
  • 网络OSHC;medical insurance;Medical insurance fee;medicare
  1. 第五条职工按本人上一年月平均工资的2%纳基本医疗保险费。

    The basic medical insurance premium of the employee is paid at 2 % of the average monthly salary of the previous year of the employee .

  2. 生育医疗保险基金来源为,生育医疗保险费及其利息和其他收入。

    The fund of birth medical insurance comes from the birth medical insurance premium and its interests and other revenues .

  3. 个人缴纳的基本医疗保险费计入个人账户。

    The personal insurance premiums go entirely to personal accounts .

  4. 基本医疗保险费的缴费标准是什么?

    What is the pay cost standard of insurance premium of primary medical treatment ?

  5. 本规定实行前已退休的人员不再缴纳基本医疗保险费。

    The emeritus already personnel before this regulation is executed no longer pay is basic medical treatment insurance premium .

  6. 单位缴纳的基本医疗保险费一部分用于建立统筹基金,一部分划入个人账户;

    Part of the insurance premiums goes to the funds under the mutual assistance program and the rest to employees'personal accounts .

  7. 退休人员本人不缴纳基本缴纳医疗保险费,但也要为其建立个人帐户。

    Him retiree not pay is basic insurance premium of pay medical treatment , but also should establish individual account for its .

  8. 补交的医疗保险费,按补交时的规定比例一次性划入个人帐户。

    Fill the medical treatment insurance premium that pay , by fill the plan certainty ratio when handing in is one-time delimit individual account .

  9. 丹宁建议说,如果你属于高风险人群,可以考虑推迟一段时间退休,以便降低巨额医疗保险费的风险。

    If you do , consider staying on the job a little longer to'mitigate the significant risk of a huge health-insurance claim , 'he advises .

  10. 想请私人医生的人可以由私人医生看病,费用自理,但他们仍然必须缴纳国民保险费和医疗保险费。

    Those who wish may become private patients , paying for their treatment , but they must still pay their contributions to the national insurance and health schemes .

  11. 收入跟不上飞涨的医疗保险费和大学学费,油价和食品价格的最高纪录使众多家庭举步维艰。

    Incomes have failed to keep pace with the rising costs of health insurance and college , and record oil and food prices have left families struggling just to keep up .

  12. 身负消费金融公司债务、无法缴纳每月公共医疗保险费的日本人,将得到一笔国家补助,帮助他们起诉放款人,收回多付的利息。

    Japanese people who are in debt to consumer finance companies and cannot meet monthly public health insurance payments will get a state subsidy to help them sue the moneylenders to recover excess interest charges .

  13. 还有更少一部分雇主采取更极端的方式:在美国阿拉巴马州和北卡罗来纳州,拒绝参加体检的政府员工今年被要求支付更高的医疗保险费,相对于缴纳肥胖税。

    A smaller number take a harsher approach : Alabama and North Carolina government employees refusing to participate in health checks are from this year being charged a fat tax in the form of higher health insurance premiums .

  14. 因为按单基数缴费,每个单位只要按统一的缴费比例乘以本单位工资总额,就是这个单位应缴纳的基本医疗保险费。

    Because press cost of pay of single cardinal number , every unit should press unified capture to expend scale to multiply only with this unit total wages , it is this unit should the insurance premium of primary medical treatment of pay .

  15. 下岗职工进入再就业服务中心托管时,由再就业服务中心负责为其缴纳医疗保险费,下岗职工享受相应的医疗保险待遇。

    The off-duty workers is entered again when obtain employment service center is mandatory , by again obtain employment service center is in charge of be insurance premium of its pay medical treatment , the off-duty workers enjoys treatment of corresponding medical treatment insurance .

  16. 除了增加医疗失当保险费。

    Except an increasein our malpractice insurance .

  17. 社会医疗保险保险费实行用人单位和个人共同支付;建立个人账户和社会统筹账户相结合的原则。

    Insurance premium of insurance of social medical treatment executes unit of choose and employ persons and individual to pay jointly ; build individual account and society to plan as a whole the principle that account photograph integrates .

  18. 凡学习时间在一学期以上(含一学期)的学生均须参加综合医疗保险。保险费在新生入学时一次性缴交。

    You are required to join the Health Insurance if you study for more than six months at SCUT .

  19. 这些福利通常包括帮助支付医疗费或保险费,根据会员版税收益的记录支付退休年金或某种有保证的收入。

    The benefits often include assistance with payment for medical treatment or insurance , annuities on retirement or some sort of guaranteed income based on the members royalty payments history .

  20. 现在,虽然再度实行农村医疗保险,但医疗费自付比例仍很高,而且农村医疗服务仍很欠缺。

    Although rural health insurance schemes have been reintroduced , out-of-pocket expenditure remains high and rural health-care services remain inadequate .

  21. 所以,本文建议以社区卫生服务为基点,完善现有的医疗保险费用控制体系,以控制医疗保险费过快增长。

    So the essay suggests that the community health care service should be taken as the base to improve the current medical insurance cost control system , in order to control the over-increasing medical insurance cost .

  22. 通过卫生系统诊断树分析,由果溯因,找出导致新型农村合作医疗筹资与支付制度中问题产生的原因。3、医疗保险费的粗估法。

    Finding out problems in NCMS financing and payment and their causes by using diagnosis tree in health sector . 3 .

  23. 以北京市为例,根据《北京市基本医疗保险规定》,北京市的城镇个体工商户及其雇工必须依法参加基本医疗保险,缴纳基本医疗保险费。

    It is with Beijing exemple , basis " insurance of primary medical treatment sets beijing ", the town of Beijing is individual and industrial and commercial door reach its hire hands to must attend insurance of primary medical treatment lawfully , pay is basic medical treatment insurance premium .