一些机构开始专为律师举办法律英语培训班。

    In recent years , some institutions have started to provide legal English training for lawyers .

  12. 本系列法律英语培训课程分三个级别即初级、中级和高级。

    This series of legal training program is classified into three categories , namely junior , middle and senior .

  13. 中国法学教育的特点与大陆法系国家接近,实行统一司法考试制度更使得中国的法学教育与法律职业培训近似于大陆法系国家的体制。

    Similar to those civil law countries , China adopts the system of national unified examination for judicial qualifications .

  14. 实际上,许多地方法院的法官甚至没有接受过法律方面的培训。

    Indeed , judges in many local courts are not even legally trained .

  15. 诚信的理念教育和法律法规的培训。

    The concept of good faith education and legal regulations of the training .

  16. 对低档宾馆应加强从业人员卫生知识和法律法规的培训,加大监督执法力度。

    Health knowledge and law-code training for practitioners of low level hostels should be strengthened , and supervision and law-executing should be enforced .

  17. 建议提高对医院管理专业化、科学化的认识,加强相关法律知识的培训学习,建立健全医院管理体制和完善设施建设。

    Suggestions Improving specialized and scientific hospital management , strengthening the training of relevant legal knowledge , establishing a sound management system and improve hospital facilities .

  18. 主要表现在:高度重视高校教师培训工作,经费上给予大力支持,做到了培训制度法律化,培训内容系统化,培训形式多样化,教师培训主动化,教师培训全程化,培训手段现代化。

    Legalizing for training system , systematization of training contents , diversity of training forms , initiative of teachers ' training , modernization of training techniques .

  19. 他说自己想要重返学校接受成为法律助理的培训,他还说,他有“写作的热情”

    He said he wanted to return to school to train to be a legal assistant , andadded that he had a " passion for writing . "

  20. 在墨西哥城外,有一片朝南的土地尘土飞扬、仙人掌遍布,墨西哥保镖协会的会员在那里接受关于墨西哥法律的基础培训、以及枪械使用和应对特定紧急状况方面的具体指导。

    On a dusty , cactus-studded parcel of land heading south out of Mexico City , SMG members receive rudimentary training in Mexican law , detailed coaching in the use of firearms as well as what to do in specific emergencies .

  21. 审定行政机构的编制,依照法律规定任免、培训、考核和奖惩行政人员;

    To appoint or remove personnel in state administrative organs , train them , appraise their performance and award or punish them according to the provisions of the law ;

  22. 我国安全生产法律法规对安全培训的范围、培训内容及培训时间做出的一系列规定,是依法开展安全培训工作的重要依据。

    The series of provision of our country safety production laws and regulations to the range of safety training , training contents and training time are the important basis for legally developing safety training work .

  23. 作为一种规则,政府律师都是直接从事法律工作,因为法律培训很少作为一般的政府服务的准备工作。

    As a rule , lawyers in government are directly engaged in legal work , since law training is infrequently sought as preparation for general government service .

  24. 我所亦向来重视中国法律人才及企业有关香港及国际法律的培训及认知。

    Our firm also pays much emphasis on training legal professionals and corporations from the mainland on Hong Kong and international legal knowledge .

  25. 构建法律风险防控体系,应健全法律事务机构,强化法律服务职能,加强企业法律风险防控制度建设,形成系统的制度体系,重视法律知识培训,提高法律事务及经营管理人员业务素质。

    In order to prevent and control legal risk , many enterprises establish the system of enterprise legal risks control . To construct the system of legal risk control , we should strengthen legal services function and improve legal services and the quality of business managers .