
yī yào
  • medicine;curative;healing drugs
医药 [yī yào]
  • [medicine] 用于治疗疾病的物质或制剂

医药[yī yào]
  1. 大蒜广泛应用于中国民间医药。

    Garlic is widely used in Chinese folk medicine .

  2. 这是医药界被逐渐商业化的一个的征兆。

    It 's a sign of the encroachment of commercialism in medicine

  3. 草本植物的医药效用数不胜数。

    The medical uses of herbs are legion .

  4. 国际制裁禁止销售医药用品和食物以外的任何产品。

    The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food .

  5. 那次活动是为筹集资金购买医药物资。

    The purpose of the occasion was to raise money for medical supplies

  6. 医药行业非常复杂,很难进入。

    The drugs industry is complex and hard to penetrate .

  7. 她正在索赔医药费和其他花费。

    She is demanding reimbursement for medical and other expenses

  8. 医生们抱怨他们疲于应付医药公司的销售人员。

    Doctors are complaining about being barraged by drug-company salesmen

  9. 军队必须配备适当的医药用品。

    The army must be kitted out with proper medical supplies .

  10. 当然,她没有医药方面的资格作出那种判断。

    Of course , she has no medical qualifications to make that kind of judgement .

  11. 我有一次听到一个年轻人非常麻木不仁,甚至不给他生病的父亲付医药费。

    I once heard of a youth who was so dead to all right feeling that he would not pay for medicine .

  12. 经济植物在农林业、医药、食品、工业等方面具有很大的开发潜力。

    Application of economic plants on the aspects of agriculture , forestry , medicine , food and industry has great potential of exploration .

  13. 圣安德鲁学院的毕业生超过了75万人,其中许多人在工程、航空、教育、医药等各个行业工作。

    More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC , with many seeking employment in engineering , aviation , education , medicine and a wide variety of other professions .

  14. 根据发表在《医药食品杂志》上的研究,夜间产出的牛奶中褪黑素含量是日间的10倍,喝下它的人会变得不那么活跃,也不大焦虑,而和日间牛奶的人则相反。

    Those given night milk , which had 10 times the amount of melatonin , were less active and less worried than those fed with the milk collected during daytime , according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food .

  15. 医疗界与医药业的不当联盟

    an unholy alliance between the medical profession and the pharmaceutical industry

  16. 难民苦于缺少食物和医药用品。

    The refugee is suffering for want of food and medical supplies .

  17. 在红十字会的保护下,正在空运进医药用品。

    Medical supplies are flied in under the aegis of the red cross .

  18. 阿波罗是希腊神话中主管艺术、预言、医药和光明之神。

    Apollo was the Greek god of the arts , prophecy , medicine and light .

  19. 本品用作分散染料的中间体和医药中间体

    It makes use of an intermediate of medicine compound and as a disperser in dyestuff .

  20. 医药和生物科学类专业的热度排行第二和第三,分别授出28万8065个学位和23万3970个学位。

    Subjects allied3 to Medicine and Biological Sciences are the second and third ( 288065 and 233970 respectively ) .

  21. 我是一名医药技师,频繁的洗手以及阿拉斯加恶劣的天气,让我的皮肤十分干燥。一天晚上,我在休息前用凡士林膏抹了抹手,并带上了一副旧的白手套。

    Frequent hand-washing in my job as a medical technologist and the harsh and covered them with a pair of old white gloves .

  22. 医药专业是德国最受欢迎的专业之一,也是最受德国女性欢迎的热门专业第三名,而最受德国男性欢迎的热门专业第三名是计算机科学。

    Medicine is one of the most popular subjects in Germany and the 3rd most popular among German ladies , while Computer Science is still listed by men as their 3rd choice .

  23. 医药企业建立Internet网站之初探

    How to Establish Web Site for Pharmaceutical Enterprises in Internet

  24. Internet网上医药网站的设计

    Design on medical WEB in Internet

  25. 中国加入WTO之后,中国医药市场已经成为国际性的竞争市场。

    China pharmaceutical market has been the international market full of struggle after China joining in WTO .

  26. 今年登上榜首的是美国医药福利管理公司SXCHealthSolutions。

    US pharmacy benefit management company SXC Health Solutions takes the top spot .

  27. 浅谈医药企业的DTC营销模式

    Analysis of the Mechanism of Pharmaceutical Enterprises ' DTC Marketing Mode

  28. 浅谈医药企业贯彻实施ISO9000标准

    How to implement ISO 9000 Series Standards in medical Enterprises

  29. 间三氟甲基苯乙腈(TAN)是一种新型的医药、农药中间体。

    3-Trifluoromethyl phenylacetonitrile ( TAN ) is a new-type intermediate for medicine and agri-cultural pesticide .

  30. GMP与医药洁净技术有着许多相同的理念。

    GMP and medicine clean technology has many of the same idea .