
  1. 我的第二个问题:请问在美国的传播实践中,对法人名誉权的侵害方面有何规定?

    My second question is , in your domestic communication practice , if a certain legal person 's right of reputation is offended , how will you handle it ?

  2. 第一百零一条公民、法人享有名誉权,公民的人格尊严受法律保护,禁止用侮辱、诽谤等方式损害公民、法人的名誉。

    Article 101 Citizens and legal persons shall enjoy the right of reputation . The personality of citizens shall be protected by law , and the use of insults , libel or other means to damage the reputation of citizens or legal persons shall be prohibited .

  3. 收藏打印单词测试第一百零一条公民、法人享有名誉权,公民的人格尊严受法律保护,禁止用侮辱、诽谤等方式损害公民、法人的名誉。

    The personality of citizens shall be protected by law , and the use of insults , libel or other means to damage the reputation of citizens or legal persons shall be prohibited .

  4. 本文从法学角度,以新闻媒体侵害公民、法人的名誉权这一特定权利入手,结合名誉权的特点展开论述,提出自己的观点。

    This article from a legal point of view , begining with the specific right of the news media against the right of reputation of citizen and legal persons . reputation , combining the characteristics of the right of reputation to start on , and put forward my views .

  5. 法人对法人名誉权的损害赔偿可以参照法入产品销售量的下降,但在实际操作中,应该考虑是否有其他因素。

    Corporate reputation on the legal right to damages can refer to the decline in sales of legal products , but in practice , should consider whether there are other factors .

  6. 新闻名誉侵权是报纸、电视、广播等新闻机构或者个人在新闻报道、新闻批评以及新闻评论中侵害公民或法人等民事主体名誉权的行为。

    Defamation by news reports refers to infringement of reputation right of civil subjects such as citizens and legal persons by news institutions , including newspapers , TV and broadcasts , and individuals in news reports , news criticism and news comments .