
  • 网络closed-end fund discount;Discount of Closed-end Fund
  1. 我国封闭式基金折价率均值回归与投资策略分析

    Mean-reversion Analysis of Closed-end Fund Discount and Investment Strategy

  2. 赎回权的价值与封闭式基金折价率研究&兼论封转开方案设计

    Value of Callable Rights and Closed-end Fund Discount

  3. 引入股权分置改革这一事件作为控制变量,证明股权分置改革和封闭式基金折价率呈显著关系这一结论,为我国封闭式基金的发展提供了最新的经验证据。

    The reform of division in ownership structure of shares of this event as the control variable . Closed-end Fund significant relationship . development provides the latest experience evidence .

  4. 我们首先通过主成分分析来探索折价率的变化规律,然后通过变量标准化和函数型典型相关分析来揭示封闭式基金的折价率和开盘价之间的内在联系。

    Firstly we apply Functional PCA to the data of agio-rate in order to explore its variation pattern , and then we focus on Variable Standardization Method and Functional CCA to uncover its inner relationship with the opening rate .