
chǔ fānɡ yào
  • prescription
  1. 你在服用其他什么处方药或非处方药吗?

    Are you taking any other medicines whether on prescription or bought over the counter ?

  2. 谁肯花90分钟时间阅读2万个词,或者,谁会有时间去选择一个联邦医疗保险处方药计划(MedicarePartD)(在medicare.gov上搜索会得到45个方案)呢?

    Who has 90 minutes to read 20000 words or the time to select a Medicare Part D prescription plan ( a Web search on medicare.gov will return 45 plans for you to consider ) ?

  3. 如果症状较轻,试试用非处方药来治疗。

    If you have only mild symptoms , try an over-the-counter treatment .

  4. 就连止痛药这样的非专利非处方药(OTC),都仔细地贴上了品牌。

    Even off-patent over-the-counter medicines such as pain-killers are carefully branded .

  5. 处方药NS转非处方药营销策略研究

    Research about Rx-to-OTC Strategy of NS Medicine

  6. FDA于2006年允许其以非处方药的身份出售给成年人。

    The FDA broadened the approval in2006 to allow sale to adults without a prescription .

  7. 目的为制药企业非处方药(OTC)的品牌定位、管理与传播提供参考。

    OBJECTIVE : To provide references for the orientation , management and spreading of OTC brands .

  8. 代表非处方药生产商的美国消费者保健用品协会(ConsumerHealthcareProductsAssociation)称,该协会赞助的研究显示,这些药品安全问题的发生率已经有所下降。

    The Consumer Healthcare Products Association , which represents makers of the over-the-counter medications , says research it sponsors shows the rate of safety issues with the drugs has been dropping .

  9. FDA相信非处方药类质子泵抑制剂如果按照其标签上标注的用法使用,引发低镁血症的风险很低。

    FDA believes that there is very little risk of hypomagnesemia when OTC PPIs are used according to the directions on the OTC label .

  10. 我国1999年实施药品分类管理以来,非处方药(OTC)市场得到了蓬勃发展。

    Since China began the implementation of classification in Pharmaceutical Market in 1999 . The OTC market has been flourishing these years .

  11. 美国食品和药品监督管理局(FoodandDrugAdministration)现已批准了至少三种鱼油产品——Vascepa、Lovaza(ω-3脂肪酸乙酯胶囊)和一种仿制药——作为治疗甘油三酯过高(心脏病的一个风险因素)的处方药。

    And the Food and Drug Administration has approved at least three prescription types of fish oil - Vascepa , Lovaza and a generic form - for the treatment of very high triglycerides , a risk factor for heart disease .

  12. 典型的快速消费品包括日化用品、食品饮料、烟草等;药品中的非处方药(OTC)通常也可以归为此类。

    A typical FMCG includes supplies , food and beverage , tobacco , etc. ; The over-the-counter drugs usually also can be categorized as such .

  13. 而我国的药企对OTC药品的市场运作普遍比较陌生,OTC药品的营销思维方式与处方药有很大的不同。

    Many of our Chinese pharmaceutical enterprises are not familiar with OTC drugs marketing . Because there are immense differences between Rx marketing and OTC marketing .

  14. 面对这样一个高速增长、激烈竞争的市场,许多原来在处方药(Rx)市场取得了成功的企业也想进入。

    Many firms that succeeded in Rx market want to enter this OTC market that is rapidly developing and fiercely competitive .

  15. 所以,对市售的非处方药(OTC)口服止痛药,需服用时也应听从医生和药师的指导。

    Therefore , one should follow the guidance of doctors and pharmacists when needing to take the over-the-counter ( OTC ) oral pain medication sold in the market .

  16. 根据Forrester的预计,2008年电子商务占了所有零售额(不包括汽车、旅行和处方药)的5%。

    By Forrester 's estimates , in2008 ecommerce accounted for5 % of all retail sales ( excluding cars , travel and prescription drugs ) .

  17. 方法:介绍我国药品分类管理制度的发展并比较瑞典、德国、荷兰和芬兰等国非处方药(OTC)药品报销管理经验。

    METHODS : To introduce development of drug classified management in China and compare different experiences in the management of OTC drugs ' reimbursement in Sweden , Germany , Netherlands and Fenland .

