
  • 网络feudal land rent
  1. 在封建社会和半殖民地半封建社会,占人口绝大多数的农民饱受封建地租、徭役、兵役等沉重负担之苦。

    In the feudal society and the sub-feudal and sub-colonist society the peasants who were the majority of the society suffered the burden of feudal land rent , corvee etc.

  2. 论英国封建地租的演变

    ON the Movement of Feudal Rent in England

  3. 二是支出构成上,法家把促进生产发展的费用和奖励农战的俸禄支出看作是财政支出的重点,这有利于农业的发展和奴隶制财政关系向封建地租制的转化。

    Second , Legalists attached much importance to the spending on promoting agricultural production and official salary for making effort to fighting enemy and agricultural production , which was helpful to the agricultural development and slave system changing into feudal one .

  4. 封建政府将地租中钱、布的固定折米改为按照市场价浮动折米,目的即在于获取更多的季节差价,增加财政收入。

    In this light , the government adopted these measure simply because it could benefit more from seasonal price fluctuations , adding to its financial earning power .

  5. 地主靠出租土地对农民进行封建剥削,实物地租占有极大份额;

    The landlords imposed feudal exploitation on the farmers through land lease , material land lease occupied dominant share ;