
  • 网络Reference rate
  1. 根据彭博(Bloomberg)的数据,这是6个月内的最低参考汇率。

    That was the weakest reference rate in six months , according to Bloomberg .

  2. 马来西亚央行(BankNegara)本月提醒国内银行使用一项本国设定的参考汇率从事美元-林吉特交易,暗中引导国内银行摆脱新加坡设定的汇率。

    Bank Negara , Malaysia 's central bank , this month reminded domestic banks to use a locally set reference rate for dollar-ringgit transactions , implicitly steering them away from the rate set in Singapore .

  3. 查甘拉尔在诉讼中称,在Libor丑闻出现以后,他开始“担心新加坡市场设定参考汇率的方式”。

    In his lawsuit , Mr Chhaganlal claims that after the Libor scandal emerged he raised " concerns over the way in which reference rates were being set in the Singapore market . "

  4. 如果想以某种形式维持这种体制,就需要在设定参考汇率和监控总需求方面进行更多合作。

    If they are to remain prevalent in one form or another , there will need to be more co-operation in setting reference rates and monitoring aggregate demand .

  5. 另一个更为宽松的提议是,建立一个非正式参考汇率的极简机制,随着时间的推移,这可能有助于降低波动性。

    Another , even less demanding proposal , is for a minimalist regime of informal reference rates for currencies , which might help to reduce volatility over time .

  6. 星期三,在央行大幅降低人民币参考汇率之后,美元兑人民币汇率达到6月以来的最高点。

    But on Wednesday , the dollar recorded its biggest gain against the yuan since June , after the Chinese central bank sharply lowered the reference rate for yuan movements .

  7. 上午央行让人民币参考汇率保持不变,但随后人民币开始走强,并一度上升0.43%。

    The central bank left the reference rate for trading of the currency unchanged in the morning , but the renminbi later strengthened and was up 0.43 per cent at one point .

  8. 中期而言,人民币汇率的变化速度是由中国央行如何设定参考汇率、而不是交易区间的大小决定的,他们表示。

    How fast the currency moves over the medium term is determined by how [ the central bank ] sets the reference rate , not the size of the trading band , they said .

  9. 中国央行每天早上会设定人民币兑美元汇率中间价,再对全天的人民币交易进行引导。今天,该行将人民币参考汇率下调了0.04%,定为1美元兑6.149元人民币。

    The People 's Bank of China , which sets the dollar-renminbi rate each morning and then guides trading throughout the day , put the reference rate 0.04 per cent lower at 6.149 per dollar .

  10. 制定固定汇率的最终市场协会委员会的主席劳伦斯·拉姆说,新的参考汇率将是一个“香港人民币离岸业务进一步发展的必需元素”。

    The new reference rate will be an " essential element for the further expansion of Hong Kong 's renminbi offshore businesses ", said Lawrence Lam , chairman of the TMA committee that developed the fixing .

  11. 解析人民币参考货币篮汇率制

    Analysis on Renminbi Exchange Rate Mechanism with Reference to Currency Basket

  12. 2005年7月人民币进行汇制改革,不再盯住单一美元开始参考一揽子的汇率比价。

    In July of 2005 , the exchange system of RMB was reform , no longer only pegged to the dollar but started to refer to a package .

  13. 首先,汇率形成机制改革后,人民币不再盯住任何一种单一货币,而是以市场供求为基础,参考一篮子汇率进行调节。

    First , the exchange rate formation mechanism reform , not focusing on any one single currency Renminbi , but based on market supply and demand , with reference to a basket exchange rate adjustment .

  14. 论人民币参考一篮子货币汇率制度

    On RMB Exchange Rate Regime in Reference to a Basket of Currencies

  15. 与人民币钉住美元汇率制度和人民币钉住一篮子货币汇率制度相比,人民币参考一篮子货币汇率制度下的汇率形成机制更趋市场化。

    The RMB exchange rate formation mechanism under this system is more market-oriented compared with the dollar-peg or the basket-peg .