
  • 网络Chloramine;Monochloramine
  1. 随着氯氮比的增加,溴代三卤甲烷生成量明显升高,经分析认为可能是pH值和氯氮比对溴离子(Br-)与氯胺的卤代反应影响较为复杂造成的。

    It is believed that it may be caused by the complicated influence of pH and chlorine-nitrogen ratio on the reaction of bromide with chloramines .

  2. 运用DPD(N,N-二乙基对苯二胺)分光光度法,建立了快速分析制水工艺过程中各种氯胺含量的方法。

    A rapid analysis method for all forms of chloramines in water production process was developed by using N , N-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine ( DPD ) spectrophotometry .

  3. 氯胺和二氧化氯协同对f2噬菌体灭活作用的研究

    Study on synergetic inactivating effect of chloramine and chlorine dioxide on bacteriophage f_ 2

  4. 纳米ZnO光催化降解氯胺磷的研究

    Research on photocatalytic degradation of chloramine phosphorus with ZnO Nanoparticles

  5. 稀土掺杂纳米TiO2光催化降解氯胺磷

    Photocatalytic degradation of chloramine phosphorus with RE doped TiO_2

  6. 高锰酸盐复合药剂(PPC)与氯胺联用预氧化灭活试验研究

    Study on Pre-oxidation Disinfection by Combination of Chloramine and PPC

  7. 125Ⅰ-抗AIF-H亚基单克隆抗体用氯胺-T法制备;

    125I-monoclonal antibodies against H subunit of AIF ( AIF-H ) was prepared by the chloramine-T method .

  8. ~(125)I标记SOD氯胺T法和Iodogen法的条件研究

    Labelling conditions of ~ ( 125 ) i-sod by chloramine T method and Iodogen method

  9. 高锰酸钾预氧化可降低氯/氯胺消毒工艺的HAAs生成量。

    And PP preoxidation process could reduce the HAAs yields in chlorine / chloramine disinfection process .

  10. 方法:1、氯胺T法125I直接标记乙酰双半胱氨酸(EC),证明其可行性。

    Label the Ethylenedicysteine ( EC ) by Chloramine T method . Testify the feasibility of ~ ( 125 ) I labeling EC .

  11. 方法:125I标记抗Pgp/抗CD3微型双功能抗体采用氯胺T法,并采用昆明鼠和人K562耐药裸鼠移植瘤模型分别测定该微型双功能抗体在小鼠体内的药代动力学和体内组织分布;

    Methods : The pharmacokinetics and distribution of the antibody were analyzed by Kunming mouse and human K562 drug resistance nude mouse xenograft model .

  12. 研究结果表明,氯胺消毒比自由氯消毒可降低HAAs生成量60%~80%左右;

    The results showed that the HAAs yields with chloramination was reduced 60 % ~ 80 % than chlorination ;

  13. 用氯胺T法制备了125I神经生长因子(125INGF),放化纯度大于95%。

    I Nerve growth factor ( 125 I NGF ) with more than 95 % of radiochemical purity is prepared by chloramine T method .

  14. 本文用高纯的重组人瘦素抗原免疫家兔,得到高效价的兔抗人瘦素多克隆抗体,氯胺-T法制备125I-瘦素标记物,建立人血清瘦素RIA。

    In this article , rabbit-anti-human leptin polyclonal antibodies ( PcAb ) was prepared by immunizing rabbits with recombined human leptin while 125 I-leptin was obtained by chloramines-T method .

  15. 微污染水对氯胺灭活MS2噬菌体有一定的影响,但没有明显的规律性。

    Slightly contaminated water had some impact on MS2 inactivation but there was no prominent discipline .

  16. 利用氯胺T法和Alcian法检测细胞培养液中经脯氨酸及硫酸软骨素的含量。

    With chloramines T method and Alcian method , we measured the content of hydroxyproline and chondroitin sulfate in culture medium .

