
ɡuān liáo zī běn zhǔ yì
  • bureaucratic capitalism
  1. 但在封建主义、帝国主义和官僚资本主义的三重压迫下,桐油贸易由兴盛走向了衰落。

    But under the oppression of feudalism , imperialism and bureaucratic capitalism , the tung oil trade declined from prosperity to deterioration .

  2. 一段时间后,他们会轮换,这样来防止官僚资本主义和集/权主义的危险。

    After some time this division will rotate to check the party and state from the danger of bureaucratic capitalism and totalitarianism .

  3. 对付帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义,对付资本主义。

    Against imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism , and against capitalism .

  4. 封建主义是帝国主义和官僚资本主义的同盟者及其统治的基础。

    Feudalism is the ally of imperialism and bureaucrat-capitalism and the foundation of their rule .

  5. 官僚资本主义企业收归国有了。

    Bureaucrat-capitalist enterprises were nationalized .

  6. 第一张皮,是帝国主义所有制。第二张皮,是封建主义所有制。第三张皮,是官僚资本主义所有制。

    Imperialist ownership was the first skin , feudal ownership the second and bureaucrat-capitalist ownership the third .

  7. 旧有的三张:帝国主义所有制,封建主义所有制,官僚资本主义所有制。

    Three of them were old ones , namely , imperialist ownership , feudal ownership and bureaucrat-capitalist ownership .

  8. 旧中国在帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治下,生产力的发展一直是非常缓慢的。

    Under the rule of imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism , the productive forces of the old China grew very slowly .

  9. 在帝国主义、封建主义和后来发展起来的官僚资本主义压迫下,中国继续贫穷下去。

    Under the oppression of imperialism , feudalism and the bureaucrat-capitalism that developed later , the country became poorer and poorer .

  10. 这些人士,同官僚资本主义和帝国主义有矛盾,同封建的地主、富农也有某种矛盾。

    Such people have contradictions with bureaucrat-capitalism and imperialism and to a certain extent also with the feudal landlords and rich peasants .

  11. 这后一条路线,在实际上是不能实现的,所以他们实际上是准备投降帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的人。

    In fact this line is not practicable , and therefore they are actually ready to capitulate to imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism .

  12. 帝国主义、封建主义、官僚资本主义长时期的破坏,使中国成了贫穷落后的国家。

    The damage inflicted over a long period by the forces of imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism reduced China to a state of poverty and backwardness .

  13. 这样的资本势力只能靠专制权力才能发展起来,也必然会进一步固守集权而表现出官僚资本主义专制的特殊性。

    This kind of capital power only relied on despotic dictatorship to develop and tenaciously defended concentration of power further , appearing specialty of monarchy of bureaucrat capitalism .

  14. 中国自进入近代社会以来,一方面中国社会半殖民地半封建化程度逐渐加深,另一方面中国人民反对帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的意识日益增强。

    Since China entered the modern society , on the one hand , the semi - colonial and semi - feudal extent of the Chinese society was deepening gradually ;

  15. 帝国主义的侵略、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治是造成近代中国工业化梦想破灭的根本原因。

    The root causes of the shattering of dream of modern China 's industrialization lie in the aggression of imperialism and the ruling of feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism .

  16. 与西方企业的联盟也在瓦解中,以国有垄断企业和重商主义贸易政策为支柱的中国官僚资本主义,正开始疏远党的(真正的)资本家朋友。

    The alliance with western business is also fraying , as China 's bureaucratic capitalism - anchored by state-owned monopolies and mercantilist trade policies - begins to alienate the party 's ( genuinely ) capitalist friends .

  17. 正因为开明绅士有这些作用,他们也是反帝反封建反官僚资本主义革命统一战线中的一分子,所以,团结他们也是一个必须注意的问题。

    It is precisely because they have this role that the enlightened gentry also constitute an element in the revolutionary united front against imperialism , feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism ; therefore , attention must also be paid to the question of uniting with them .

  18. 但军阀政治并非是完全的封建专制,因为就军阀时期的经济环境来看,已非全盘的封建自然经济和封建剥削方式,民族资本主义和官僚资本主义成分不断增长;

    But stratocracy is not just feudally autocratic , because from the aspect of economic environment , in the period of stratocracy , the feudal natural economy was not a totally feudal form of exploitation yet , and the capital compositions of nationality and bureaucrats were increasing constantly ;

  19. 三权分立原则和现代官僚制度构成了资本主义社会的基本政治&行政模式,作为资本主义后发国家的日本禀承拿来主义的传统,在引进的同时对之加以改造。

    Separation of the three powers and modern bureaucratic system constitute the basic politics of capitalistic society & the administrative model . As a capitalistic country that developed relatively late , Japan carried on the tradition of " borrowing from other countries " with some alteration .