
  • 网络chlorination;chlorine disinfection
  1. 氯化消毒副产物(DBPs)的毒理;

    The toxicology about DBPs , the side-product of chlorination ;

  2. 饮用水氯化消毒及其副产物的控制对策

    Chlorination of drinking water and control of its by - products

  3. 用彗星试验研究氯化消毒中水对小鼠脾淋巴细胞DNA的损伤作用

    DNA damage by chlorinated disinfection during water reuse in the lymphocytes from the spleen of mice assessed by the comet assay

  4. 臭氧催化氧化与BAC联用控制氯化消毒副产物

    Removal of Precursors of DBPs by Combined Process of Catalytic Ozonation and BAC

  5. 结论氯化消毒饮用水浓集物对N2具有DNA损伤作用,具有遗传毒性。

    Conclusion The organic concentrate of drinking water can cause the DNA damage of ras gene and it is considered as a kind of genotoxic substance .

  6. 氯化消毒饮用水副产物DBPs对健康的影响

    Effect of By-products of Chlorination Drinking Water DBPs on Health

  7. 背景与目的:研究两种人类来源的肝细胞在评价饮水氯化消毒副产物3-氯-4-二氯甲基-5-羟基-2(5氯)-呋喃酮(MX)DNA损伤作用的敏感性。

    BACKGROUND & AIM : To study on the susceptibility of two human-derived hepatic cell lines in evaluating DNA damage induced by 3-chloro-4-dichloromethyl-5-hydroxy-2 ( 5H ) - furanone ( MX ) .

  8. 结论巢湖源水具有潜在致突变性,经混凝、活性炭吸附及沉淀处理后其DNA损伤作用有所下降,但氯化消毒可增加水中有机提取物的DNA损伤作用。

    Conclusions Source water of Chaohu lake had latent mutagenicity , the DNA trauma of fish red blood cell could be decreased by coagulative precipitation , absorption of active carbon and precipitation , but the action might be amplified by adding chlorine .

  9. 氯化消毒饮用水中强致突变物MX[3-氯-4-(二氯甲基)-5-羟基-2(5H)-呋喃酮]的形成

    Formation of strong mutagen [ 3-chloro-4 - ( dichloromethyl ) - 5-hydroxy-2 ( 5h ) - furanone ] MX in chlorinated drinking water

  10. 研究了臭氧催化氧化与生物活性炭联用技术对氯化消毒副产物(DBPs)的控制效能。

    An investigation of the combined process of catalytic ozonation and biological activated carbon for the removal of DBPs precursors was conducted .

  11. MX[3氯4(二氯甲基)5羟基2(5H)呋喃酮]是饮用水氯化消毒过程中产生的具有强致突变作用的副产物。

    MX [ 3 chloro 4 ( dichloromethyl ) 5 hydroxy 2 ( 5H ) furanone ] was found to be the most potent mutagen in chlorinated drinking water .

  12. 三卤甲烷生成势(THMFP)随着氯化消毒的广泛使用成为人们普遍关心的新问题。

    The trihalomethane formation potential ( THMFP ) has become a new issue as a result of the popularization of chlorine disinfection .

  13. 3氯4(二氯甲基)5羟基2(5H)呋喃酮(MX)及二氯乙酸(DCA)和三氯乙酸(TCA)是氯化消毒副产物(DBPs)研究的重点。

    MX ( 3 Chloro 4 ( dichloromethyl ) 5 hydroxy 2 ( 5H ) furanone ) and chlorinated acetic acids such as DCA and TCA have always been the focus of Disinfection by products ( DBPs ) study .

  14. 卤乙酸(HAAs)是一类具有很高致癌风险性的氯化消毒副产物,以前主要从强化混凝去除HAAs前质和替代传统氯气消毒方面,研究控制水中HAAs的生成。

    Haloacetic acids ( HAAs ) are of high carcinogenic risk as a major group of disinfection by-products ( DBPs ) in chlorinated drinking water . Before much work has been aimed at studying the removal of HAAs precursors by enhanced coagulation and alternative disinfectants .

  15. 臭氧/高锰酸盐复合预氧化控制氯化消毒副产物前质

    Controlling Chlorine DBPs Precursor by Combined Preoxidation with Ozone and Permanganate

  16. 高锰酸盐复合药剂预处理控制氯化消毒副产物及致突变活性

    Control of chlorination byproducts and mutagenic activity by composite permanganate pretreatment

  17. 氯化消毒对污水中肠道杆菌杀灭的实验研究

    Experimental study on bactericidal effect of chlorination against ENTERO-BACTERIA in water

  18. 不同原水的氯化消毒工艺研究

    Study of Disinfection Processes for Different Water Qualities of Raw Water

  19. 水氯化消毒处理对人体健康的影响

    The Impact on Body Health about Chloridizing Disinfection of Drinking Water

  20. 目的:为了检测泸州市饮水氯化消毒副产物的致突变性。

    Objective : To detect the mutagenicity of by-product of chlorinated water .

  21. 饮用水氯化消毒产生氯仿的影响因素分析

    Analysis of Influence Factors on Chloroform Creation During Chlorination in Domestic Water

  22. 饮用水氯化消毒过程的动力学模型研究进展

    Progress of Chemical Kinetic Models for Disinfection of Drinking Water with Chlorination

  23. 医院污水氯化消毒处理的相关因素及探讨

    Correlation Factors and Exploration of Chloridizing Disinfection of Hospitals Sewage

  24. 用水螅再生试验预筛检饮水氯化消毒副产物的致畸性

    Prescreening Teratogenicity of Chlorinated Products in Drinking Water by Hydra Regeneration Assay

  25. O3/BAC对氯化消毒副产物的控制作用

    Use of O_3 / BAC Process for Control of Chlorine Disinfection Byproducts

  26. 氯化消毒副产物及二氧化氯消毒剂的应用

    Application of By-products from Chlorination and Chlorine Dioxide Disinfector

  27. 用絮凝法降低因氯化消毒饮水引起的污染

    Decreasing the contamination caused by chlorination for water disinfection with the flocculation method

  28. 饮用水氯化消毒副产物与出生缺陷

    Birth defects and chlorinated disinfection by-products in drinking water

  29. 氯化消毒过程中卤乙酸形成条件初探

    Study on formation of chloroacetic acid during chlorination disinfection

  30. 上海自来水氯化消毒副产物研究

    Study on the chlorination by - product in the finished water in Shanghai