
guān liáo zhǔ yì
  • bureaucratism;bureaucracy
官僚主义 [guān liáo zhǔ yì]
  • (1) [bureaucracy;bureaucratism] 以经常争夺更多的职务和权力、缺乏主动精神和灵活性、漠视人民的需求和公众意见、常常以层层上报而推诿不作决定或以官样文章妨碍行动为特色的一套行政制度

  • 痛斥官僚主义的弊病

  • (2) ;也指只发号施令而不考虚实际问题的工作作风,即当官作老爷的工作作风和领导作风

官僚主义[guān liáo zhǔ yì]
  1. 我们必须摆脱官僚主义对工作的严重影响。

    We need to free business from the dead hand of bureaucracy .

  2. 官僚主义可说是我们的心腹之患。

    Bureaucracy may be said as a disease in our very vitals .

  3. 又让官僚主义搞成了一团糟。

    It was another bureaucratic snafu .

  4. 这是那种典型的令人不快的官僚主义态度。

    This is a classic example of the killjoy attitudes of officialdom .

  5. 对于官僚主义,群众是不买账的。

    The masses won 't go for bureaucracy .

  6. 在不少环节上还不同程度存在官僚主义和腐败现象。

    Bureaucracy and corruption still exist to varying degrees in many sectors .

  7. 他们的目的在于根除官僚主义。

    They aimed at the cure of bureaucratism .

  8. 官僚主义已变得僵化。

    The bureaucracy has become ossified .

  9. 官僚主义式的,不孚众望的命令,可以被人们用各种各样的办法来回避

    Bureaucratically unpopular orders can be evaded in a variety of ways .

  10. 官僚主义就如迷宫中的回廊,又象小巷般的繁文缛节(威廉H.哈勒汉)

    The labyrinthine corridors and alleys of bureaucratic red tape ( William H. Hallahan )

  11. BenHarris希望军方能采用一个更全面的、少一些官僚主义的做法。

    Ben Harris hopes the military will adopt a more holistic , less bureaucratic approach .

  12. 谷歌(Google)的“官僚主义破坏者”计划旨在削减公司内部的繁文缛节,提高行政流程的效率。

    Google 's " Bureaucracy Busters " program was designed to cut down on internal red tape and make administrative processes more efficient .

  13. 美国商会(americanchamberofcommerce)的调查经常发现,聘用和留住员工是在华跨国企业面临的最大问题,其严重程度甚至超过知识产权遭窃或官僚主义干涉。

    Surveys by the American Chamber of Commerce regularly find that hiring and retaining staff is the biggest problem facing multinationals in China , ahead of intellectual property theft or bureaucratic meddling .

  14. 该方法的一个缺点是框架结构会抑制创造力,并且向EA实现过程中增加官僚主义。

    One danger of this approach is that the framework structure may constrain creativity and add bureaucracy to the EA implementation process .

  15. 论文指出,汤姆•彼得斯(TomPeters)和罗伯特•沃特曼(RobertWaterman)在《追求卓越》(InSearchofExcellence)一书中普及了公司文化的理念,它“被理解为一种反官僚主义运动”,希望以价值观取代规定。

    Popularised by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman 's In Search of Excellence , corporate culture " was understood as an anti-bureaucratic move " that aspired to substituting values for rules , the Cambridge / Stockholm paper said .

  16. 它并未创建一个由高层组成的委员会,对不同流程进行内部审查和提出建议,公司CFO帕特里克•皮切特要求所有员工在一个内部网站上发布减少官僚主义的建议,并投票支持他们认为最有希望的建议。

    Instead of creating a committee of senior leaders to conduct an internal review of various processes and make recommendations , CFO Patrick Pinchette asked all employees to post their bureaucracy-cutting suggestions on an internal site and vote on the ones they found most promising .

  17. Bawa在文章中说,如果印度要成为环保科学的全球领导者,它必须首先把印度的科学界从官僚主义的桎梏中解放出来,并积极鼓励实地研究。

    It follows that if India is to become a global leader in conservation science it must first free its scientific community from red tape , and actively encourage field-based research .

  18. Lavania说,印度研究所之间缺乏协调或合作,缺乏对科学伦理的重视、存在自我推销的领导者,而且官僚主义过多,印度科学受到了这些不良因素的影响。

    Lavania says Indian science suffers from a lack of coordination or collaboration across institutes , a disregard for scientific ethics , self-promoting leaders and too much bureaucracy .

  19. 第二部分:官僚主义的生成原因和社会根基。

    Part ⅱ: the generation of bureaucratic reasons and social foundation .

  20. 崎岖的地形和地方官僚主义作风,构成了吸引资金的障碍。

    Rough terrain and local bureaucracy are obstacles to drawing capital .

  21. 但是,必须反对官僚主义,反对机构庞大。

    Still , we must oppose bureaucracy and a cumbersome apparatus .

  22. 昂贵的新科技将应用,官僚主义被摆脱。

    Expensive new technologies will be deployed and bureaucrats shuffled around .

  23. 二是深刻地揭示了官僚主义的根源;

    Secondly , it has profoundly revealed the root of bureaucracy ;

  24. 官僚主义惯性保护了计生体制。

    There is a bureaucratic machinery that protects the existing system .

  25. 属于、关于或类似于官僚主义、官僚政治的。

    Of or relating to or resembling a bureaucrat or bureaucracy .

  26. 我们还会发现小偷小摸、吹牛拍马以及官僚主义的种种现象。

    We still encounter case of pilfering , eyewash and bureaucratism .

  27. 官僚制与官僚主义的共生关系。

    The fifth is that bureaucracy and bureaucratism have commensal relation .

  28. 在一些组织中,官僚主义和政治遮蔽了建设性的逻辑。

    In some organizations bureaucracy and politics overshadow constructive logic .

  29. 英国以嘲笑官僚主义作风而著称的历史学家(1909-)。

    British historian noted for ridicule of bureaucracies ( 1909 - ) .

  30. 官僚主义是社会主义现代化建设的大敌。

    Bureaucratism is the enemy of modernizations of socialist construction .