
  • 网络clindamycin;Cleocin
  1. 目的:对局部应用氯林可霉素药膜治疗急性局限型智齿冠周炎的结果进行临床观察和细菌学检测,以评价其在智齿冠周炎治疗中的意义。

    Aim : To evaluate the result of local application of clindamycin membrane treating acute topical type pericoronitis of wisdom tooth with clinical observation and bacteriologic examination .

  2. 青霉素类、氟喹诺酮类、其他氨基糖苷类、红霉素、氯林可霉素、多西环素(强力霉素)、壮观霉素等耐药率很高均在70%~100%;

    The drug resistance rates to penicillin , quinolone antibacterials , the other aminoglycosides , erythromycin , clindamycin , doxycycline , spectinomycin are high , they are between 70 % to 100 % .

  3. 结论4个省市自然人群儿童中携带的GAS对红霉素、氯林可霉素、四环素耐药率与T型有关,不同T型的GAS耐药率不同;

    Conclusions Antibiotic resistance rates of GAS in natural people of the four provinces of China are associated with T type .

  4. 结果:药膜组和对照组检查结果经χ2统计处理(P<0.01),氯林可霉素药膜组疗效明显优于对照组。

    Results : The results were analysed with χ 2 test ( P < 0.01 ) . The curative effect in drug membrane group was obviously better than that in the contrast group .

  5. 对氯林可霉素耐药率高的菌型为T1、T12、T6;

    The types resistant to clindamycin were T1,12,6 , in turn .

  6. 对照组术前不予预防性用药而于术后常规静脉应用氯林可霉素每12小时静脉滴注600mg共7天,总剂量为8.4克。

    And not any medicine before operation on the contrast group , while apply chloric lincomycin after operation , last 7 days , i.v total dosage of 8.4g .

  7. 如果Etest法作为参考方法,则29株菌的MIC对比中Microscan法的判别误差为苯唑西林13.0%,庆大霉素3.4%,氯林可霉素27.6%;

    For comparison , if Etest was used as the reference method , the interpretation discrepancies found for microscan were : 13 % for oxacillin , 3.4 % for gentamycin , and 27.6 % for clindamycin .

  8. 结论:考虑氯林可霉素可作为治疗冠周炎的首选药物。

    Conclusions : Clindamycin can be considered to be the first choice medicine for treating pericoronitis .

  9. 肠球菌及链球菌对多种抗生素耐药,如对红霉素及氯林可霉素耐药率高达88%以上,但对万古霉素最敏感。

    Enterococcus and Streptococcus were resistant against various antibiotics obviously , and the resistance rate of them to erythromycin and clindamycin were more than 88 % . Enterococcus and Streptococcus were especially sensitive to vancomycin .