
  • 网络Cost-efficiency;Cost Efficiency;cost-effectiveness;cost effectiveness;Cost Effective
  1. 评估制造工艺的稳定性和成本效率

    Evaluate manufacturing process for stability and cost effectiveness

  2. 排污权交易是总量控制目标下最具潜力的环境管理手段,兼具环境质量保障和成本效率的特点。

    Because of its cost effectiveness and environmental quality assurance , emission trading is the most prospecting way of environment management under the total amount target .

  3. 讨论了评价生产有效性的非参数方法DEA在计算决策单元成本效率中的应用。

    The application DEA , a non-parameter method used to evaluate the validity of production , is discussed in this paper .

  4. 第三章,建立了基于风险调整的SFA法银行成本效率测度修正模型。

    We establish a model to estimate the risk-adjusted cost efficiencies applying SFA in the third chapter .

  5. 通过这种测量,在这个案例中PBR-UP技术的成本效率大约是每个错误10美圆。

    By this measure , the cost-efficiency of the PBR-UP technique in this case was approximately US $ 10 per error .

  6. 针对具有固定投入的DEA效率评估模型,本文提出了这类生产系统决策单元的成本效率概念以及测算公式,并结合具体算例对有关定义和模型进行了验证。

    Aimed at the evaluating model of DEA efficiency for fixed investment , the authors proposed an idea of cost efficiency for this system and gave an evaluating formula . The definition and model were verified with some specific examples .

  7. 通过求解成本效率DEA模型,可直接分析输入输出因素对决策单元成本的影响,为企业降低成本、提高收益提供最优决策方案。

    The influence of input and output factors on costs can be analysed through calculating the DEA model of cost efficiency , which can help to provide a optimizing decision for the enterprise to reduce the cost and raise the income .

  8. 采用自由分布法(DFA),利用似不相关回归估计测算了我国商业银行的X-成本效率状况,并分析了产权制度与市场竞争程度对我国商业银行效率的影响。

    Based on the Distribution Free Approach ( DFA ), this paper estimates the status of X-cost efficiency through the Seemingly Unrelated Regression , and analyzes the property rights institutions and the market competition 's influencing on the cost efficiency .

  9. 为了度量这个在PBR-UP作用下需求审查过程的成本效率,我们进行了一个案例研究,在这个案例中为一个真实的软件项目设立了六个审查员对这些需求进行审查。

    In order to measure the cost-efficiency of the requirements inspection process with PBR-UP , we performed a case study in which six inspectors reviewed the requirements for an actual software project .

  10. 我立刻给丽达打了电话,告诉她我的成本效率分析。

    I immediately called Lyda and told her my cost-benefit story .

  11. 复杂系统的成本效率模型及其有效性分析

    Cost efficiency model of a complex system and its efficiency analysis

  12. 中国寿险业成本效率分析

    Measuring the Cost Efficiency in the Life Insurance Industry of China

  13. 它的单位货柜成本效率将是最高的。

    Per container they will be the most efficient yet .

  14. 银行成本效率高就意味着相同的投入有着高的回报。

    The high bank cost efficiency means the same input with high returns .

  15. 内因支撑、外因驱动的我国财险公司成本效率分析

    Cost-efficiency Analysis of Property-liability Insurance Companies in China Based on Internal and External Factors

  16. 软件开发机构必须要改进项目敏捷性,并获得最佳的成本效率。

    Software development organizations must strive to improve project agility and achieve better cost containment .

  17. 考虑价格函数关系的成本效率、收益效率和利润效率实际生息[利润]率

    Cost Efficiency , Revenue Efficiency and Profit Efficiency Considering the Price Function ; actual yield

  18. 继续提升成本效率。

    Continuing to increase cost efficiency .

  19. 大型露天矿汽车运输道路质量与运输成本效率

    The Quality of Truck Haulage Road in a Large-scale Open Pit and the Haulage Costs and Efficiency

  20. 在对决策单元进行成本效率的评价过程中,决策者会更为关心那些决策单元成本无效。

    Decision maker would pay more attention to those DMUs who are cost inefficient during cost efficiency evaluation .

  21. 然后,就绍兴纺织企业与我国其他纺织企业(以上市纺织企业为例)的成本效率进行比较分析。

    Then we did a comparison of cost efficiency between the Shaoxing textile enterprises and other listed textile enterprises .

  22. 成本效率是对生产一定数量的产品所消耗项目资源量的度量。

    Cost-efficiency is a measure of the quantity of project resources expended to produce a given volume of products .

  23. 鉴于以上情况,本文从成本效率角度出发,对班轮运输网络进行优化。

    In view of the situation described above , from the cost-efficiency angle , this dissertation optimizes the liner shipping network .

  24. 解释如何用下面的成本效率来源来为组织节约成本。用适当的例子详细说明你的答案。

    Explain how the following sources of cost efficiency may be used to sae costs in an organisation . Illustrate your answers with appropriate examples .

  25. 中国财险业经营效率的研究起步较晚,目前对于效率的研究主要集中于财险业的技术效率、规模效率、成本效率等方面,而对于财险业的利润效率研究相对较少。

    The study focuses on the efficiency of property of technical efficiency and scale efficiency and cost efficiency , etc , but less on the profit efficiency .

  26. 但是,我认为最重要的问题是,这是否在目前的技术条件下具备成本效率&即便具备成本效率,客户会买账吗?

    But I think the big question here is whether it can be cost-effective over current techniques & and whether customers will buy even if they are .

  27. 中资财险公司的成本效率普遍低于外资财险公司,老公司的成本效率要优于新公司。

    ( 3 ) The cost efficiencies of the domestic insurance companies are lower than that of the foreign insurance companies and the young are lower than the old .

  28. 如同有关质量、生产力以及成本效率的问题一样,安全、健康和环境事务也是以同样的责任感来系统地加以处理的。

    Safety , Health and Environmental matters are handled with the same sense of responsibility , and just as methodically , as issues concerning quality , productivity and cost-efficiency .

  29. 战略性薪酬管理着眼于企业人力资源成本效率的提高,用效率换取盈利能力,而不是单单的人力成本控制。

    Strategic compensation management focuses on the growth of cost-efficiency of human resources , and it uses efficiency to earn for profitability , not just the human cost control .

  30. 第三章从成本效率的概念出发,分析了班轮运输网络中成本效率的定义,并指出班轮运输成本效率优化过程中所要注意的问题和一些原则。

    Chapter Three applies the concept of cost-efficiency into the liner shipping network and finds out some problems and principle which should be taken into attention when optimizing the network .