
  1. 今年,开源平台与封闭平台、多功能设备与专有游戏设备,会争得头破血流。

    This year will see a gory battle between open and closed platforms , and between multi-purpose devices and specialised gaming gadgets .

  2. 而封闭式平台中软件开发商对终端用户的定价会随着开放式平台厂商的介入而提高。

    However , in the Proprietary platform , the software developer would improve the price charged to end users with the intervention of the manufacturers .

  3. 开放的平台下主机商对玩家的定价低于封闭的平台,因为开放的平台加剧竞争了对玩家的竞争。

    Compared with closed mode , Console firms offer a lower price to player in the open mode because open platforms may lead to an intensified competition of consumers .

  4. 然后,分别构建平台初期竞争模型和平台稳定期竞争模型进行理论阐述,并对封闭式平台和开放式平台进行对比分析。

    Then , this paper through the models of the early-stage of platform and the stable-stage of platform elaborates the theory , and Carries on the comparative analysis to the Proprietary platform and the open platform .

  5. 软件系统所基于的计算机硬件平台正经历从集中封闭的计算平台向开放的Internet平台的转变。

    The computer hardware platform of Software system is changing from the enclosed calculating platform to the open Internet platform .

  6. 在上述平台基础上,建立了喷雾冷却的封闭式实验平台,利用该平台可以更真实地模拟实用条件下喷雾冷却的换热特性。

    To use it can be more practical to simulate the real conditions of heat transfer characteristics of spray cooling .

  7. 然后给出了农产品封闭供应链云平台的逻辑构架并讨论了支撑起运作的IT技术。

    Then gave the cloud platform and discussed the logical framework of support from the operation of the IT technology .

  8. 传统的应用集成采用封闭的信息集成平台来解决应用集成问题,它采用专有的标准,在开放性和可扩展性方面支持很差,解决方案代价昂贵。

    Traditional applied integration scheme adopted enclosed information-integration platform to solve problems of applied integration which with its special standard , was lack of openness and expansibility .

  9. 然后从农产品封闭供应链信息化平台的目标和需求分析入手,考虑农产品供应链上各参与主体的特征,明确了信息化建设的组织方式和各自的权责关系。

    And from analyzing the goals and needs for products supply chain information platform , considering the main characteristics of the participants , defined the organization and the relationship between their respective powers and responsibilities .