
  • 网络right to participate;Participation Rights;participate rights;participatory rights
  1. 参与权的确立,为公民进入公共事务管理开辟了广阔道路。

    The establishment of right to participate opens a wide road for citizens to enter the public affairs management .

  2. 随着参与权已广泛为人们所接受,注意力因此转到确保有效参与的方式方法上。

    As the right to participate has become more widely accepted , attention has shifted to finding ways to assure that participation will be effective .

  3. 巩固基层政权,完善基层民主制度,保障人民知情权、参与权、表达权、监督权。

    We should both consolidate2 government and improve the institutions of democracy at the primary level to ensure the people ’ s rights to be informed , to participate , to be heard , and to oversee3 .

  4. 非政府组织在WTO下的参与权研究可以说是个新颖并且挑战传统学说的一个法律问题。

    The Participation Right of NGOs in the WTO is a new but challenging legal issue .

  5. 尽管身陷囹圄,但他在狱中仍能行使股东参与权,成功赶走了公司董事,并阻止了美国私人股本集团贝恩资本(BainCapital)的投资。

    In spite of his incarceration , he has been able to exercise his shareholder rights to campaign from prison to have directors removed and block investment in the company by US private equity group Bain Capital .

  6. 农民公共参与权的理论探索与路径选择

    Theoretical Exploration and Approach Selection for Farmers ′ Public Participation Right

  7. 官方全国战队赛优先参与权;

    The first official national team competition the right to participate ;

  8. 责任保险中保险人的参与权研究

    Research on Participation Right of the Insurer in Liability Insurance

  9. 劳动者在企业破产过程中享有参与权。

    The employees should have the right of participation in the bankruptcy procedure .

  10. 承认儿童的参与权也意味着对家长制作风的否定。

    Recognizing the child 's right of participation means to challenge the paternalist .

  11. 国际间接银团贷款参与权转移的法律特征初探

    Legal Characteristics of Right to Participation of the Consortiums

  12. 试论现代企业制度中的职工参与权

    On Employees ' Participation Right in Modern Enterprise System

  13. 论刑事被害人诉讼参与权之完善

    On Perfection in Lawsuit Participation Right of Criminal Victim

  14. 官方区域交流赛活动优先参与权;

    Official activities of the regional exchanges match the priority right to participate ;

  15. 房屋拆迁行政许可公众参与权。

    ( B ) The Housing demolition permit public participation in the executive power .

  16. 这也保护了公众的知情权,参与权及监督支出权。

    It also protects citizens'rights to know , to participate and to oversee spending .

  17. 解除合同的参与权;

    The partaking right in relieve of contract ;

  18. 论当事人的程序参与权

    On the Procedure Participation Right of Litigants

  19. 高校学生参与权及其法律保障救济问题研究

    An Investigation on the Right of Participation in Universities and Colleges and Its Guarantees and Redresses

  20. 五曰环境权是公民享有的环境公众参与权;

    The fifth is that environmental rights is the right of environmental participating of the public .

  21. 平等不是指天赋平等,而是指在社会生活中享有平等的参与权。

    Equal does not mean talent equality , but rather equal participating rights in the social life .

  22. 法律面前人人平等作为一条原则性规定,包括立法上的平等和法律实施上的平等。立法上的平等包括立法参与权平等和立法内容的平等;

    As a principle , " equality before the law " comprises legislative equality and implementary equality .

  23. 在具体的规制过程中,行政机关执法人员应当提高自己的素质,依法履行职责公开各种信息,保障公众的参与权、维护房地产业的正常秩序。

    Administrative staff shall improve their quality , publish all kinds of information and safeguard public participation .

  24. 对中铝来说,更好的战术将是行使力拓配股的参与权,与力拓保持密切关系。

    A better tactic would be for Chinalco to take up its rights and stay close to Rio .

  25. (二)司法规定的参与权

    Judicially imposed participation rights

  26. 论环境参与权

    On Environmental Participating Right

  27. 实际上,公民环境参与权是一种与时俱进的集合性、多元性权利。

    In fact , this right is an integrated and plural right that keeps up with the times .

  28. 完善征地程序,赋予被征地农民知情权、参与权和起诉权;

    Improve solicit land program , compose peasant knowing right , participating in right and bringing the suit right ;

  29. 公民的程序性环境权&公民在环境事务方面享有的知情权、参与权和获得救济的权利是实现实体性环境权的最重要途径。

    The citizens ' procedural environment rights are the most important approach to the realization of substantive environment rights .

  30. 儿童的参与权是确保儿童的各项权利能够真正得到实现的一项具有基本价值的权利。

    The right of participation is of fundamental values to guarantee the realization of the other rights of child .