
  • 网络the closed-end fund puzzle
  1. 封闭式基金之谜的噪音理论解释

    Explain the Closed - end Fund Puzzle by Noise Theory

  2. 然后用行为金融学的理论来解释封闭式基金之谜,并说明这能很好的解释了所有的谜团。

    Then the enigma of discount is unpuzzled well by behavioral finance .

  3. 我国封闭式基金之谜的实证分析

    Empirical Study of the Puzzle of Chinese Closed Fund

  4. 由于标准金融理论很难解释这一现象,因而被称为封闭式基金之谜。

    The standard financial theory can 't satisfactorily explain this phenomenon , therefore , we call this phenomenon closed-end fund puzzles .

  5. 因此,如何圆满的解释封闭式基金之谜,成为了标准金融理论与行为金融理论哪个理论更符合现实的检验工具之一。

    Thus , how to explain close-end fund puzzles has been a tool that is used for test which theory is close to reality .

  6. 本文基于中国资本市场的数据对有限理性框架下的封闭式基金折价之谜进行了实证检验。

    Based on China 's capital market data , this paper had done empirical researches about closed-end fund puzzle in rationality analysis framework .

  7. 封闭式基金长期低于其净值进行交易是金融领域的一个难解之谜,被称为封闭式基金折价之谜。

    In the financial markets , the long-term phenomena of closed-end funds being traded below their net worth was known as the " discount puzzle of closed-end fund " .

  8. 封闭式基金的价格与净资产值长期处于背离状态的这种现象被金融学家们称作封闭式基金折价之谜。

    The phenomenon of division between closed-end fund price and net-asset value in long time was called closed-end fund puzzle by economists .