
  • 网络Maintenance Prevention;Maintenance Preventive;MP-Maintenance Prevention
  1. 液压万能材料试验机钳口打滑的维修及预防

    Maintenance and prevention of clamp skidding of hydraulic universal testing machine

  2. 为老龄飞机保驾护航&老龄飞机结构维修与预防检查

    The Structure Maintenance and Preventive Inspection of Aged Aircraft

  3. 车辆使用中漏油故障维修及预防

    Maintaining And Prevention Of Vehicle Soil - Leakage

  4. 企业设备管理的一个重要发展趋势就是由预知维修、预防维修逐步替代传统的事后维修。

    Gradual substitution of foreseen maintenance and preventive maintenance for traditional after maintenance represents significant progress in equipment management in the enterprise .

  5. 介绍了液压万能材料试验机钳口打滑现象发生的原因,以及采取的维修和预防措施。

    This paper introduced the reason of clamp skidding of hydraulic universal testing machine , and the maintenance & prevention measures accordingly .

  6. 通过对发动机曲轴轴颈与轴承损坏原因的分析,重点阐述了发动机在使用与维修中预防损坏的措施和方法。

    By analyzing reasons for break of engine crankshaft journal and bearing , this paper describes mainly some countermeasures they are break in use and maintenance .

  7. 我们对振动和冲撞引发的采集站故障机理进行了研究,论述了振动频率和最大振幅与重力加速度的关系,介绍了常见故障的判断、维修与预防方法。

    We studied trouble mechanism caused by vibration and bump , illustrated the relation between the frequency and maximum amplitude of vibration and gravitational acceleration , introduced the methods of judge , repair and prevention of common troubles .

  8. 通过同时考虑重大维修与预防维修,既有利于改变人们忽视预防维修的传统观念,又使论文所建立的桥梁维修全寿命经济分析与优化的理论框架更完整更实用。

    Synchronal consideration of essential and preventive maintenance helps those who neglect preventive maintenance traditionally to drop such a traditional idea . At the same time , this lets the built theoretic frame more complete and practical . 6 .

  9. 为了使故障诊断在实际应用中更准确地识别出故障类别和故障部位,以便指导生产维修和预防事故发生,本文探讨了模糊推断方法在故障诊断方面的应用。

    In this paper , the Fuzzy inference method for fault diagnosis cart be applied to direct the repair and production and to prevent accidents by means of the accurate identification of the fault classification and the occurrent parts .

  10. 本文用故障分析理论做指导,依据设备故障重要度对设备进行了分类,对设备的事后维修、预防维修和状态维修进行了比较,利用故障模式对设备维修方式的应用进行了选择。

    As the guide with the fault analysis theory the thesis classifies the equipments , contrasts the Breakdown Maintenance 、 the Preventive Maintenance and the Condition Based Maintenance of the equipment by the importance of the equipment fault , and chooses the maintaining way by fault model .

  11. 本文分析了机械设备在使用过程中,突发故障维修与设备预防维修之间的关系。

    This paper analysed the relationship between maintenance for unexpected failure and preventive maintenance .

  12. 解决了维修时间中预防维修和事后维修各自所占的最优比重问题。

    The problem of optimal specific gravity between corrective and preventive maintenance time is solved .

  13. 完善舰船装备维修体制提高预防性维修水平

    Preventive Maintenance of Naval Equipment

  14. 用预测和建模的方法求解预防性维修设备的预防维修周期。

    Deciding the maintenance period for working ship plants by using the method of prediction and modelling .

  15. 以状态维修逐步代替预防性维修是电力系统设备维修发展的必然趋势;

    It is inevitable trend of the electric equipment maintain that condition-based maintenance is gradually replace prevention maintenance ;

  16. 该模型综合考虑了修复性维修成本、预防性维修成本和生产损失成本。

    In this model , the costs of repairing maintenance , preventive maintenance , and loss on production are taken into account .

  17. 从20世纪50年代至今,国际上对设备管理的研究和实践大约经历了四个阶段:事后维修阶段、预防维修阶段、生产维修阶段和综合管理阶段。

    Till now , there were four stages in the development of technical maintenance , after repair , beforehand repair , daily maintenance and integrated management .

  18. 还讨论了综合考虑维护成本最低及满足设备运行可靠度约束的优化问题,得到最优的维修次数和预防性维修周期。

    Furthermore , we investigate the optimal problem considering both the minimum maintenance cost and the reliability constraint , to get the optimal maintenance rate and preventive maintenance period .

  19. 故障树分析法给制粉系统的故障智能诊断提供了一种有效的方法,为故障维修及故障预防提供了指导。

    A method of fault diagnoses in milling system is presented . The experiment shows that the method is effective and offers a guidance to the maintenance and fault prevention .

  20. 目前,国内外对电力变压器运行状况的判断是以相关标准和专家的运行经验为基准,通过定期维修或停电预防性试验对其进行静态评估。

    Present research on the operation condition of power transformer based on relevant standards and expert judgments of operating experience as the base , through regular preventive maintenance or power outage test of its static evaluation .

  21. 考虑机会维修的等风险预防性维修策略优化

    Optimization of Equally Cumulative - hazard Preventive Maintenance Strategy Considering Opportunity Maintenance

  22. 本文较详细分析了发生列车分离事故的原因,并针对这些原因,从运用与维修两方面提出预防措施和建议。

    This paper analyzes the causes of the train breakaway and gives some suggestions about preventing the accidents .

  23. 这种维修制度把定期预防性维修中的定期维修变成了定期监测,同时还要对装备进行跟踪监测。

    An advanced maintaining model-inspect and repair only as necessary is also given here , which changes periodic preventive maintenance into periodic monitoring , and tracking the monitoring of equipments as well .

  24. 预防性维修计划中包括不完全预防性维修和预防性替换,突发故障用最小维修处理。

    Imperfect preventive maintenance and preventive replacement are simultaneously considered to arrange the PM schedule .

  25. 目前,维修模式己由传统的故障维修和预防性维修发展到以设备运行状态为基础的状态维修。

    Currently , the maintenance mode develops from the traditional fault repair and planned maintenance to status maintenance based on the equipment operating status .

  26. 该技术促进了设备维修体制由传统的事后维修方式转变为预防维修方式,逐步发展到视情维修方式。

    This technology promoted the equipment service system transformation , which caused the equipment service system great changes from the traditional Run-to-Breakdown Maintenance way to Time-based Preventive Maintenance way and even Condition-based Maintenance way .

  27. 所谓预防维修策略是指当工作部件的工作时间达到指定时间T系统尚未故障时则立即对工作部件进行预防维修,经预防维修,部件恢复如新。

    Preventive repair policy means that if the system does not fail when the units operates for a specified time T , then the working units is preventive repaired and the repaired unit is good as a new unit .