
  • 网络Growth Economy;growing economy;economies of growth;Growth Economics
  1. 从成长经济的观点来看,对城市成长的追求,是一个对成长经济的追求过程。

    The theory of economies of growth implies chasing urban growth is a process of pursuing economies of growth .

  2. 过渡农业、成长经济与中国现代农业道路选择

    Transition Agriculture , Growth Economy and Approach Choice of Modern Chinese Agriculture

  3. 城市规模成长经济的边际分析

    Marginal Analysis on Economies of urban Population Scale Growth

  4. 城市成长经济的实现

    Realization of Economies of Urban Growth

  5. 城市成长经济的实现需要良好的成长政策环境、正确的成长战略思想,需要学习与模仿,特别是想象与创新。

    Realization of economies of urban growth calls for good growth policies , right idea of growth strategy , learning and imitation , especially imagination and innovation .

  6. 接着从信息产业的经济效应分析入手,重点分析了信息产业的收益递增机制、外部性、差异经济性和成长经济性,初步阐述了信息产业不断发展的原因所在;

    In order to expatiating the reason of its development , the paper analyzes the mechanism of the returns , externality , economics of difference and economics of grows-up in information industry .

  7. 中国农村金融业成长的经济效应研究

    Effect of Rural Financial Growth on the Rural Economy of China

  8. 产业结构的成长与经济区的扩张

    Development of industrial structure and expansion of economic region

  9. 因此,都市发展成为人口成长与经济成长间的重要联系。

    Urban development therefore serves as an important linkage between population growth and economic growth .

  10. 大城市边缘区小城镇成长的经济促进及其机制研究

    On the Economic Promotion and Its Mechanism of Small Towns in Metropolitan Fr in ge

  11. 政府与企业成长&经济转轨时期的比较分析

    The Government and Growth of the Firm & comparative analysis of period of economic transition

  12. 产业集群成长与经济发展阶段相关性初探&基于世界经济论坛《全球竞争力报告》的分析

    A Preliminary Study on Correlation between Industrial Cluster Development and Economic Development Stage & Analysis Based on WEF Global Competitiveness Reports

  13. 成长三角经济合作模式符合东亚地区的历史传统与发展现状,并且能切实推动该地区经济一体化的进程;

    Growth Triangle programme conforms to the realities of the area and does advance the process of economic integration of the area .

  14. 如果要协调软件企业的成长和经济体系的稳定,必须重新塑造治理结构与机制。

    In order to maintain and promote the software enterprises ' development , related governance structure and mechanism must be reshaped in software enterprise .

  15. 我认为,如果对大多数投资组合进行审视,人们会发现,它们对世界最富活力的成长型经济体的配置严重不足。

    I believe an examination of most portfolios would indicate that they are severely underweighted to the most dynamic growth economies of the world .

  16. 和婴儿潮一代一样,这些年轻人成长在经济下滑的年代,要面对紧张的住房状况和工作市场。

    Like the baby boomers , these young people came of age during an economic downturn , confronting a tight housing and job market .

  17. 第二部分着重论述了英国、美国和日本成长为经济强国的经历。

    The second part is discussing the experiences of the United Kingdom , the United States of America and Japan becoming the economic powerful countries .

  18. 在21世纪知识经济时代,人力资本的保值增值,对企业成长和经济发展,至关重要。

    In the knowledge economy age of21th century , the ensure value and increase value of manpower capital is very important to the growth and economic development of enterprise .

  19. 国内外学者研究的重点集中于金融成长与经济增长之间的关系,但对金融成长与产业结构变动的关系研究较少。

    Domestic scholars and foreign scholars are concentrating in relation between financial development and economy increasing , but there is little research harvest in relation between financial development and industry structure .

  20. 一个高效的,充满竟争的金融体系将是中国快速成长的经济的发动机,同时这也为美国的制造业,农场主及其它服务提供者提供了良好的机会。

    A competitive and efficient financial sector will be an engine for growth in China 's fast-growing economy , providing opportunities for American manufacturers , farmers , and other service providers .

  21. 本届政府的目标一定是一个健康和成长的经济,没有歧视地为所有美国人提供平等的机会。

    Well , this Administration 's objective will be a healthy , vigorous , growing economy that provides equal opportunities for all Americans with no barriers born of bigotry or discrimination .

  22. 上市公司是促进我国经济发展的优秀企业代表,上市公司的成长是经济整体成长的前提。

    The listed company is the represent of outstanding enterprise that brings about an advance in the economy of our country , the growth of listed company is the prerequisite that economy grow up wholly .

  23. 中国不断成长的经济实力,特别是像刘益谦这样的中国巨富收藏家帮助香港成为了世界拍卖中心之一,同时也推动世界拍卖价格一路水涨船高。

    Growing economic power from China , especially from super-rich Chinese collectors like Liu has contributed to Hong Kong 's transformation into one of the world 's auction hubs , and inflated prices around the globe .

  24. 企业的成长,经济的转轨,市场竞争的加剧和知识经济的兴起都迫切需要企业在经营理念,组织结构方面进行相应的调整和创新。

    The up-coming of the growth of enterprises , the economic revolution , the brutalizing of market competition and the coming of intellectual economy urgently require relative adjustment and creativeness of enterprises in the fields of management theory and organization structures .

  25. 证券化的趋势日渐明显,由证券化推动形成的虚拟经济正成长为经济发展的主导部分,而证券也逐步成为人们拥有财富的重要方式。

    With the more obvious trend of securitization , the growth of the insubstantial economy driven by securitization is becoming the leading sector in the whole economic growth , and the security is becoming one of the major means people possess the wealth .

  26. 因此,探索中国工程咨询企业核心竞争力的构建要素,寻求提升企业市场竞争能力,对于我国企业成长和经济发展具有重要意义。

    Therefore , exploring the key elements forming the core competition of the engineering consulting enterprises in China and trying to improve the competitive edge of the enterprises on the market have great significance to the growth and economic ( development ) of the enterprises in our country .

  27. 因此,KCI以“重信客户要求”的创业精神满足客户要求并为日益发展成长的中国经济出力。

    Therefore , KCI to the " letter customer requirements ," the entrepreneurial spirit to meet customer requirements and the increasing growth of China 's economic development efforts .

  28. 卡米勒称,自信的一个原因是,trumpf向很多资本设备领域的公司出售产品,而这些公司又把产品出口给中国这类成长中的经济体。

    One reason for being confident , she said , was that TRUMPF sold to many companies in the field of capital equipment that exported goods to growing economies such as China .

  29. 农业金融成长对于农业经济发展的意义重大。

    Agricultural finance ? growing is important to the development of agricultural economy .

  30. 中国金融成长态势与经济发展思路的关联分析

    The Internal Connections between Finance Development and Economy Development