
  • 网络non-public sector;the Non- State- Operated Economic;the Non-State-Operated Economic;the non-public sectors of the economy;Non-public sector of the economy
  1. 建国以来非公有制经济政策变迁分析

    The Analysis of the Development of Non-public Sector Policy from 1949

  2. 党的十六大明确提出要毫不动摇地鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济发展。

    Our leaders put to the unswervingly encourage , support and guide the development of the non-public sector clearly in the 16th CPC national congress .

  3. 非公有制经济代表人士政治安排的CS战略

    CS Strategy in Non-Public Economy Representatives ' Political Disposition

  4. 面对加入WTO给我国非公有制经济带来的机遇和挑战,我们必须全面地、客观地分析其对我国非公有制经济的影响,及时制定发展战略。

    Facing the chances and challenges from WTO , we must make a comprehensive and objective analysis on the influence and make a developing strategy for our non-public-owned economy in time .

  5. 在这个思Q想前提下,对外开放、鼓励非公有制经济的发展成为当代中国利用资本主义建设社会主义的现实途径。

    Under these conditions , it becomes a practical way to carry out the opening policy and encourage the development of non-public economy , in order to build socialism .

  6. 通过C-D生产函数衍生得到的计量模型,分析公有制和非公有制经济生产中投入要素劳动和资本的变化对吉林省经济增长的效应。

    The effect of change of labour and capital in public-owned and non-public-owned economic production on the economic growth in Jilin province is analysed .

  7. 正确认识当代中国非公有制经济的发展

    Towards a Correct Understanding of the Development of Non-public Ownership Economy

  8. 发展我省非公有制经济之管见

    A Humble Opinions of Developing Private - owned Economy in Qinghai

  9. 浅议新疆非公有制经济的发展

    A Study of the Development of Xinjiang 's nonpublic ownership economy

  10. 非公有制经济建立现代企业制度的选择

    The Choice of Modern Enterprise System in Non-public Sectors of Economy

  11. 加强和改进非公有制经济组织党的建设浅见

    Strengthen and Improve the Party 's Construction in the Non-publicly-owned Economy

  12. 私有财产保护与非公有制经济发展

    Protection of Private Property and Development of Non - Public Economy

  13. 非公有制经济发展动因分析

    Motive Analysis of the Development of Non-public Sectors of the Economy

  14. 试论我国现阶段非公有制经济的发展

    On the Problem of Nonpublic Ownership Economy Development at the Present

  15. 非公有制经济发展与所有制结构调整

    The development of nonpublic-owned economy and the structural adjustment of ownership

  16. 绥德县非公有制经济发展的调查与思考

    Investigation and thought about economic development of non-pubilc in Suide county

  17. 非公有制经济进入国防科技工业效应分析

    Effect of the access of non-state-owned economy to national defense industry

  18. 闽浙两省非公有制经济发展比较研究

    Fujian and Zhejiang Provinces in the non-public economic development Comparative Study

  19. 论非公有制经济宪法保护的重大现实意义

    Practical significance of the constitutional protection of the non public-owned economy

  20. 加强非公有制经济组织党建工作的研究

    The Research on Enhancement the Party Building of Non-public Economic Organization

  21. 南京市非公有制经济发展的地方立法探讨

    On the Local Legislation to Regulate Non-public Economic Development in Nanjing

  22. 非公有制经济与社会主义共同富裕

    The Non - public Economy and the Socialist Common Prosperity

  23. 抓住关键环节加快非公有制经济发展&对欠发达地区发展非公有制经济的思考

    Grasping the Key Links to Expedite the Development of Nonpublic Ownership Economy

  24. 试论河北省非公有制经济的发展态势

    On the development of the non-state-owned businesses in Hebei Province

  25. 欠发达地区县域非公有制经济发展刍议

    On Developing Private-owned Enterprises In County Region in Backward District

  26. 重庆市新一轮经济发展的增长点研究&非公有制经济发展的现状、问题及对策

    Research on A New Round of Economic Developmental Growth Point in Chongqing

  27. 党对非公有制经济认识的重大变革

    The Great Changes of the CPCS Congnition to the Non-public Ownership Economy

  28. 试论西部非公有制经济的优先发展

    Try the preferential development non-public economy in terms of the western part

  29. 提升内蒙古自治区非公有制经济竞争力对策研究

    Countermeasure of Promoting the Competition Capability of Non-public-owned Economy in Inner Mongolia

  30. 优化非公有制经济发展的政策与法治环境

    Optimizing the Policy and Legal Environment of Non-public Economy Development