
chǔ fèn quán
  • right of disposing
  1. 关于刑事诉讼当事人处分权的思考

    On Consideration of Right of Disposing by Criminal Litigant

  2. 出卖人处分权不影响其买卖合同的效力。

    Sellers ' right of disposing does not affect the effect of the contract for sale .

  3. 论高校处分权与学生权利救济制度

    On the Disposing Right of Academies and Student 's Relief Right

  4. 国家干预和当事人处分权相统一;

    Unification of state intervention and right of disposition of litigant ;

  5. 论高等学校处分权的行使及规范

    Exercise and Normalization of the Rights to Punish Students in Universities

  6. 第二部分介绍了处分权的历史沿革。

    The second part introduces the history of the right of disposition .

  7. 第一章是对高校学生纪律处分权性质的探讨。

    The first chapter is to explore the nature of disposition rights .

  8. 其二,民事抗诉监督是否不当干预了当事人的处分权;

    Whether civil protest supervision unduly intervene the discretion of the parties ;

  9. 论高校在英语四、六级考试中的处分权

    On college 's disposition right in four , six levels of tests

  10. 限制与扩充:经济模式、阶段性与处分权

    Restriction and Expansion : Economic Model , Phase and Disposition

  11. 民事再审程序中当事人处分权问题探讨

    On the Litigant 's Disposition Right In the Retrial Procedure

  12. 处分权受到限制或者有争议的财产。

    Properties whose disposal right is limited or in dispute .

  13. 高等学校学生身份处分权问题研究

    A Study of Students ' Status Punishment Power in Colleges and Universities

  14. 论行政诉讼当事人处分权之法律保护

    On Legal Protection by Administrative Proceedings Litigant Dispositive Right

  15. 处分权不应影响买卖合同的债权效力。

    The right of disposal should not affect the effect of the obligation .

  16. 公立高等学校学生身份处分权的法理探析

    Jurisprudential Analysis on Students ' Identity of Disciplinary Power in Public Higher Schools

  17. 二是权利基础:处分权;

    The second is the civil systemof appeals : the right of disposing ;

  18. 学校处分权的行使及其限度的法律思考

    On the Legal Thoughts on the Operation of Disciplinary Authority and Its Limitation

  19. 民事诉讼当事人处分权研究

    A Study on the Right of the Disposing of Litigants in Civil Action

  20. 处分权原则和辩论原则在我国行政诉讼中的适用性

    On Applicability of Disposition Principle and Adversary Principle in Administrative Procedure in China

  21. 论我国民事诉讼处分权

    On the Disposal Right in Civil Litigation of China

  22. 集体土地所有权的处分权应能得以实现。

    The managing right of the ownership right of collective land should be realized ;

  23. 二是监督处分权缺失。

    The second is the absence of disposition .

  24. 第三部分论述了处分权与审判权之间的关系,处分权制约着审判权,同时审判权也对处分权有所限制。

    Party three discusses the relation between the right of disposition and adjudicative power .

  25. 论高校处分权与学生受教育权的冲突及对策

    On conflicts between punishment right of colleges and education-receiving right of students and countermeasure

  26. 高校处分权的法律规制探析

    A Probe into the Legal Rules and Regulations of the Disciplinary Right of the University

  27. 对财产的权利包括占有权、使用权、处分权和收益权。

    Right includes the right of occupying , usufruct , punishing and surplus value gaining .

  28. 释明权理论在弥补辩论主义和当事人处分权主义不足方面扮演重要的角色。

    It plays an important role in offsetting the shortcoming of argumentum and disposition doctrine .

  29. 高校行使学生身份处分权的行政法治问题&由当前高校集体退学事件引出的思考

    Rule by Law in the Administration of College School about Students ' right of Status

  30. 当事人处分权原则奠定了民事调解撤诉的法理基础。

    The disciplinary right of the principle laid the legal basis of civil mediation withdraw .