
  • 网络stage acceptance
  1. 三峡水利枢纽工程阶段验收工作体会

    Personnel understanding of the stage acceptance of Three Gorges Project

  2. 质量控制模块主要包括智能化工程项目设计方案审核、材料设备软件进场报验和智能化工程阶段验收报审等信息的管理。

    The quality control module includes intelligent building project design review , materials , equipment and software entrance back-check , intelligent building project stage acceptance report review .

  3. 2002年三峡工程建设难度和阶段验收

    Difficulties in Construction and Phased Acceptance ' 2002

  4. 由三建委发布的《长江三峡二期工程枢纽工程验收工作大纲》是国家专为三峡二期工程阶段验收制定的验收办法,验收工作由国务院长江三峡二期工程验收委员会主持。

    The Outline of the Project Acceptance of The Second-stage Works of Three Gorges Project issued by the Three Gorges Project Construction Committee is specially aimed at the stage acceptance of the Three Gorges Project .

  5. 对铁路项目收尾阶段相应验收的流程和内容进行了描述。

    Railway project closeout phase corresponding acceptance process and content are described .

  6. 坐标测量技术可以分为3个部分:生产阶段、验收阶段和使用阶段。

    Coordinate measuring technique can be divided into 3 sections : for manufacture , for acceptance test and for application .

  7. 该评分标准对住宅区的规划设计阶段、验收与运行管理阶段分别给出了细致的评分标准,贯穿于住宅建筑的整个生命周期。

    The new rate system gives some guides on the stages of designing , approvement and operation management , which passes through for the residential buildings entire life cycle .

  8. 它们贯穿在工程建设自招投标阶段直到竣工验收的全过程。

    They run through the stages of construction from bidding until the final acceptance .

  9. 在早期阶段使用系统验收标准作为抽取和记录需求的一个基础,会给团队成员大量的控制。

    Using system acceptance criteria as a basis for eliciting and documenting requirements in the early stages gives team members a great deal of control .

  10. 项目经理在项目的先启阶段开始编写产品验收计划。

    The project manager draws it up during the Inception phase of the project .

  11. 例如,结束某一设计阶段就要求顾客验收设计文件。

    For example , closing a design phase requires customer acceptance of the design document .

  12. 论述了施工准备阶段、施工阶段及验收三个阶段,对冲击钻孔灌注桩基础施工质量控制的内容与方法。

    A brief introduction is made on the contents and methods of quality control during three periods of impact bore filling pile foundation construction , including construction preparation period , construction period and acceptance period .

  13. 结合淮北市北外环C1段市政工程的案例,从施工准备阶段、施工阶段和竣工验收阶段对如何进行项目施工的成本控制进行了探讨,以使企业取得良好的社会效益和经济效益。

    Combined with north circumferential municipal works in Huaibei city , from three stages : preparation stage , construction stage and acceptance stage measures for construction cost control are discussed in order to acquire good social and economic benefits for enterprises .

  14. 文章分别就建设项目决策阶段、实施阶段、竣工验收阶段、试运行阶段、建设单位财务收支等方面的跟踪审计内容和方法进行了阐述,并提出了跟踪审计应注意的三个问题。

    It elaborates the content and method relating follow-up auditing from the stage of division , implementation , completion and check acceptance , trial operation and financial revenue and expenditure and three points for attention .

  15. 结合房地产开发流程,强调房地产开发企业应重视项目开发决策阶段、设计阶段、竣工验收交付使用阶段的质量管理。

    With integrating the procedures of the real estate development , the real estate enterprises should emphasize the quality management of decision , design and completion acceptance application stages , and the function of project inspector in construction stage .

  16. 结合军队专业技术院校实际和迎评准备工作的任务特点,从迎评前期准备阶段、组织实施阶段、考核验收阶段3个方面,提出了质量控制策略。

    By combining with the reality of the military academy and the duty features of preparation for the appraisement , we propose the quality control strategy in three aspects : preparation , organization and implementation , and performance test and acceptance .

  17. 论文重点分析了开发企业在经济适用房成本控制中存在的问题,并分前期策划阶段、设计阶段、施工阶段和验收阶段四个阶段分别提出了加强经济适用房成本控制的措施。

    The paper puts emphasis on analyzing the problems that occur in cost control of economic adaptive house and giving measures of strengthening cost control of economic adaptive house in planning stage , design stage , construction stage and ending stage .

  18. 为实现绿色施工,针对监理工程师的责任、义务,从监理工程师的自身素质、工程的施工准备阶段、工程的实施阶段及竣工验收阶段几方面,提出了加强工程建设环境保护管理的措施。

    In order to realize environmental friendly construction this paper from the responsibility and duties of supervision engineers , their qualities , preparation stage , acceptance stage and other aspects proposes some measures to strengthen environmental protection management for construction engineering .

  19. 监理的全过程投资控制就是发挥监理的职能作用,对项目建设投资决策阶段、设计阶段、施工阶段和竣工验收阶段的工程造价进行控制,以保证项目管理目标的实现。

    The all process investment of control to supervision is bringing the supervision function effect into play , control construction costs in investment decision stage , design stage , construction stage , completed stage , to ensure that the project manages the target realization .

  20. 简述了进行建设项目工程造价控制的必要性,从投资决策阶段、设计阶段、工程实施阶段、竣工验收阶段四方面介绍了有效控制工程造价的措施,从而促进经济建设的快速发展。

    It elaborates the necessity of project cost control in constructional item , introduces the measures to control project cost effectively from four aspects : investing and decision-making stage , designing stage , constructing stage and finishing stage , in order to promote the fast development of economic construction .

  21. 根据高速公路施工的特点,结合实际,从施工准备阶段、路基和构造物施工阶段、中间交工验收阶段论述了测量监理工作的任务。

    According to the features of the construction of superhighway and connecting with the reality , this paper discusses on the tasks of the measurement supervision in the construction preparatory phase , the roadbed and structure construction phase and the acceptance phase .

  22. 对工程造价管理从项目建议书阶段、可行性评估阶段、设计阶段、施工阶段、竣工验收阶段以及后评估阶段造价管理的控制进行了分析,指出了造价管理在全过程控制的重要性。

    According to the engineering cost management in suggestion stage , feasibility evaluation stage , design stage , construction , acceptance and post-evaluation stage analysis is carried out for cost control . The important roles of cost management acted in the whole procedure control are pointed out in the end .

  23. 本市看守所信息化工作从2001年起步至今,大致经历了五个阶段:试点起步阶段、全面建设阶段、数据采集阶段、系统验收阶段、强化应用阶段。

    Information from the detention center , the city started in 2001 , the pilot generally goes through five stages : the initial stage , building phase , data acquisition phase , acceptance stage , strengthen application stage .

  24. 将地质灾害治理工程项目管理及质量控制分为4个阶段:策划(可行性研究)阶段,准备阶段,施工阶段,验收审查阶段,分别阐述其管理及质量控制的重点内容。

    The paper divides the management project and quality control in geological hazard control engineering into four phases : planning phase ( feasibility discussion ), preparing phase , constructive phase , checkup and accept phase . the emphases are put on management and quality control respectively .

  25. 建设前期阶段,从机会研究到发放中标通知书;建设期阶段,从收到中标通知书到竣工验收阶段;建设后阶段,从竣工验收到工程报废阶段。

    Pre-construction stage , from the opportunity studying to the issuing bid notice ; the construction stage , from receiving the notice to the successful completion and acceptance phase ; after the construction phase , from the stage of completion and acceptance to the project scrapped .