
  • 网络feudal lord;vassals
  1. 效忠诸侯对封建领主的忠诚。

    The fidelity owed by a vassal to his feudal lord .

  2. 封建领主以重税压榨农民。

    The feudal lord squeezed the peasants with heavy taxes .

  3. 他天生擅长交际:他的祖先曾是封建领主。

    Diplomacy was in his blood : his ancestors had been feudal lords

  4. 他的父母是被封建领主的酷刑折磨而死的。

    His parents died from tortures inflicted by their feudal lords .

  5. 它使国王们得以消灭封建领主。

    It enabled kings to destroy the castles of the feudal lords .

  6. 傣族封建领主制刑罚种类浅析

    On the Categories of Penalties under the Feudal Seigniorial System of Dai Nationality

  7. 它败于瑞典封建领主。

    She was beaten by the Swedish feudal lords .

  8. 在他的领地上享有王权的封建领主。

    Medieval the lord of a palatinate who exercised sovereign powers over his lands .

  9. 它可能是封建领主燕伯治所。

    It probably was the seat of a feudal lord , the Count of Yan .

  10. 好的,封建领主是拥有土地的人。

    Okay , a lord , in feudalism , is a person that owns land .

  11. 那些富有的封建领主可以安全地躲在城堡里的时代结束了。

    The age when the rich lords could sit in their castles and feel safe was over .

  12. 哈尼族在其漫长的历史发展进程中,曾经历了母系氏族制、父系氏族制、封建领主制、封建地主制,并直接过渡到社会主义社会。

    The Hani people went through matrilineal clanship , patrilineal clanship , feudal laird system , and socialist society .

  13. 这些强大的熊猫人勇士监管着整个帝国的军队,并且以侍奉封建领主般的忠诚服务于他们的人民。

    These mighty pandaren warriors oversee the armies of their empire and serve as feudal lords to the general population .

  14. 前者是国王依据全国最大封建领主的身份,所征收的封建特权收入。

    The former was the feudal privilege revenue collected by kings based upon the status of largest lord in the country .

  15. 西欧的城市则不断进行反对封建领主的斗争,破坏封建庄园经济,催生了资本主义的生产关系

    West European cities constantly had a struggle against feudal lords and destroyed the feudal manorial economy and therefore brought about the capitalist relationship of production

  16. 这一时期,贵州民族地区开始并在总体上逐步完成了由封建领主制向封建地主制的社会转型。

    Dueling this time , Guizhou mational area started and has gradually completed in the overall to transform from the feudal lord to feudal territorialism .

  17. 各地封建领主在发展经济、军事势力的同时,均十分重视扶持佛教、利用佛教来巩固自己的权力。

    In the process of developing economy and military strength , the feudal lords paid much attention to Buddhism so that they could consolidate their own strengths .

  18. 精英类型:宗教部队宫廷总管大臣负责耶路撒冷王国司法、财政和防务重任,同时亦须兼顾各封建领主利益。

    The Constable of Jerusalem is responsible for justice , payment and the command of mercenaries in battle , both the King 's and those of Feudal Lords .

  19. 一连好几个月,每个封建领主都要带着家人和侍从去江户居住,在那里直接侍奉幕府将军。

    For several months at a time , every feudal lord took his family and his retainers and went to live in Edo where he served the shogun directly .

  20. 该地区近代封建领主的政治、经济、社会管理体系更加完善、严密,有力地保证了领主阶级政权的运转。

    Economical , political and social administrative system of feudal lords of this region became more perfect and tight . It forcefully ensured the political power of lord class .

  21. 元明清时期傣族社会发生巨大的变化,作为社会文化重要组成部分的傣族法律文化,在这一历史阶段也发生了变化,法律文化性质由早期的奴隶制性质向明代以后的封建领主制变化;

    Great changes had taken place in the Yuan , the Ming and the Qing Dynasty and the Dai culture of law as an important part of social culture had also seen changes .

  22. 再者,两地地理交通差异导致外来经济与文化对封建领主制的冲击不同,进而导致桂西壮族和西双版纳傣族封建领主制发展情况不同。

    Second , dissimilarity in geography and transportation of the two regions causes exotic economy to put various impacts on the feudal lord system which makes their development in Xishuangbanna and the west region in Guangxi different .

  23. “参觐交代”是德川幕府制定的一项制度,帮助他们监视封建领主并最小化他们的资源,这样他们就不会有任何关于起义的可笑想法。

    Sankin k ō tai was a policy developed by the Tokugawa shoguns to help them keep an eye on their feudal lords and to minimize their resources so they didn 't get any funny ideas about revolting .

  24. 在西欧封建领主制下,封建领主以封地为基础统辖了其上的一切公共权力,根本不存在公共领域与私人领域相分离的社会结构。

    Under the system of the Western European feudal suzerain , feudal seigneurs got all the public power based on their private estates , radically , the social structure of the isolation between public power and private areas did not exist .

  25. 同时指出明末清初生产发展下出现的土地私有是湘西土家族地区封建领主制经济向封建地主制经济转化的重要原因。

    And one of the major reasons for the transformation of the economy of feudal suzerain system to the economy of feudal landlord system during late Ming and early Qing dynasties in this area is private owing of land rendered by the development of agriculture .

  26. 同时,封建领主对当地土民之间的矛盾也因这些外国势力入侵和封建土司举全力对外作战而得到一次次转移和缓解,客观上支持了封建领主制度的存在和发展。

    In addition , the conflict between the feudal lords and local peasants has been transferred and eased again and again by the invasion of foreign forces and go-all-out resistance of feudal lords , which objectively supported the existence and development of feudal lord system .

  27. 问题17封建制度中领主是什么?

    Question 17 . What is a lord in feudalism ?

  28. 交租封建时代佃农向领主缴纳或提供的贡品、劳役或租税。

    Tribute , service , or rent paid by a feudal tenant to a lord .

  29. 幕府将军在300位被称为“大名(日本封建时代的大领主)”的封建领主的帮助下在全国范围内行使权力。

    And the shogun exerted his power throughout the land with the help of 300 feudal lords called daimyo .

  30. 内容简介:从前有个大名(日本封建时代的大领主),他的宫殿被一只凶猛的老鼠强占了。

    New York , 2003 Content Abstract : There was once a daimyo ( a powerful lord ), whose castle was occupied by a savage rat .