
ɡuān fānɡ huì lǜ
  • official exchange rate
  1. 黑市价格在官方汇率的60%至80%之间波动。

    Black market prices fluctuated between 60 and 80 per cent of the official exchange rate .

  2. 每份售价是400辛巴威币,照官方汇率换算,就是美金68分钱。

    The price per copy is 4,000 Zimbabwean dollars , or 68 cents at the official exchange rate .

  3. 缅元(kyat)存在的多重汇率其黑市汇率比官方汇率低最多200%搅乱了贸易和银行业。

    Multiple exchange rates for the Burmese currency , the kyat with a black market rate up to 200 per cent weaker than the official level has complicated trade and banking .

  4. 人民币汇率制度变化的历程也经历了官方汇率官方汇率与市场汇率并行单一的、有管理的浮动汇率三个阶段。

    Similarly , the reform of exchange rate experienced three stages .

  5. 卢布对美元的官方汇率的加权平均数

    Weighted average of the official rate of the rouble to the US dollar

  6. 1981年∽1993年为第二阶段,这一阶段官方汇率和市场汇率并存,即复汇率制度,不利于我国经济和对外贸易金融关系的发展。

    The second stage from 1981 to 1993 , official fixed exchange rate and marketing exchange rate coexisted .

  7. 官方汇率,大家可以看到,可是比非官方汇率强硬120倍呢。

    The official rate , as it turns out , is 120 times stronger than the unofficial one .

  8. 你们有按官方汇率把人民币兑换成外币的服务吗?

    Do you have a currency conversion service for changing FEC into foreign currency at the official rate ?

  9. 官方汇率于上星期从一美元兑换二百五十津巴币下滑到一比三万津巴币。

    The official exchange rate was devalued last week from 250 to 30,000 Zimbabwean dollars to the American one .

  10. 中国在2005年结束了盯住美元的官方汇率政策,此后允许人民币在狭窄区间内浮动。

    China dropped its formal dollar peg in 2005 and since then has allowed the renminbi to trade within a narrow band .

  11. 那么现在的货币改革对于外国投资者而言,特别是对于,那些被强制采纳政府官方汇率的出口商,意味着什么呢?

    Now what does currency reform mean for foreign investors , in particular , well , for one , exporters who was forced to use the official rate .

  12. 东南亚各国央行会设定本币的官方汇率,那么这个影子定盘系统到底是如何在新加坡冒出来的&这个问题让人有点搞不懂。

    Quite how this shadow fixing system has emerged in Singapore , alongside the official rates set by southeast Asian central banks , is a bit of a mystery .

  13. 1994年1月1日,我国的外汇管理体制进行了重大的改革,人民币官方汇率与外汇调剂市场汇率并轨,实行了以市场供求为基础的、单一的、有管理的浮动汇率制。

    The official exchange rate and the foreign currency swap market exchange rate were unified . The managed floating exchange rate system based on market supply and demand was implemented .

  14. 定量配给外汇加大了进口的难度,由此助长了短缺、通胀和黑市的猖獗美元卖出价飙升至最低官方汇率的四倍左右。

    The rationing of foreign exchange has made importing harder , fuelling scarcity , inflation and a flourishing black market dollars sell for about four times the cheapest official rate .

  15. 天然气出口收入依照有着30年历史的官方汇率1美元兑6缅元被纳入预算,但黑市汇率已达到1美元兑1000缅元。

    Gas revenues are added to the budget at the 30-year-old official exchange rate of six kyat to the dollar , while the black market rate is about 1000 kyat .

  16. 浮动汇率制指一国中心银行不规定本国货币与他国货币的官方汇率,听任汇率由外汇市场自发地决定。

    Floating rate is made show central bank does not rule one country the official exchange rate of native money and money of his home products , resigned exchange rate is decided initiatively by foreign currency market .

  17. 这跟上世纪70年代的英国很相似:你可以按官方汇率使用本国货币购买飞机票和度假套餐,但出国之后没有外币可用。

    It is rather like Britain in the 1970s : you can buy air tickets and holiday packages in your own currency at the official exchange rate but you have no foreign currency to use once you arrive abroad .

  18. 过去一年里,中国央行将人民币保持在逐渐升值的轨道上,并在过去一个月里阻止内地市场上的官方汇率下降,尽管其面临下行压力。

    The central bank has kept the renminbi on a path of gradual appreciation for the past year and has prevented the official exchange rate in the mainland market from declining over the past month despite the downward pressure on it .

  19. 从这种单一汇率情况,你能看出政府控制的缩影,官方汇率是一美元兑换6.41缅元,并且政府将这一汇率控制了整整10年。

    This straight line that you can see here is the epitome of government control , the official rate is one dollar to 6.41 Kyat and it 's held this rate , as you can see , for the past 10 years .

  20. 有趣的是,过去到缅甸的游客一经抵达该国,会被强制以政府官方汇率兑换缅元,不过为了得到更高的汇率,这些游客那时会不得不去首都的隐蔽小巷中进行私下兑换。

    Interestingly , in Myanmar , it is used to be that the visitors were forced to change money at the government rate immediately upon arriving in the country , but to get a better rate they would then have to go the capital 's back alleys to change money .

  21. 事实上美元对津元已经不按官方低汇率进行交易。

    In fact dollars are changing hands for far more than the official rate .

  22. 直到1994年后,中国才建立起一个统一的,官方的汇率。

    It was only in1994 that a unified , official exchange rate was established .

  23. 等值用不同种货币以一个固定的官方交换汇率表示的一定货币的等量价值。

    The equivalent in value of a sum of money expressed in terms of a different currency at a fixed , official rate of exchange .

  24. 指一种官方不公开汇率目标的汇率制度。

    A system where no official parities for currencies are declared or maintained .

  25. 而在中国内地,企业和投资者使用的是官方在岸汇率,代码为CNY。

    Within China , companies and investors use the official onshore rate , or CNY .

  26. 但是这800缅元兑一美元却不是官方的实际汇率。

    But right now 800 Kyat to the dollar is not actually the official government rate .

  27. 法定分类方案以各国官方宣称的汇率制度作为分类的依据,反映的是各国名义上的汇率制度。

    Legal classification of exchange rate system is based on officially declared system and it is nominal in effect .

  28. 是的,更准确地说是按官方的一种汇率。

    Yes , more exactly , at one official rate of exchange .

  29. 1980年以前为第一阶段,这一阶段的人民币汇率是官方制定的固定汇率。

    Before 1980 , the fixed exchange rate was made by the government .

  30. 官方已经承诺美元汇率制度将保持不变。

    Officials have pledged that the currency peg to the US dollar will be maintained .