
jiē jí chōnɡ tū
  • Class conflict;class status
  1. 这只会给阶级冲突火上浇油。

    It will only add fuel to the class war .

  2. 激烈的阶级冲突在我们社会中是司空见惯的。

    Violent class conflict is endemic in our society .

  3. 其次,考察了马克思恩格斯阶级冲突理论在苏俄的拓进。

    Secondly , the theory of class conflict development in Russia was centered on .

  4. 全文围绕马克思主义阶级冲突理论沿革的三个主要历史分期进行了研究。

    The full paper developed centered on the evolution theory of three major historical stages .

  5. 首先,对马克思恩格斯阶级冲突理论与实践进行了重点研究。

    Firstly , the theory of class conflict of Marx and Engels was emphasized on .

  6. 本文期望通过梳理并建构一个马克思主义阶级冲突理论的脉络体系,据以回首历史并理清进路。

    We expect to construct a context of system according to Marxist theory of class conflict .

  7. 再次,重点研究了阶级冲突理论在中国的沿革与重构。

    Thirdly , the theory of class conflict development and reconstruction in China was emphasized on .

  8. 从宏观来说,可以将社会冲突划分为族群冲突和阶级冲突。

    I divide the conflicts into ethnic group conflict and class conflict , in the ethnic conflict ;

  9. 在过去一年,由于复杂的、不断恶化的种族、阶级冲突,在这里已经有130人被杀。

    In the past year , 130 people have been killed there in complicated and worsening ethnic and caste-based violence .

  10. 在西方社会,通过利益集团政治、再分配和社会流动,在一定程度上已经缓和了阶级冲突。

    In western world , the interests group politics , redistribution , and the social mobility has alleviated the conflict .

  11. “中国城市社会阶级冲突意识研究”,《中国社会科学》,2005年第4期。

    " The Research of Class Conflict and Consciousness in31 Capital Cities of China ", Social Sciences in China , No.4.2005 .

  12. 马克思主义阶级冲突理论是历史与时代的产物,随着历史条件的变化而不断沿革。

    The Marxist theory of class conflict is the product of history and times , changing along with historical conditions and evolution .

  13. 国家是中国古代社会经济结构中主导性乃至决定性的因素。缓和阶级冲突是国家的基本职能。

    A leading and decisive factor in the economic system of ancient Chinese society , the state played a basic part in easing up conflicts between classes .

  14. 这部作品以当时的维多利亚时代为背景,描写了维多利亚的人们关心的各种社会问题,包括妇女问题,社会贫穷问题,阶级冲突,社会改革等等。

    This work is set in Victorian society and is about the various problems that the Victorian people were concerned with , such as the woman problem , poverty , class conflict , and social reform .

  15. 该片背景设定在上世纪50年代,叶问刚从广东佛山老家来到香港,那时的香港正处于工会斗争、阶级冲突和霸道殖民统治的阶段。

    ' The Final Fight ' is set during the period after he arrived here from his home in Foshan , located in China 's Guangdong province , in 1950 , a time of trade-union struggles , class conflict and overbearing colonialism .

  16. 第三,福利国家作为当代资本主义的重要特征,以政府的积极作为为前提的福利制度是解决西方社会阶级冲突的形式和制度整合。

    Third , " welfare country " is a prominent feature of the contemporary capitalism , the system of which with the precondition of active governmental performance is an integration of the forms and systems that could solve the conflicts among classes in western society .

  17. 族群与阶级:冲突社会中的正义

    Ethnic Group and Class : Justice in Social Conflict

  18. 可你不觉得,我们把这场阶级,冲突弄得有点过火了吗?

    But don 't you think we 're taking this class warfare thing a little too far ?

  19. 单个工人和单个资产者之间的冲突越来越具有两个阶级的冲突的性质。

    The collisions between individual workmen and individual bourgeois take more and more the character of collisions between two classes .

  20. 以血族团体为基础的旧社会,由于新形成的各社会阶级的冲突而被炸毁;

    In the collision of the newly-developed social classes , the old society founded on kinship groups is broken up ;

  21. 作者利用调查数据分析了中国当前省会城市的阶级阶层冲突意识。

    In constructing the theoretical model , the author analyzes the inter-class / strata conflict consciousness in China 's capital cities , using questionnaire data .

  22. 统治阶级由于内部冲突而分裂。

    The ruling class was divided by internal conflicts .

  23. 索托结构在屋盖结构中的应用《屋顶上的提琴手》:种族,世代,阶级与性别冲突的史诗

    Application of cable held structure to roof truss

  24. 论《土生子》中的阶级和种族冲突

    On color and class conflicts in Native Son

  25. 社会或经济阶级间的冲突(尤其是资产阶级与无产阶级间)。

    Conflict between social or economic classes ( especially between the capitalist and proletariat classes ) .

  26. 双方的矛盾不断增加,这代表了不同阶级之间相互冲突的意识形态。

    The contradiction between two sides are ever increasing , representing conflicting ideologies among different classes .

  27. 《屋顶上的提琴手》:种族,世代,阶级与性别冲突的史诗大直径深孔采矿采场底部堑沟顶端形状研究

    The Research of Trench Roof at the Bottom of Stope of Large Diameter Deep Hole Mining

  28. 同时,种族优越论在美国社会占据主导,白人社会把黑人的不幸看作是自然选择的结果。论《土生子》中的阶级和种族冲突

    The status of Negroes in American society was general deterioration . On color and class conflicts in Native Son

  29. 马克思主义有着丰富的哲学思想,既包括阶级斗争与冲突的革命理论,也包含着丰富的社会和谐思想。

    Marxism has a rich philosophical thought which both included the revolutionary theory class struggle and conflict , and contained a wealth of social harmony thought .

  30. 尽管这些理论形式多样,但均以弱化资本主义社会的阶级和阶级冲突为共同特征,主张以个体的文化权力抗争取代阶级斗争。

    Although diverse , these theories can be characterized by weakening the class conflict of the capitalist society , and held that class struggle should be superseded by the individual resistance of cultural right .