
chǔ zhì quán
  • Right of disposal;jus disponendi
  1. 所有权被称作是“法定使用权和处置权的集合体。”

    Ownership has been described as " the entirety of powers of use and disposal allowed by law " .

  2. 支配权,处置权,处置的自由。

    The power or liberty to control , direct , or dispose .

  3. 明确国家权力机关的处置权;

    Clarifying disposition power of the organ of state power ;

  4. 日本雇主在企业内部调配劳动力方面有着充分的自由处置权。

    Japanese employers have a virtually free hand in allocating labor within the enterprise .

  5. 赫鲁晓夫:形势的处置权完全取决于您的判断力,总统先生。

    Khrushchev : I leave the disposal of this situation entirely to your discretion , Mr. President .

  6. 应从立法上规定预前申报制度并授予环境监理人员现场处置权等。

    It should stipulate pre-re-porting and registering system and give the environmental supervisor on-site handling right in legislation .

  7. 建立内部控制,可以促使证券交易所异常交易情况处置权的合理合法行使。

    Establishment of internal control can promote abnormal transactions disposal right of the stock exchange reasonable and legitimate .

  8. 集体林处置权政府规制过度使生态保护变得较为被动。

    Government regulating too much about the collective forest disposition makes the ecology protection become passive . 3 .

  9. 而且,由于土地使用权分配的平均主义,法律上的所有者&生产队,也没有真正意义上的处置权。

    Moreover , the owners of land in law , the workgroup , do not have real disposal right .

  10. 集体应该享有民族村寨旅游资源的占有权、使用权、收益权、处置权。

    Collective should enjoy the rights of possession , use , usufruct , disposition of ethnic village tourism resources .

  11. 并且进一步拓宽了经营管理权,完善了处置权并确保收益权。

    Furthermore , the reform leads to broaden the management right , to fulfill disposition right and to ensure usufruct .

  12. 现在华盛顿讨论的焦点是过早收紧政策,以及同样令人头疼的、旨在限制未来财政酌情处置权的新预算规定。

    Discussion now revolves around premature tightening and , equally disturbing , new budget rules to constrain fiscal discretion in future .

  13. 因此,在实践中证券交易所对异常交易处置权的行使,一直存在较大争议。

    Therefore , there has been considerable controversy in practice on the exercise of the right to deal with abnormal transactions .

  14. 产权是一组权利束,是由使用权、收益权和处置权构成的。

    Property right is actually a group of rights , including right to use , right to benefit and right of disposal .

  15. 一方面是处置权,允许政府接收破产机构,稳定或者迅速安全地清算该机构。

    One is the resolution authority that would allow the government to seize a failing group and stabilise it or liquidate it speedily and safely .

  16. 本文选取与证券交易所异常交易情况处置权联系较紧的几个重要理论问题和实践难题,作为研究重点。

    This Paper selects several important theoretical issues and practical problems related to the stock exchanges abnormal transactions right to dispose as the research priority .

  17. 卖方受权保留控制货物处置权的单据,并不影响风险的移转。

    The fact that the seller is authorized to retain documents controlling the disposition of the goods does not affect the passage of the risk .

  18. 在现代企业制度下,在非公企业中,产权关系的性质使党组织失去了在公有制企业中对经济资源的支配权和行政处置权。

    Under modern enterprise system , the property relationship character makes the eminent domain and administration that Party organization has lose in the non-public enterprises .

  19. 人力资本产权主要由五项权能组成――所有权、占有权、使用权、处置权和收益权。

    The property right of human capital is made up of five functions & Ownership , possession , using right , disposition right and benefit right .

  20. 遗产继承制度给予了妇女更多的财产占有权和财产的处置权,它是罗马妇女参与社会财产分配的另一种形式。

    Inheritance of property possession gave women more power and the disposal of assets , which is another form of Women participation in distribution of social property .

  21. 除非做出其他说明,股份由受益人持有并记录在案,登记的股东本人拥有投票、投资和处置权。

    Except as otherwise noted , shares are owned beneficially and of record , and such record shareholder has sole voting , investment , and dispositive power .

  22. 在自动稳定机制相当疲弱的美国,政府居然在讨论限制自身酌情处置权的办法就好像嫌当前的瘫痪局面还不够彻底一样。

    The government of a country with weak automatic stabilisers is talking about ways to limit its own discretion as though the current paralysis is not enough .

  23. 城市规划受政治制约,政治对城市规划的作用机制实际上在于权力和利益对城市空间和土地的处置权。

    The politics influences urban planning by its disposal right of land and space , which is the key point of the political mechanism on urban planning .

  24. 但村委会的资产是只有所有权没有支配处置权的集体所有的土地。

    The only asset owned by the villagers ' committee is the land , of which the villagers ' committee have the ownership but not the right of disposal .

  25. 但是国外许多检察官制度都规定:检察官是检察权的行使主体,在一定的范围内,检察官对检察事项拥有独立处置权。

    However many systems of attorneys abroad all stipulate that : Attorneys are the subjects who exercise procuratorial power , in certain domain , attorneys have independent disposition for procuratorial things .

  26. 法律已经在毫无天理的处置权上拥有集体力量,谁只要是想,就可以无风险地侵犯它人的人身、自由和财产。

    The law has placed the collective force at the disposal of the unscrupulous who wish , without risk , to exploit the person , liberty , and property of others .

  27. 基于人力资本产权结构研究的人力资本产权特殊性表现在所有权、占有权、使用权、处置权、收益权等方面。

    Its causes are decided by the basic characteristics of the personnel capital , which is embodied in aspects of ownership rights , occupancy rights usage rights , handling rights and income rights etc.

  28. 从投资主体的角度看,只有投资主体享有法定处置权和收益分配权的财产才能成为投资财产。

    From the viewpoint of the investment subject , only the property which the investment subject can , by law , enjoy the rights of disposition and earning profit can become investment property .

  29. 列举了患者知情同意权的四种例外情形,即医方诊断处置权、患者自愿放弃、患者应当知晓和法律规定的例外。

    Then the author particularizes the exceptions to the informed consent as followed : the therapeutic privilege , the voluntary abandonment by the patients , the common sense of the patients , and the exception law .

  30. 船长准司法权也极容易与紧急处置权、紧急处分权和公证权混淆,本部分比较分析了船长准司法权与以上五种权力之间的关系。

    Secondly , we often confuse the quasi-judicial power of the captain with the emergency disposition power and the notarial power . Several methods such as comparative and analytic methods are used for the confusion above in this article .