  18. OTC与处方药在营销策略方面有显著差异,单一的营销策略已无法应对OTC这样一个高速增长、竞争激烈的市场,需要企业及时调整。

    OTC and prescription drug marketing strategy were significantly different , So a single marketing strategy can not get with the highly competitive market effectively , and the enterprise needs to adjust timely .

  19. 论文同时选取具有一定代表性的OTC药品(非处方药)为研究对象,构架起评估模型与消费品品牌资产价值评估之间的桥梁。

    At the same time , it selects the representative OTC ( over-the-counter ) as the studying object , to build up the bridge between the evaluation model and consuming products brand evaluation .

  20. 我在11月的宝宝皮肤上用了这个加州宝宝的金盏草面霜,我已经试过了Aveeno,GentleNaturals,甚至医生的处方药。

    I use California Baby Calendula Cream for my11 month old son . I have tried Aveeno , Gentle Naturals and even a prescription product .

  21. 在总的10种处方药的分劈片中,只有3种(30%)符合USP标准,即FW不超过其FW均值的15%且SD不大于6%。

    Only 3 ( 30 % ) of the 10 dispensed prescriptions met USP standards , with FWs not exceeding 15 % of mean FW and SDs of no greater than 6 % .

  22. 非处方药(Overthecounter简称OTC)市场是我国1999年实施药品分类管理以来新兴的市场,其正式形成只有十年左右的时间,然而发展速度却十分迅速。

    OTC ( Over The Counter is referred to as OTC ) markets emerged after the Chinese government classified the drugs in 1999 . Although the market develops only a decade or so , the speed of development is very fast .

  23. CowenandCompany的法耶o兰蒂斯表示,西蒙推出了沃尔玛的4美元处方药,加大了对健康食品的关注,并通过增加运动装备成功重塑了服装部门。

    Simon introduced the retail giant 's $ 4 prescriptions , increased its focus on healthier foods , and led a successful makeover of its apparel department by shifting to more athletically inspired gear , says Faye Landes of Cowen and Company .

  24. 借助这项服务,你可以与经过职业认证,能够诊断普通病症,并开具处方药的本州医生进行一次类似Skype或FaceTime的简短通话。

    The service offers what amounts to a brief Skype or FaceTime call with a board-certified physician located in your state who can diagnosis and prescribe medications for common ailments .

  25. 美国《处方药申报者付费法案(PDUFA)》对FDA缩短新药审评时间的影响

    Impact of Prescription Drug User Free Act ( PDUFA ) of FDA of the United States of America on Reduction of Duration of Examination and Approval of New Drugs

  26. 然而,他还注意到,在他服用Vyvanse期间,他可以“精神高度集中”于自己的工作。Vyvanse是一种处方药,用于治疗暴食症以及儿童和成人的注意力缺失过动症(ADHD,俗称多动症)。

    However , he also noticed that when he used Vyvanse , a prescription drug to treat binge-eating and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ) in children and adults , he could " hyper-focus " on his work .

  27. 特别是我国医疗保险体制进行了重大改革,实施了医、药分家和药品分类管理制度。一个全新的、规范的药品市场&非处方药(OTC)市场出现在广大医药企业面前。

    Especially after the strategic reform of healthcare issuance system and implementing the division of " medical " and " medicine " and classification management of medicine , a giant , new and regulated market for OTC is generated for medicine enterprises .

  28. 其次,我国正在推行的处方药与非处方药分类管理制度,GMG/GSP的执行,将对药品市场巨大影响;

    However , prescription medicine and non-prescribed medicine classify the management system who our country pursue , the execution of GMG / GSP , will have a tremendous influence on the market of medicines .

  29. 本文论述了非处方药(OTC)的由来与发展,世界各国OTC药的分类及OTC分类管理制度与医疗保健体制的关系,OTC的市场特点等。

    This paper discusses the OTC ( Over the counter ) in regard to its origin and development , the classification of OTC in different countries , the relation between sorting administration system and medical care system , the marketing characteristics of OTC etc.

  30. 这个委员会特别关注那些将乙酰氨基酚同其他强止痛药一起服用的处方药,专家建议禁止服用Percocet和Vicodin之类的合成药。

    The committee was especially concerned about prescription drugs that combine acetaminophen with stronger painkillers . The experts recommended banning combination drugs like Percocet and Vicodin .