
  • paint the walls;Painting the House
  1. 你要是动手刷墙,我就刷天花板吧。

    I 'll paint the ceiling if you make a start on the walls .

  2. 刷墙的时候,他手里拿个辊子,挥舞着胳膊。

    When whitewashing the wall , he painted with a roller in his hand .

  3. 换他出卖刷墙特权时所积攒下的财宝。

    For the wealth he had amassed in selling whitewashing privileges .

  4. 他用刷子大片大片地刷墙。

    He painted the wall with broad strokes of the brush .

  5. 并且用的是给她刷墙的油漆。

    With the same paint which I used for her walls .

  6. 起先他们都想来开开玩笑,可是结果都被留下来刷墙。

    They came to jeer , but remained to whitewash .

  7. 你刷墙不能只刷一半。

    You can 't go halfway when you 're painting the walls .

  8. 哪个男孩子能天天有机会刷墙?

    Does a boy get a chance to whitewash a fence every day ?

  9. 学习如何做些家里的修补工作,比如刷墙,做些木工活或是换一个漏水的水龙头。

    Learn how to do home repairs such as painting , carpentry , or fixing a leaky faucet .

  10. 毕业后,他在大学校园端盘子,骑单车送报纸,还替人刷墙。

    After graduation , he worked as a waiter at college , a bike messenger and a house painter .

  11. 我在家承担了全部家务,刷墙砌砖都不在话下。

    At home I do all the housework by myself . I paint the walls and fit tiles , said defender Ndzovela .

  12. 所以实习生在大玩特玩,而我们这两位老板半夜三点来这刷墙。

    And so the intern 's out having fun , and here we are , the bosses , painting the walls at 3:00 A.M.

  13. 就在不久前,他的前景还是不错的:刷墙或修马桶的工钱,一天下来曾经达到50美元甚至更多。

    Not so long ago , his prospects were decent : A day of painting walls or fixing toilets could fetch $ 50 or more .

  14. 他还被房东勒令搬出房子,他只有用自己刷墙而得以延迟一周交纳房租。

    He also was ordered to move out of the house , he only used his skill to delay a week and pay the rent .

  15. 方法在城区选择57名从事半年以上的装修工人为暴露组和62名在未装修的室内从事安装、刷墙、铺地工作的工人为对照组。

    [ Methods ] 57 decorating workers with a working period of above half a year and 62 workers who worked in the non-decorated rooms were taken as the exposure group and the control group respectively .

  16. 分析了电站锅炉炉膛内火焰刷墙时的对流换热,提出了火焰刷墙时的对流换热由烟气对流换热和粒子对流换热组成的换热模型。

    This paper analyzes the convection heat transfer under the impact of flame on the wall in pulverized fuel boiler furnace , proposes its model that convection heat transfer is composed of gas convection heat transfer and particle convection heat transfer .