
ɡuān běn wèi
  • official rank standard;using official status as the sole judge of a person's social worth
  1. 在中国古代文化中,辉煌灿烂的诗歌文化和中国封建政治制度的基本特征官本位有着一种内在联系。

    In Chinese ancient culture , there 's a intrinsic relation between the splendid poem culture and basic characteristics of feudal political system of China official rank standard .

  2. 其二,“官本位”价值准则引导的功利心理,是孳生权力腐败的基本动力,它具有异化权力、浸淫人性的巨大功能。

    Second , fame and favor-oriented psychology determined by the value principle of " official rank standard " is the primary motive force of power and deteriorating human nature .

  3. 政府组织的自我膨胀和官本位价值取向的交互作用

    Reciprocation of self-inflation of governmental organization and officer 's standard value orientation .

  4. 采用什么标准评价?试论官本位产生的原因及对策

    On the Reason and the Countermeasures of the Official Standard

  5. 论官本位对中国科技发展的影响

    Discussing the Influence of the Official-Centered on Chinese Science and Technology Development

  6. 当前中国行政文化基本上承袭了官本位体制下的传统行政文化。

    The current Administration Culture of China originates mainly from traditional Administration Culture .

  7. 官本位意识是和谐社会的宿敌

    Official Oriented Consciousness is the Enemy of Harmonious Society

  8. 中国传统官本位思想生发的文化生态根源

    The Cultural Root of Chinese Traditional Officialdom Standard Thought

  9. 当代政治生活中的官本位意识透视

    The Perspective of " Officialdom Standard " Consciousness in Present Age Political Life

  10. 官本位的经济根源及其启示

    Economic Source of " Officer Standard " and Enlightenment

  11. 官本位与能力本位的关系,在解决领导干部能上能下问题上取得新的突破。

    The new breakthrough poit is the rising and falling problem of leaders .

  12. 官本位意识的历史成因及对策

    The historical origin and resolution of official standard consciousness

  13. 高校教师在官本位文化下的困境与破解对策研究

    Study on the Difficulties Faced by University Teachers under Officer-based Culture and Solutions

  14. 官本位体制的衰落

    Decline in " Official Rank " System

  15. 新的历史条件下消除官本位意识影响的若干思考

    Some Considerations of Eliminating Ideological Influence of Official Standard under the New Condition of History

  16. 从传播学的角度来看传媒改革,存在错综复杂的问题:官本位严重;

    Viewing media reform at communication angle , there are complex problems-serious official departmental selfishess ;

  17. 政府组织的自我膨胀和官本位价值取向的交互作用;

    EXPANDED GRAPHITE Reciprocation of self-inflation of governmental organization and officer 's standard value orientation .

  18. 中国民众官本位意识成因探析

    The Inquiry into the Causes of Consciousness of " the Official Status " Among Chinese People

  19. 二是竞争规则应该从官本位向职业银行经理选拔过渡;

    Second , competition rule should be reformed from the public-officer-based one to a professional-manager-oriented rule .

  20. 我们认为,要化解官本位与民本位的价值观冲突,实现多数人与少数人的利益平衡。

    To resolve the official-based and people-based values conflict , most people and minority balance of interests .

  21. 官本位是历史和现实因素相互作用的产物。

    The officer 's standard is the result of the interaction between the historical and realistic factors .

  22. 关于官本位制度和地本位经济,以后有时间再闲扯。

    Based on the official system and the ground-based economy , in future we have time to cackle .

  23. 这种特殊的政府模式存在的问题表现在:(1)官本位思想的影响。

    Such special government 's mode existing problem shows : ( 1 ) Influence of officer 's standard thought .

  24. 儒家文化官本位思想导致知识分子地位低下,知识贬值;

    The " official-oriented " thought in Confucian culture caused intellectuals in a low social status and knowledge devalued ;

  25. 完善环境行政奖励制度首先要更新观念,要摒弃官本位的思想,树立权利本位观。

    In sum , the idea of perfecting the administrative incentive system of environment of our country is put forward .

  26. 受中国传统家国观和官本位思想的影响,中国传统教育缺失了公共意识。

    Affected by the traditional views of the state and the family , the traditional Chinese education lacks public consciousness .

  27. 第二,在社会地位方面,我国公务员的队伍构成助长的官本位思想。

    Second , in the aspect of social status , the structure of civil service will promote the official standard idea .

  28. 我国传统的政治法律意识主要有官本位意识、臣民意识、法律工具意识等。

    The traditional political legal consciousness in China mainly includes official consciousness , subject consciousness , legal tool consciousness and so on .

  29. 我国政治生活中的官本位,玷污了党和国家的形象,对我国的社会主义事业造成了严重的危害。

    It has stained the images to the Party and the country , causing the serious damages to the socialist cause of our country .

  30. 在社会转型时期,一些高校领导干部权力观发生错位,出现了官本位或权力寻租等现象。

    In the period of social transition , some leaders outlooks on power are put in such wrong positions as official-oriented or power selling .