
  • 网络Pay by Card
  1. 顾客:请问可以刷卡消费吗?

    Customer : Excuseme , can I use my credit card ?

  2. 不要理会任何提示您刷卡消费中奖的短信息;

    Ignore any text message of your win a prize for bank card .

  3. 电子刷卡消费在中国尚不普及。

    Electronic swipes just aren 't as popular yet .

  4. 所以盯紧你的预算尽量别刷卡消费。

    Keep a close eye on your budget now and avoid using credit when possible .

  5. 刷卡消费的每一美元中,我都得到一英里。

    For every dollar I charge on my credit card , I get one mile .

  6. 目前每笔业务刷卡消费的平均上限约为24美分甚至更高。

    Current cap average is around 24 cents for every transaction before the cap swipes fees or even higher .

  7. 然而如何建立足够多的支付渠道,并保证消费者快捷安全地刷卡消费成为两大瓶颈。

    However , to have sufficient payment channels and to use of bank cards fast and safely are two major concerns .

  8. 如今工人们可以不在公司食堂里吃饭,在食堂周边的小吃区同样可以刷卡消费,或者还可以去工厂外吃饭。

    Workers can now skip the canteen , instead swiping meal cards at food courts on campus or going off campus to eat .

  9. 而澳大利亚的税务部门也已经开始禁止利用刷卡消费从离岸银行账户中提取资金。

    The Australian tax authorities , too , have cracked down on the use of payment cards to draw money from offshore bank accounts .

  10. 例如,如果我们用现金支付,一般会比刷卡消费更为克制。

    For instance , we 're usually more careful about our spending if we are paying with cold cash rather than a credit card .

  11. 传统的面对消费者直接刷卡消费的支付流程已经相当成熟,并被消费者广泛接受和认可;

    It has qualified very good payment flow model by card directly to the customers traditionally , and can be accepted by most consumers ;

  12. 在此前的裁决中,一名联邦法官废止了所谓的“刷卡消费上限”,称该机构的权威性不足以设定限制。

    In a previous ruling a federal judge had struck down the so-called ' swipe fees ' , saying the body lacked the authority to set a limit .

  13. 收单业务是指签约机构或银行向商户提供的本外币资金结算服务。就是持卡人在银行签约商户那里刷卡消费,银行结算。

    Acquiring business is the contracting agencies or the bank provides the foreign currency clearing and settlement services to the businesses , where the cardholder credit card spending , bank settlement .

  14. 80年代持卡人的借贷额增长了五倍到80年代末美国人每年刷卡消费近2500亿美元

    The 80 's see cardholders increase their debt by a factor of five . By the end of the decade , Americans are spending nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars on their credit cards every year .

  15. 积分以磁卡为载体,通过刷卡机进行刷卡消费。

    The point take the magnetic card as a carrier by brushing the card machine to carry on expense .