
  • 网络Non-Market Economic Status;non-market economy status;non-market economy
  1. 非市场经济地位是我国遭遇大量反倾销调查和反倾销败诉的主要原因。

    Non-market economic status is the main cause of anti-dumping investigation and our losing lawsuit .

  2. 本文的目的是分析市场倾销和社会倾销的性质,指出,非市场经济地位是对中国的歧视政策。

    The purpose of this article is to analyze the characters of Market Dumping and Social Dumping , pointing out that Non-Market Economic Status is a discrimination policy to China .

  3. 另外行政复审、司法审查和WTO争端解决机制也是中国对欧盟因我国的非市场经济地位而作出不公正裁决的有效救济途径。

    We can seek relief through administrative review , judicial review and WTO dispute settlement mechanism if EU make unfair decision due to non-market economy status of China .

  4. 虽然我国已成为WTO的成员,但由于我国入世在反倾销问题上的承诺,我国在入世15年内应对外国反倾销时仍将受到非市场经济地位的制约。

    Although China has become a member of WTO , due to the commitments made when entering into WTO , our country is still subject to the restrictions of the status of non-market economy within 15 years after its accession into WTO when China copes with foreign anti-dumping actions .

  5. 非市场经济地位对中美贸易影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Sino-American Trade by the Non-market Economy Status

  6. 对华特保措施法律制度下的非市场经济地位研究

    The Research of Non-market Economy Status under Special Safeguard Aimed at China

  7. 中国在反倾销中的非市场经济地位分析

    The Analysis on Chinese Non-market Economy Status in Anti-dumping

  8. 我国对外贸易中的非市场经济地位问题探析&从法律的视角

    An Analysis of Non-market Economy Status in Chinese Foreign Trade from Legal Perspective

  9. 非市场经济地位与我国对外贸易的发展

    The Implications of Non-market Economy Status on the Development of China 's Foreign Trade

  10. 中国非市场经济地位的理性分析

    Rational Analysis of China 's Non-market Economy Status

  11. 这一观点还认为,正是由于我国的非市场经济地位才使得我国可以免遭反补贴调查的威胁。

    They also believe that it is the non-market economy status that frees China from the threat of countervailing investigations .

  12. 作为权衡利弊得失的结果,中国入世议定书承诺了中国非市场经济地位的十五年期限。

    As a result of negotiation , China admitted the 15-year-long non-market economy status in Treaty of China ' Entry into WTO .

  13. 改革开放以来,由于我国的非市场经济地位及其对外贸易的快速增长,一直受到反倾销的指控。

    Due to the NonMarket Economic Status and the swift growth since Reformation And Opening , our country has been under the anti-dumping charges .

  14. 在欧盟对华反倾销中,中国的“非市场经济地位”问题始终是困扰着中国出口商的一大难题。

    " Non market economy status " problem has always been one of the difficult issues to the Chinese export enterprises when facing the Anti-dumping investigation of the European Union against the Chinese .

  15. 近年来,新加坡与多个发达国家签署自由贸易协议,建立起愈来愈广泛、深入的自由贸易伙伴关系,而中国却因为非市场经济地位等问题,在许多国家遭遇不公平贸易待遇。

    In recent years , Singapore has established more and more extensive free-trade arrangements with many countries , while China is suffering from unfair treatment in international trade because of non-market economic satus .

  16. 近年来,随着全球经济形势和我国非市场经济地位的变化,反补贴措施已经成为我国贸易摩擦的一个新热点。

    In recent years , with the development of global economic situation and the change of nonmarket economy status of China , the countervailing measures have become a new hot spot of trade friction .

  17. 从非市场经济地位的内涵出发,阐述了对我国遭遇反倾销的不利影响,并介绍了我国争取市场经济地位的进展情况。

    Focuses on the connotation of non-market economy status , sets forth the bad influences of encountering countervailing due to the non-market economy status , and introduces the new situation of getting market economy status .

  18. 如何应对美国等西方国家因非市场经济地位问题对我国反倾销,是我国出口产品应对外国反倾销调查的关键。

    How to cope with the anti-dumping measures taken by western countries including United States on the ground of the non-market status of China is the pivotal point for our export products to wrestle with foreign anti-dumping investigations .

  19. 我国企业在国际贸易中不断遭受美、欧等西方国家发起反倾销立案调查,有复杂的经济和政治原因,但中国的非市场经济地位问题是一个集中反映这种复杂性的重要原因。

    Among the complicated economical and political reasons why Chinese enterprises have been frequently accused of dumping in the foreign markets , the " Non-market economy ( NME )" status inflicted on China is the most important one , which just reflects the complication .

  20. 但同时,美国等一些国家和地区利用中国的非市场经济地位频繁发动针对中国的各类贸易保护措施,给我国的国家利益造成了无法弥补的损害。

    However , the United States and some other countries and regions frequently launch various trade protection measures against China making use of non & market economy status of China at the same time , causing irreparable damage to the legal interest of our country .

  21. 这首先是因为与非市场经济地位规定相关的、在反倾销调查中确定倾销成立与幅度的替代国制度、反倾销报复中的一国一税制度让中国很难做出有力和到位的回应。

    Firstly , because the surrogate approach which is pertinent to the provisions of Non-Market Economy Status and used to establishing the existence of dumping as well as the dumping margin and single countrywide duty rule in the antidumping retaliation make China fail to make strong and suitable reaction .

  22. 非市场经济国家地位与对华反倾销

    Non-Market Economy Country Status and Anti-Dumping Toward China

  23. “非市场经济”地位正严重困扰中国产品出口,是妨碍中国企业走向世界的“拦路虎”。

    The'non-market economy'status , exerting a negative impact on Chinese product exporting severely , is the obstacle against Chinese enterprises tending towards the world .

  24. 造成这一问题的根本原因是贸易保护主义,非市场经济国家地位所导致的国外对中国企业采取歧视性政策,以及在市场竞争中中国企业的短视行为等。

    Its fundamental reasons involve the trade protectionism , the discriminatory policy of foreign countries towards China caused by the status of " non market economy country ", and the short-sighted act of Chinese enterprises in market competition .

  25. 除此以外,还对中国应尽快改变非市场经济国家的不利地位进行了深入思考。除此以外,还可以在产品(新闻)发布、演讲、商务会议、工程指挥等领域得到应用。

    Besides , this thesis gives a deep thought of changing as soon as possible the disadvantage of China 's non-market economic status . Besides this , it can also be used in product ( news ) announcements , making speech , business conference and engineering directing as well .

  26. 第五章主要分析了美国反倾销法判断非市场经济国家的法律标准,同时引出对我国非市场经济地位的合理性的探讨。

    The fifth part analyzes the legal standards in U.S. anti-dumping law , which leads to discuss the reasonableness of NMES of China .