
  • 网络Nonverbal communication;Non-verbal;non-verbal communication
  1. 我一直在读一本有关非言语交际的书,因此

    I had been reading a book about non-verbal communication so

  2. 英语口语考试中的非言语交际因素

    The Non-verbal Communication Components in Oral English Tests

  3. 你的姿势是非言语交际中不可分割的一部分。

    Your posture is an integral part of your nonverbal conversation .

  4. 文化差异对非言语交际影响的研究

    A Study on the Influences of Cultural Variation on Nonverbal Communication

  5. 非言语交际在人类的交际中起着举足轻重的作用,甚至在某种程度上来说,非言语交际比言语交际更重要。

    Nonverbal communication plays an important role in human communication .

  6. 人类的交际有两种方式:言语交际与非言语交际。

    Human communication covers two forms : verbal and nonverbal .

  7. 论外语课堂教学中跨文化非言语交际能力的培养

    On Cultivating Intercultural Nonverbal Communicative Competence in FLT Classroom On Communicative Teaching

  8. 非言语交际是指一切不使用语言进行的交际活动。

    Nonverbal communication means communicating with each other without using verbal language .

  9. 它是我们非言语交际中的一个重要部分。

    It is an important part in our nonverbal communication .

  10. 非言语交际构成了任何交流的很大一部分。

    Non-verbal elements form a major part of any communication .

  11. 汉英表达非言语交际的语汇对比

    A Comparison of the English and Chinese Idioms That Express the Nonverbal Communication

  12. 中美非言语交际中的时空观差异与外语教学

    Temporal-Spatial Differences in Nonverbal Communication between Chinese and Americans : Implications for Flt

  13. 二是忽视了上下文中非言语交际描述的功能。

    Neglecting functions of nonverbal communication in the context .

  14. 高校英语专业口语课堂的教师非言语交际行为

    Teachers ' Nonverbal Behavior in Oral English Course of College English Major Classes

  15. 中美大学生非言语交际中个人主义&集体主义倾向的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on Individualism-Collectivism Tendency of Sino-American College Students in Nonverbal Communication

  16. 语际语用学与跨文化语用能力的培养言语交际与非言语交际中的语义共建

    Inter-language Pragmatics and the Cultivation of Inter-cultural Communicative Ability

  17. 更专业些的名字是非言语交际。

    Its more technical name is non-verbal communication .

  18. 非言语交际在人类交流中发挥了不可忽视的作用。

    Nonverbal communication is an indispensable and inseparable part of human interaction and communication .

  19. 在口语教学过程中经常忽略非言语交际的作用。

    The role of nonverbal communication is usually neglected in oral English teaching classroom .

  20. 人类交际的手段主要有两类:言语交际和非言语交际。

    Human communication is mainly through two means : verbal communication and nonverbal communication .

  21. 非言语交际系统的模糊标志

    Fuzzy Marks in the System of Non-verbal Communication

  22. 第三,非言语交际如肢体语言等。

    Third , nonverbal communication and body language .

  23. 作者认为体态语作为主要的非言语交际手段,也是一种符号系统。

    As a major form of nonverbal behaviours , body language is a sign system .

  24. 课堂沉默是教学主体的非言语交际行为,它具有意义的不稳定和不确定等特征。

    Classroom silence , as non-verbal communication behavior , its meaning is uncertain and unstable .

  25. 跨文化语境下的非言语交际

    Culture Nonverbal Communication in a Cross-cultural Context

  26. 试论课堂教学中的非言语交际艺术

    On Non-lingual Communicative Techniques in Classroom Teaching

  27. 非言语交际行为的特点和作用

    The characteristics and functions of non-linguistic communication

  28. 事实上,正如常言所说,非言语交际此时无声胜有声。

    In fact , non-verbal communication can , as the saying goes , speak volumes .

  29. 在面对面的交际过程中,主要有言语交际和非言语交际这两种渠道。

    Verbal and nonverbal communications are two channels in the whole process of face-to-face interaction .

  30. 有没有问题,语言,但对身体语言,对非言语交际。

    There are not questions about language , but about body language , about nonverbal communication .