
fēnɡ jiàn shè huì
  • feudal society
封建社会 [fēng jiàn shè huì]
  • [feudal society] 一种社会形态,出现在奴隶社会之后,特征是地主或领主占有土地,农民或农奴只有很少土地或全无土地,只能耕种地主或领主土地,绝大部分产品被地主或领主剥夺

  1. 这部历史小说是走向崩溃的封建社会的缩影。

    This historical novel illustrates the breaking up of feudal society in microcosm .

  2. 封建社会等级森严。

    Feudal society was rigidly stratified .

  3. 这本书仅仅触及而没有深刻揭示封建社会的主要矛盾。

    The book merely touches on the main contradiction of feudal society , it does not go into it deeply .

  4. 当时,这个国家还处于封建社会。

    The coutry was still in feudal society at that time .

  5. 土地问题是中国封建社会的主要问题。

    Land issues are principal problem since feudalism time in China .

  6. 重新认识马克思封建社会原论

    Reconsidering on the Exposition about Feudalistic Society of K. Marx

  7. 在封建社会牌坊是崇高荣誉的象征。

    Memorial is a symbol of lofty honor in the feudal society .

  8. 女性在封建社会,被视为邪恶的象征。

    In feudal society , women were regarded as the evil symbol .

  9. 我国封建社会的经济是以农业为基础的自然经济,重农思想对封建农业影响深远。

    Feudal society economy in China was agriculture - based natural economy .

  10. 中国封建社会制度与园林的关系

    The Relation between Chinese Garden and Feudal System of China

  11. 中国封建社会长期存在的辩证反思

    The dialectical thought of the permanent existence of feudal society in China

  12. 封建社会人力资本投资的政策与措施

    Human Resources Investment in Feudal Society : Policy and Measures

  13. 中国封建社会的官衙机构是一个非常庞杂的系统。

    The government office of feudal China is a very complex system .

  14. 封建社会的后宫是中国古代妇女群中的一批特殊人物。

    Palace women in feudal society were special figures among Chinese ancient women .

  15. 封建社会礼教对中国妇女残酷迫害长达2000年之久。

    The women had suffered deeply from the feudal rites for 2000 years .

  16. 封建社会中给其它爵士做侍从的年轻骑士。

    A young knight in the service of another knight in feudal times .

  17. 钢铁兵器则把人类带进了封建社会;

    Iron and steel weapons ushered in feudal society ;

  18. 那个在封建社会可是个常见的现象。

    Chinglish : It 's was a familiar phenomenon in the feudatorial society .

  19. 中国封建社会的土地产权极不明晰,“国有”和“私有”产权相互交织、错综复杂。

    The land property right in feudal society of China was very obscure .

  20. 初探宗法制度对中国封建社会的影响

    A Probe into the Influence of the Patriarch System towards the Chinese Feudal Society

  21. 那末,中国现在的社会是否还是完全的封建社会呢?

    But is it still completely feudal today ?

  22. 论中国封建社会的政治管理模式

    The Political Management Mode of Chinese Feudalistic Societies

  23. 在我们的案例中,监察员犹如封建社会的地主。

    In our CASE study , the inspector is equivalent to a feudal lord .

  24. 它们从封建社会脱胎而来,构成了新的社会阶级。

    They have evolved into new social classes from the womb of feudal society .

  25. 书院是我国封建社会一种独特的教育组织和学术机构。

    Academy is a unique educational organization an academic institution in our feudal society .

  26. 三是抨击了封建社会的道德沦丧和世风虚伪现象。

    Thirdly , it assails the hypocritical phenomenon of ruined moral degeneration of the Feudalism .

  27. 在封建社会中形成了国王、贵族和骑士等封建主。

    Feudal lords like kings , nobles , and knights were formed in feudal society .

  28. 明朝是中国封建社会后期一个极为重要的王朝。

    Ming Dynasty was an extremely important dynasty of the late feudal society in China .

  29. 中国封建社会通过比较频繁的社会变动,推动自身向前发展。

    The Chinses feudal society promoted its own development by means of frequent social changes .

  30. 晚明是中国传统封建社会向近代社会转型的起点。

    The transition from the feudal society to modern China began in late Ming Dynasty .