
  1. 商业秘密保护法若干内容之构想

    Some Thoughts on the Content of Business Secret Protection Law

  2. 在此基础上,提出我国应当制定专门的商业秘密保护法,并以其它法律为补充,构建一个完善的商业秘密法律保护体系。

    The article advises to make a specific law and use other laws as supplements .

  3. 中国与加拿大商业秘密保护法比较研究

    Study and Comparison of Law about the Protection of Trade Secret between China and Canada

  4. 为此我国应尽快出台《商业秘密保护法》,以弥补现有法律对商业秘密保护的不足,并提出了其方法中应重点解决的若干问题。

    Now it is time that in China there was a law to protect business secrets .

  5. 属于知识产权保护的商业秘密保护法亦不应例外。

    Trade-secret protection law , one branch of intellectual property right protection , is no exception .

  6. 不可避免披露原则不同于传统的商业秘密保护法。

    The doctrine of inevitable disclosure of trade secrets is one of the most famous doctrines in America trade secrets law .

  7. 笔者认为完善的方法主要为在法律中明确权利主体、加强权利人的自我保护和尽快制定完备的商业秘密保护法。

    In my opinion , the ways to perfect the law are to strengthen self-protection and to complete the trade secret protection law .

  8. 研究,制定专门的《商业秘密保护法》,从而进一步加强商业秘密的法律保护,是当前极为迫切的问题。

    There are urgent needs for us to study and promote trade secret protection , and formulate a " Uniform Trade Secret Law of P.R.China " .

  9. 美国作为世界上商业秘密保护法最为发达的国家,迄今已建立起十分完备的商业秘密法律体系。

    As the country that has the most advanced law of trade secrets , U.S.A. has built up almost perfect legal system for the protecting of trade secrets .

  10. 包括在未来建立专门的商业秘密保护法和目前能做的,以反不正当竞争法为主体进行全面的保护,并且在救济方面也提出了相关的完善建议。

    Included in the future establish specialized business secret protection law and the present can do to anti-unfair competition law as the main body to conduct a comprehensive protection , and also in relief puts forward relative improvement Suggestions .

  11. 作为美国商业秘密保护法中的独特制度,不可避免披露原则在协调人才流动与商业秘密保护之间的矛盾上发挥着重要的作用。

    As a unique legal system for the protecting of trade secrets in the United States , the Doctrine of the Inevitable Disclosure plays an essential role in protecting trade secrets concerning the more and more common job-hopping phenomenon .

  12. 关于制定商业秘密保护专门法,笔者提出一些设想。包括商业秘密专门法的立法宗旨及定位、关于调整范围、主要内容。

    In the end , talking about making a specific business secret protection law , this thesis makes some suggestions involving the aim and the position of the law , the range of adjustment and the main content .

  13. 但从我国目前的立法情况来看,并没有一部专门的商业秘密保护的部门法,相关的商业秘密保护条款散见于各种法律、法规之中。

    But from our country current legislative situation , there is not a special trade secret protection of the law , relevant trade secret protection clause referring to various laws and regulations .

  14. 经过数十年的发展,我国食品配方的知识产权保护逐渐形成了商业秘密保护以及专利法保护的二元保护模式。

    After years of development , the intellectual property of food formula in our country is now protected as a kind of both commercial secret and patent , forming a dual-protection mode .

  15. 版权法保护、商业秘密法保护、商标法保护等一系列较早采用的保护方法已经被大家所熟知,学者们对此也基本上达成了一致。

    Copyright law , trade secret law protection , trademark protection which have been earlier adopted as a series of protection methods have been known to everyone , scholars have reached a basic consensus .

  16. 在这样的情况下,就有必要对于商业秘密法律保护的侵权法原理、合同法原理、反不正当竞争理论以及财产权理论进行分析。

    In this case , it is essential that we make an analysis of the four theories concerning the legal protection of business secrets . They are theory on the law of tort , theory on the law of contract , theory on anti-unfair competition and theory on property rights .

  17. 商业秘密;商业秘密权;商业秘密保护法;行业自律规范;

    Trade Secret ; The trade secret right ; The law of trade secret protection ; the rules of self-regulation ;

  18. 第二,商业秘密民法保护应当以统一的商业秘密保护法为表现形式;

    Secondly , the civic protection of trade secret should in the form of unified Trade Secret Protection Law .

  19. 有效保护商业秘密知识产权,必须建立《商业秘密保护法》。

    In order to protect effectively the commercial secrets and intellectual property rights , Law Protecting Commercial Secrets must be established .

  20. 该部分首先对我国制订商业秘密的必要性与可能性进行分析,认为我国应当制订专门的商业秘密保护法。

    The first part of our trade secrets developed to analyze the necessity and possibility , that China should develop specialized trade secret protection laws .

  21. 最后在探讨分析了我国目前商业秘密保护的立法、执法、司法现状后,提出我国应尽早制定《商业秘密保护法》的必要性和迫切性,以期为保护商业秘密提供有效的措施。

    Finally , the writer analyses legislation , administration of law and jurisdictional conditions at present in China and then states that it is necessary and urgent for our country to make Business Secret Protection Law as soon as possible in order to effectively protect business secret .

  22. 而保护商业秘密实际上是保护商业秘密所有人的利益,一般情况下是用人单位的利益,因此商业秘密保护法的重心与劳动法正好相反。

    On the other hand , to protect trade secrets is actually to protect the employers ' interests who on most occasions are the owner of trade secrets . We can see that the emphasis of the law protecting trade secrets is opposite with that of the labour law .