
fǎ dìnɡ huò bì
  • legal tender;legal currency;flat money
  1. 人民币是中国的法定货币,一种独立的货币形式。

    RMB is the legal currency of China and an independent currency form .

  2. 美元汇率也获得通过,成为正式和法定货币的各国政府在其他一些国家。

    The US dollar has also been adopted as the official and legal currency by the governments in a few other countries .

  3. 人民币或rmb或¥指中华人民共和国的法定货币。

    Renminbi or RMB or $ means the lawful currency of the People 's Republic of China .

  4. 在苏格兰,唯一可用以清偿债务的法定货币是英国皇家铸币局(royalmint)发行的硬币。

    The only legal tender for the settlement of a debt in Scotland is coins from the Royal Mint .

  5. 法定货币(fiatmoney,指政府创造的货币)如今已良好运转逾四分之一世纪,提供复杂金融体系一向依赖的货币体系稳定性。

    " Fiat " ( or government-created ) money has now worked well for a quarter of a century , providing the monetary stability on which complex financial systems have always depended .

  6. 英国央行(BoE)行长马克•卡尼(MarkCarney)上周已明确表示,政治独立与保留英镑为法定货币,两者不可兼得。

    Mark Carney , governor of the Bank of England , made clear again this week that political independence is incompatible with maintaining sterling as the currency of choice .

  7. 英国央行发行的纸币也不是苏格兰的法定货币。

    The BOE notes are not legal tender in Scotland either .

  8. 它不是由国家控制的法定货币。

    It 's not a fiat currency controlled by a nation-state .

  9. 法定货币是由于政府的法令而被使用的货币。

    Fiat money is used as money because of government decree .

  10. 银子第一次被用作法定货币。

    For the first time , silver was used as legal tender .

  11. 所有法定货币的长期价值都是零。

    The long-run value of all fiat money is zero .

  12. 法定货币财产权基础理论研究

    The Research on the Fundamental Theory of Fiat Monetary Property

  13. 最常用的交换媒质;发挥法定货币功能的货币。

    The most common medium of exchange ; functions as legal tender .

  14. 法定货币是一种没有实际意义的概念。

    Legal tender is a concept with no practical relevance .

  15. 这些苏格兰纸币不是苏格兰或任何其他地方的法定货币。

    These Scottish bank notes are not legal tender in Scotland or anywhere else .

  16. 货币政府发行的法定货币。

    Money Legal tender issued by a government .

  17. 超过十镑的数目可以用铜币作为法定货币来偿付吗?

    Are copper coins legal tender for a sum in excess of 10 pounds ?

  18. 这些硬币已不再是法定货币。

    These coins are no longer legal tender .

  19. 因是美元汇率条例草案仍有法定货币吗?

    Is the dollar bill still legal tender ?

  20. 存款人将法定货币(现钞)存入银行账户之后,形成了存款货币。

    Deposit money forms when the depositor deposit his fiat money into the bank account .

  21. 本票,国家或核定银行发行的,作为通货或法定货币

    Promissory note for issue by the tate or approved banks as currency or legal tender

  22. 钱币是政府发行之法定货币,包括纸币和硬币。

    Money is legal tender issued by a government , including paper currency and coin .

  23. 不同类型的法定货币价值基础不同,决定了其法律属性的差异。

    Different Legal Tender 's value foundations are different , which conduce their legal attributes ' difference .

  24. 然而,如今我们生活在法定货币时代,汇率多数是浮动的。

    Today , however , we live in a world of fiat money and mostly floating rates .

  25. 有限量法定货币纸币

    Limited legal tender currency note

  26. 终止金或银等作为一个国家法定货币的行为。

    Ending something ( e.g. gold or silver ) as no longer the legal tender of a country .

  27. 同样,法定货币的潜在风险可通过制度设计加以管理。

    In the same way , the potential risks of fiat money can be managed by institutional design .

  28. 法定货币财产是没有现实的财产客体的主观财产。结论是所谓的“权利质权”原本应当是货币和智慧财产抵押权。

    It concludes that the so-called objective of right mortgage should have been currency and intelligence in nature .

  29. 在法定货币体系下,则没有此类限制直到该货币急剧贬值那一刻。

    In a fiat system , there is no such limit , until the value of money collapses .

  30. 毕竟,一个国家的货币是体现在它的法定货币。

    After all , a currency is the reflection of the country in which it is legal tender .