  17. 本文着重研究了氯胺和PPC(高锰酸钾复合药剂)这两种安全的消毒剂单独以及二者联用对原水中细菌、总大肠杆菌群的灭活效果。

    This paper put more emphases on the study of controlling of the total count of bacteria and the total coliform group by the combination of PPC and chloramine and by either of them .

  18. 方法建立新生鼠常压窒息模型,观察心肌组织病理改变、免疫组化法测定心肌组织MMP-3、MMP-9的活性及氯胺T法测定心肌胶原含量。

    Methods Asphyxia animal model was set , and myocardial histopathological study was done . The MMP-3 、 9 activities were measured by immunohistochemical assay and myocardial collagen quantity was measured by means of chloramines T.

  19. 用氯胺T法制备125I-AFPMcAb,用AFPMcAb包被试管,以全血作标准,建立了AFP干血滤纸片免疫放射分析方法。

    Two AFP McAb are used in AFP blood spot immunoradiometric assay . One is labeled with iodine 125 and the other is coated to the test tubes . The whole blood standards are spotted on filter paper .

  20. 在结合实际管网中AOC变化、消毒剂氧化对AOC影响和前期学者提出的已有模型的基础上,提出了更符合实际管网情况的改进氯和氯胺消毒AOC变化趋势模型。

    And improved models of AOC changes , which are more accordant with the actual conditions of DSs , are proposed based on the law of AOC changes and effects of chlorine oxidation .

  21. 方法:以氯胺-T法制备125I标记rPRL,采用平衡竞争法建立rPRLRIA,并测定大鼠血清和垂体组织中rPRL含量。

    Methods : Equilibrium competitive rPRL RIA was developed using 125I labelled rPRL , and the method was used to determined rPRL levels in rat sera and pituitary tissues .

  22. 在HAc-NaAc形成的中性缓冲溶液体系中,利用碘的催化动力学原理,使N-N-四甲基-4-4-二氨基二苯甲烷与氯胺T的氧化反应,生成蓝色络合物来测定地探样中微量碘的含量。

    Using the catalysis dynamics theory of iodine to determine the minim iodine of geochemical exploration samples in the neutral buffer solution system generated by HAc-NaAc , of which , the Oxidation reaction of chloramines and diaminodiphenylmethane generating blue complex .

  23. 对双相氯胺-T碘标法实验装置作了改进并标记长效促红细胞生成素(LL-EPO),采用离心超滤技术代替传统的柱层析脱盐纯化标记蛋白质。

    This research presented a modified two-phase chloramine-T method for radioiodine labeling of protein and Long-lasting Erythropoietin ( LL-EPO ) was labeled . And traditional gel filtration was substituted by ultrafiltration to purify the labeled protein .

  24. 采用双相氯胺-T法对聚乙二醇化重组人白细胞介素-6(PEG-rhIL-6)进行碘化标记,比较了双相氯胺-T法碘化标记PEG-rhIL-6在不同反应条件下的标记效果。

    The two-phase chloramine-T method was applied in the radioiodine-labeling of polyethylene glycol modification of recombinant human interleukin-6 ( PEG-rhIL-6 ) . The iodine incorporation was determined by trichloroacetic acid ( TCA ) and a γ - ray survey meter .

  25. 盐酸介质中苯扎氯胺在纯铝上的吸附、缓蚀作用

    Adsorption and Inhibition of Benzalkonium Chloride on Aluminum in HCl Solution

  26. 氯胺消毒及高锰酸钾氯胺联用消毒

    Disinfection of Water with Chloramine and with Potassium Permanganate and Chloramine

  27. 氯胺灭活水中剑水蚤类浮游动物的试验研究

    Experimental research on chloramine inactivation of Cyclops of zooplankton in water

  28. 用氯胺T法测定第28天肺组织胶原蛋白含量。

    The collagen content in lung is analyzed by hydroxyproline measurement .

  29. 氯胺T法测定羟脯氨酸表达,代表心肌胶原总表达。

    The hydroxy proline contents were measured with the chloramine T method .

  30. 高锰酸钾与氯胺联用强化消毒技术试验研究

    Enhanced disinfection by combined application of potassium permanganate and chloramine