
bà ɡōnɡ quán
  • right to strike
  1. 罢工权对劳动者具有非常重要的意义。

    The right to strike for workers is very important significance .

  2. 暂时取消罢工权的提议。

    A proposal to abrogate temporarily the right to strike .

  3. 罢工权的宪法思考

    The constitutional thinking of the right to strike

  4. 论罢工权应该缓行

    On the Postponement of Setting Right To Strike

  5. 劳动者罢工权初论

    The Right of Labor Strike an Legal Consideration

  6. 同时,对我国现有罢工权理论争鸣进行了分析。

    At the same time , we analyze some argument on the right to strike .

  7. 国外对于罢工权的确认经历了从禁止到逐步承认的一个过程,并且发展到现在相关立法已经比较完善。

    The right to strike abroad experienced a process which from banned to confirm , up to now the legislation has been developed many times .

  8. 同时罢工权也是劳动者在基本权利受到侵害时所采取的救济性权利。

    At the same time the right to strike is also the fundamental rights of workers are violated by the taking of the right to relief .

  9. 罢工权立法中存在的诸多问题不是反对立法的理由而是要攻克的难题。

    The various problems of legislation are not the causes that the legislation is objected , but rather , the tasks that should be tackled in the legislation .

  10. 东航返航、重庆出租罢运再一次把罢工权推到了风头浪尖上,将罢工权纳入宪法的呼声再一次响起。

    Eastern Airlines return , taxis strike in chongqing drive the strike right to the top wave again , people request the strike right into constitution once again .

  11. 本文的基本内容除引言和结论外包括四个部分:第一部分阐述了我国罢工权立法的必要性。

    In addition to the basic content of the introduction and the conclusion consists of four parts : The first part introduces the right to strike our country need .

  12. 罢工权作为一项法定权利,最早是在资本主义国家由工人阶级长期不懈斗争的结果,世界上许多国家都有明确的立法规定。

    As a legal right , the right of labor strike came as the result of the long years of persistent struggling of the working class in capitalist societies .

  13. 我国在罢工权立法中应注意:建立完善的法律调整体系,做到保护与限制相结合,保证罢工权的有序行使。

    China has the right to strike legislation should pay attention to : the establishment of a sound system of legal regulation , so that the combination of protection and restrictions to ensure the orderly exercise of the right to strike .

  14. 罢工、罢工权、罢工立法&以法律社会学为视角的研究

    Strike , Right to Strike and the Legislation on Strike & Research from the Point of View of Legal Sociology

  15. 但是,目前我国的法律对有关罢工行为以及罢工权立法这方面的规定却是一片空白。

    However , the laws of our country on the strike action and the right to strike provisions in this regard are blank .

  16. 在宪法及劳动法、工会法、罢工法、刑法中贯彻体现罢工权立法的指导思想。

    This should also be carried out in the constitution , labor law , trade union law , strike law and penal law .