
  • 网络addictive drugs;addiction drug
  1. 成瘾性药物对大鼠脑内G蛋白耦联受体激酶5mRNA和蛋白水平的调控

    Regulation of G protein-coupled receptor kinase 5 mRNA and protein level in rat brain by addictive drugs

  2. 成瘾性药物、抗坏血酸和海马谷氨酸能神经系统相互作用关系的研究

    Studies on the Interaction of Addictive Drugs , Ascorbic Acid and Hippocampal Glutamatergic System

  3. 本文概述天然奖赏和成瘾性药物奖赏的异同,旨在探讨阻断后者而不损及前者的途径。

    This paper is aimed to discuss the similarities and differences between the natural and drug-induced rewarding in an attempt to block the latter without affecting the former .

  4. 烟草中含有多种有毒有害物质,尼古丁是卷烟和其他吸食型烟草产品中所共含的成瘾性药物成分。

    Tobacco contains a variety of poisonous and harmful substances , such as nicotine , which is an addiction medication both in cigarettes and other type of tobacco products .

  5. 目的:观察纳洛酮等药物在点燃模型中的作用,探讨成瘾性药物的戒断症状与点燃模型的内在联系。

    Objective : To observe the effects of naloxone and other agents on amygdala kindling model in rats , and investigate the underlying relationship between the mechanism of withdrawal syndrome of addictive substances and kindling model .

  6. 药物成瘾性微细药物表面包覆技术在制剂中的应用

    Application of Techniques for Cladding Surface of Small Drugs to Preparation of Medicines

  7. 抗氧化剂可能有一天会取代成瘾性的镇痛药物如吗啡等。

    Antioxidant-based pain killers may one day become a viable alternative to addictive medications such as morphine .

  8. 研究表明,尼古丁不仅是烟草成瘾的一个要素,而且它能产生同成瘾性药物一样的效应。

    Research shows that nicotine is a sine qua non of tobacco addiction and that it produces the hallmark effects of addictive drugs .