
  1. 不同医学模式下医生角色之比较

    A Comparison of Clinicians'Roles in Different Medical Models

  2. 在教学程序上,缩短基础与临床距离,让学生尽早进入医生角色;

    Thirdly , students are supposed to play the role of a doctor to reduce the distance between a student and a clinic doctor in teaching .

  3. 实习是一名医学生从学生到医生角色的重大转变,是形成系统、完整医学思维能力的重要阶段,也是塑造学生人格的关键时期。

    Internship is a very important stage for a student to become a doctor , to form systematic and complete thought , and to develop his or her own characters .

  4. 不同医学模式下的医生角色有很大的不同,并导致医患关系的相应改变,对医疗效果也有显著的影响。

    The Roles of the clinicians in different medical models are quite different , which not only led to the change of the relationship between the clinicians and the patients , but also had a significant clinical effect .

  5. 她在这部戏里面扮演医生的角色。

    She took the role of the doctor in the play .

  6. 与灾害相关的身心健康中家庭医生的角色

    Disaster-Related Physical and Mental Health : A Role for the Family Physician

  7. 他立即担当起医生的角色,开始在现场抢救他的生命。

    He quickly clicked into doctor mode setting about saving his life on the spot .

  8. 我也是啊我也喜欢医生这个角色但用得着五十页来写他吗?

    Well , so do I.I adore the doctor . But by God , fifty pages ?

  9. 正是在这些电影中,华生医生的角色第一次在银幕上和福尔摩斯有了同等重要的位置。

    And it was in these films too that the character of Dr Watson finally caught up with Holmes to take equal billing on screen for the first time .

  10. 满足社会对医生的角色期望,使学生具有适应和推动医学发展的能力,体现现代医学模式的基本要求,是医学教学价值取向的三个支点;

    Secondly , satisfying the society 's expectation of the role of doctors , helping medical students to develop the ability to adapt to and promote medical progress , and reflecting the essential demands of modern medical model are the three points of value orientation of medical teaching .

  11. 论医生的双重角色及其激励相容

    A Study on Doctor 's Dual Role and It 's Incentive Compatibility

  12. 医学生进入临床课见习阶段后,便开始了从医学生到医生这一角色转变的重要过程。

    The important role change begins after the students enter the clinical probation .

  13. 在当前医疗制度变革时期,医生面临着角色冲突。

    The doctors are faced with roles conflict in the period of health care system reform .

  14. 所谓医德研究的角色道德视域是指从医生职业道德角色化的角度来研究医德。

    The so-called horizon of role morality of medical ethics research refers to the perspective of the role of professional ethics in the research on medical ethics .

  15. 同时,考利和亚利桑那州有一个意见自己的命运不同,和理查德试图适应他作为医生的职业角色。

    Meanwhile , Callie and Arizona have a difference in opinion on what their future holds , and Richard tries to adjust to his role as a surgeon .

  16. 让医生扮演上帝的角色结束一个人的生命是不公平的。

    It is unfair to ask doctors to play God and end someone 's life .

  17. 这种权力关系的不对等反映了医疗机构赋予医生与病人内在角色的不同。

    The imbalance of power relations between doctors and patients are found inherent in their institutional roles .

  18. 在医患关系中,医生充当着双重角色,不仅作为患者的代理人或顾问为患者利益着想,同时也作为医疗服务的提供者为自己的利益着想。

    In the doctor-patient relationship , doctor is playing the dual role , namely not only considers patient benefit as patient 's agent or consultant , but also strives for own benefit as the medical service .

  19. 此外,道德风险还扭曲了正常医患互动,使医生与患者的角色发生偏离,造成了歧视和不平等,恶化了医患关系,甚至造成医患双方的紧张与对立,影响医疗服务的正常提供。

    Furthermore , moral hazard also twists the normal relationship between doctors and patients , leads to discrimination and inequality , worsens the relationship between doctors and patients , and even affects the medical service to be provided normally .

  20. 培养目标研究的主要内容包括明确培养目标的总体要求、强调医生能力的培养以及体现医生的综合角色等。

    The main contents for the objectives study include to clarify the general target of the objectives , to emphasize on improving doctors abilities , and to identify the doctors multiple roles .