
jiē jí dòu zhēnɡ
  • class struggle;class conflict
阶级斗争 [jiē jí dòu zhēng]
  • [class struggle] 社会或经济的阶级之间的相互反对和斗争;尤指无产阶级和资产阶级之间的斗争

  1. 神化的小英雄&十七年阶级斗争题材儿童小说中的主人公形象

    Deification of the little hero & The protagonists of children fictions Getting the resource of class conflict from the real life

  2. 创始者所开辟的整个马克思主义理论体系,尤其是科学社会主义理论体系,都未避开阶级斗争,无不直接或间接地建基于对阶级冲突态势的把握。

    The whole Marxist theory system , especially scientific socialism theory system , did not avoid " class conflict " .

  3. 政治变成了阶级斗争。

    Politics has been reduced to class struggle .

  4. 一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争。

    Every class struggle is a political struggle .

  5. 他充满了阶级斗争思想。

    He is full of the concept of class struggle .

  6. 美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)坚持要提高富人的税率,以帮助削减赤字,而包括罗姆尼在内的共和党人形容这个提议是搞阶级斗争。

    Barack Obama , US president , has insisted that the wealthy pay higher taxes to help cut the deficit , a proposal that Republicans including Mr Romney have described as class warfare .

  7. 在科特金看来,“残酷无情的阶级斗争组成了列宁思想的核心”。或者就像马克西姆•高尔基(MaximGorky)所写的那样,“他(列宁)的爱,穿透了仇恨的迷雾,望向遥远的未来”。

    In Kotkin 's view , " Pitiless class warfare formed the core of Lenin 's thought . " Or , as Maxim Gorky wrote , " His [ Lenin 's ] love looked far ahead , through the mists of hatred . "

  8. 这是一个伟大的任务,一个伟大的阶级斗争。

    This is a great task , a great class struggle .

  9. 你对于阶级斗争这一概念是怎样理解的?

    What do you mean by the concept of class struggle ?

  10. 忘了救援疲劳,风险在于阶级斗争。

    Forget bail-out fatigue ; the risk is class war .

  11. 企图否认阶级斗争存在的理论是完全错误的理论。

    The theory which attempts to deny this fact is utterly wrong .

  12. 民族斗争也是阶级斗争的一种形式。

    Ethnic struggle is also a form of class struggle .

  13. 读者们,你们觉得中国的阶级斗争会怎样发展?

    How do you think China 's class war will play out ?

  14. 阶级斗争是客观存在,不依人的意志为转移的。

    Class struggle is an objective reality , independent of man 's will .

  15. 民族斗争和阶级斗争的一致性

    The identity between the national and the class struggle

  16. 马克思的阶级斗争学说及其对中国的影响

    Marxian Class Struggle Theory and Its Impact on China

  17. 农业合作化的一场辩论和当前的阶级斗争

    The debate on the co-operative transformation of agriculture and the current class struggle

  18. 相反,辩论将陷入阶级斗争的泥潭中。

    Instead , the debate is stuck in the mud of class warfare .

  19. 工会与政府、界间的阶级斗争激烈。

    The class war raged as unions took on the government and business .

  20. 在我们社会里依然存在着阶级斗争。

    There still exists class struggle in our society .

  21. 前马克思主义阶级斗争理论的传播与发展

    The Spread and Development of the Class Struggle Theory before Marxism Came into Being

  22. 也是阶级斗争的本质所在。

    It 's the essence of class struggle .

  23. 民族独立比阶级斗争更重要。

    National independence takes priority over class struggle .

  24. 民族斗争,说到底,是一个阶级斗争问题。

    Ih the final analysis , national struggle is a matter of class struggle .

  25. 以阶级斗争为基础的利益实现机制。

    Interest achievement mechanism based on class struggle .

  26. 在以阶级斗争为纲的年代里,阶级意识泛化,文学被视为阶级斗争的工具。到了以经济建设为中心的新时期,文学研究中阶级、阶级斗争、阶级矛盾等话语逐渐退隐。

    Literature used to be regarded as a tool of class struggle in China .

  27. 这是尖锐的阶级斗争。

    They have all been sharp class struggles .

  28. 强势革命话语在对文本的绝对统治、广泛分布中被日常化叙事,阶级斗争、思想改造、社会主义建设沦为日常生活。

    The class struggle , ideological remoulding and socialist construction become the daily life .

  29. 至今一切社会的历史都是阶级斗争的历史。

    The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles .

  30. 革命是要搞阶级斗争,但革命不只是搞阶级斗争。

    Revolution means carrying out class struggle , but it does not merely mean that .