
  • 网络non-state owned economy
  1. 这样,就需要采取有力的措施,加快国有企业改革和非国有经济的发展。

    Therefore , it 's urgent to take the effective measure to accelerate the development of state-owned enterprises reform and non-state owned economy .

  2. 俄罗斯非国有经济已占GDP的72%。

    Russia 's non-state-owned economy has composed of 72 % of its GDP .

  3. 非国有经济发展程度、外商直接投资(FDI)、进出口贸易总额以及地理位置都会对省际技术效率有着显著的影响。

    The development degree of the non state-owned economy , the foreign direct investment ( FDI ), the amount of imports and exports , and the region all influence the technical efficiency .

  4. 非国有经济融资的瓶颈剖析及路径选择

    Analysis of the Obstacles and the Way-out of Non-State-Owned Economic Financing

  5. 西部非国有经济发展战略问题探讨

    The Stratagem Problem Study to Develop Non-national Economy of West Area

  6. 而与此同时,非国有经济蓬勃发展。

    At the same time , nonstate-owned economy is thriving .

  7. 非国有经济的成长与国有企业的民营化&以中国经济转型为背景的分析

    Growing of Non-state Economy and Privatization of State-owned Enterprise

  8. 非国有经济在西部开发中大有可为

    Non-State Economy 's Important Role in West China Development

  9. 非国有经济发展与金融支持研究

    Research on Development of Non-state Economy and Financial Sustentation

  10. 辽宁省所有制结构调整与非国有经济发展对策

    The Ownership Structure Adjustment and Measures for Non-state Economic Development in Liaoning Province

  11. 非国有经济信贷融资困境的理性认识

    Rational Cognition of Credit Financing Predicament of Non-state-owned Economy

  12. 陕西非国有经济的实证分析

    A Demonstration Analysis of Non-National Economy in Shaanxi

  13. 最后,本文运用该原理对非国有经济的走势进行了浅析。

    At last , Non state owned economy trends are analysed with the principle .

  14. 西部大开发与西部非国有经济的发展

    Great developing in western regions and the development of the economy in private sector

  15. 由此,政府及其官员就对国有企业和国有经济保护、输血、倾斜、扶持,对非国有经济态度消极甚至歧视。

    So the government supports the state economy and neglects the non - state economy .

  16. 非国有经济的间接金融支持

    Indirect finance support to non-state-owned economy

  17. 边际产业规模波动递增原理及其对非国有经济走势的浅析

    The Principle of Fluctuating Increment of Marginal Industrial Scale for Analysing Non State Owned Economy Trend

  18. 动力·激励·非国有经济的发展

    Motivation Stimulus Growth of Non-state-owned Economy

  19. 非国有经济的发展是关键因素。

    As well as the factors of non-national economic development , which is also the key element .

  20. 在非国有经济的发展过程中,自身因素、市场准入及市场条件等多方面的问题阻碍了其发展。

    Non-state-owned economy itself , market entry and market condition may become obstacles in the development process .

  21. 大力发展非国有经济&重庆经济快速发展的重要战略措施

    Develop Chongqing 's Non-National Economy

  22. 正是国有和非国有经济部门之间的资源转移使中国市场化过程中的增长与波动具有不同的特征。两大部类再生产数学模型研究

    There is resource transfer between the two sectors . The Mathematical Model for Reproduction in Two Large Sectors

  23. 该文阐述了证券市场在我国产业结构调整中的作用,如有利于国家进行增量调整、实现资源的合理配置及国家对非国有经济实施调控等;同时。

    The paper illustrates the function of the securities market in the adjustment of industrial structure in the country .

  24. 非国有经济的增长是符合我国解放生产力、发展生产力的价值观的。

    The growth of non-state economy conforms to the values that our country is emancipating and developing the productive forces .

  25. 从需求方面看,民间金融的需求主体有:农户、非国有经济。

    From the demand side of informal finance market , the main demand are : the farmers , non-state-owned economy .

  26. 国有经济布局调整应与降低非国有经济进入壁垒有机地结合起来。

    The adjustments in the distribution of state-owned economy should combine with the drop of entering barrier to non-state-owned economy .

  27. 我国社会经济结构已发生了重大变化,非国有经济成为就业主要载体,劳动权的保障呈现出新的特点。

    Social and economic structures in China have changed substantially , with non-state economy becoming the major sector of employment .

  28. 但非国有经济在经过改革初期的迅速增长之后发展势头渐缓,其中最重要的因素是其面临的融资困境。

    After a high-speed development , the non-governmental economy output decreased gradually and the most important cause is its financing plight .

  29. 加速推进城市化是我国实现第三步战略目标的重要战略措施。大力发展非国有经济&重庆经济快速发展的重要战略措施

    Accelerating the pace of urbanization is an important strategic measures for achieving the third-step strategic goal . Develop Chongqing 's Non-National Economy

  30. 随着非国有经济的不断发展壮大,非国有经济在国计民生中的重要作用同益凸现出来。

    Non-state economy plays more and more import roles in the national economy day by day as non-state economy unceasingly grows strong .